#rainbow #mickeymousewaffles #rainbowwaffles #easyrecipe #waffles #withme #CrystalEvans
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Hi guys in todays video I want to show you how to make rainbow Mickey mouse waffles. There easy and delicious to make. You can make them for yourself or someone special there great for any day day or a birthday. If you you enjoy watching cooking videos and would like to see more feel free to hit that subscribe button and if you enjoy this video please don’t forget to give it a thumbs up.
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Green Pancakes 👉 https://youtu.be/MUpIs80Rp-o
Shop this Video 🛒
Mickey Mouse Waffle Maker 👉
Waffle Maker 👉https://amzn.to/2X03u9t
Food Coloring I used 👉 https://amzn.to/2YS6C9H
Neon food Coloring 👉https://amzn.to/2WK7Y3Q
Natural Food Color👉 https://amzn.to/3fAHAlD
Bowls I used https://amzn.to/3dBG9Bm
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Hi guys and welcome my name is Crystal. Thank you so much for taking the time to check my you tube channel. I am a mom to three girls. We are a family of five. Living in California. I enjoy making videos on you tube. I feel like my purpose in life is to help others. Each video I upload. I want it to have a purpose either to make people happy or motivate you to do something. Life is too short to let it pass by. On my you tube channel. I show you Grocery Hauls, What’s for Dinner videos, Recipes and How to videos, as well as Lunch Ideas What I pack for my husband lunch. I would love for you to follow my journey. I also have a family vlog channel if you want to see more mom life and family content called Familia Adventures. Links are up above. I am a mama bear who loves Jesus and her iced coffee.
Thank You so much
Love Crystal
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hi guys and welcome to my channel myname is crystal and for today’s videoI’m going to show you guys how to makethese easy delicious rainbow MickeyMouse waffles so let’s get started so Ialready started by dividing my wafflebatter into five different bowls thewaffle recipe that I’m using is actuallythe Christy’s pancake mix behind the bagof the pancake mix it shows a wafflerecipe which is very easy it’s justpancake mix water oil and an egg it’sone of my favorite recipes to use butyou guys feel free to use whateverwaffle recipe you guys really like andthen you can use as many differentcolors as you want here I’m just makingfive different ones and I will link downthe food coloring that I have Ipurchased these on Amazon so I will linkthat in the description if you guys wantto use these you can also feel free togo a natural route if you guys want tomake green all you have to do is mixthis waffle batter or pancake batter inthe blender with spinach and also tooyou can use beet juice to make like ared or a pink color or beet powder sothere’s different ways you just workwith what you have or if you guys wantto use food coloring also to work withwhatever colors you want to make with ifyou want to make the full rainbow youcan use as many colors as you want justdivide them in different bowls so hereI’m using green yellow blue pink andpurple I really wanted them to bevibrant so the green what I did was Ijust mixed a little bit of green withyellow to give it that green a pop andthe purple I really wanted it a pop aswell so I ended up putting a little bitof pink in that just to make it pop aswell a little bit more if you guysenjoyed this video please don’t forgetto give it a thumbs up for more videoslike this feel free to hit thatsubscribe button and please don’t forgetto share this video just to bring somecheer and joy it really helps my channelout so now what I’m going to be doing isI’m going to be adding some of thewaffle batter inside my waffle maker inno particular order but this wafflemaker I’ve had it for about six yearsit’s really one of my favorite I alsopurchased it on Amazon so I will linkthat down below if you guys already havea waffle maker feel free to youwhatever you have at home and if youdon’t have a waffle maker maker at homeyou can also make these into pancakesit’s not a problemthis mouthful maker I really like itbecause it’s the shape of Mickey Mouseand it’s also a Belgian waffle makerthe only thing is that you can make oneat a time but they’re really easy tomake and they cook up pretty quick so Iadd them in different colors you candefinitely make just one solid colorI’ve done that you can make them intochocolate chips but pretty much in thatorder that I just did I just did randomcolors made it look all rainbow andfestive and after between 4 to 6 minutesthey’re done I did spray them just alittle bit but I’ve never had a problemwith a waffle sticking and this is whatthey look like we added a little bit ofwhipped cream on top with some sprinklesand you guys will see that right nowand this is what it looks like allplated up these are perfect for any dayor any birthday just to make someonestay a little bit special not just kidsbut adults too will enjoy this I want tosay thank you guys so much for watchingI hope you guys enjoy this video pleasetag me if you guys make these on any ofmy social media accounts and I will seeyou guys on the next one[Music]