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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello guys today we are doing a how tocook so I’m cooking Hey wafflespretty good I’ve made a few house youknow you can’t see it but yeah I justgot it I just made a few I make them I’mjust a child I know how to cook[Music]blueberry a chocolate chip one eventhough I know it’s gonna melt but I amyou can do whatever you want you’regonna get some milk right there brightyeah so it’s pretty easy making this soI like to mix it and stir it very welljust go mixa mixa mixa[Music]okay so just gonna want to mix theflavors it’s good I just like to makethe mix in itself I want to have a bigbatch slugging scare oh it’s okay youdid on its own it’s just milk anythingbetter I miss chocolate milkoh yeah bit so who knows what’s gonnaturn out of this[Music][Music]not really so I like it to be veryfluffy so I don’t like add too much milkbecause then it’s just gonna bestraight-up sticky around like that intoyour thing in it it’s pretty bad youdon’t want it[Music]there islike nine of clubs like yeah liketowards like that[Music]okay look at that okay so uh yeah we’vegot to flip it over a napkin I’ll callthis a flipper napit’s kind of cool anyways um I don’twant to get with your own cooking I’mjust gonna have a little bit of sugarjust a balance of taste yeah I added alot of sugar well not a lot just alittle pinch of it and not a pinchthough but if it works it works yeah[Music]and then we’re done mixing and look atall that wild berry so I’m doing thewild berry mixture with mixed in withthat chocolate chip yes like yeah that’sso good okay so so if you can’t cut itand you can’t get out the pan you justwant to cut off the excess waffle put inyour waffle maker and blow up you got abeautiful brown pancake walk away anywayso we are going to next pour the batterI am gonna yeah hard to carry the thingthen you’re gonna want to pour the doughinside of the waffle maker I like topour a lot like I get like isn’t gonnabe puffing with kids show this is mostlyjust gonna be strawberries oh okay ohshoot well wasting my life anyways ohwe’ve got a it’s all I’m just gonna putsome right here right there I’m Americanman that cuz on it stuff was messy sothis stuff is very messy you get to cookit button but nothing yeah this is goodcooking for kids and I’m a child I’monly nine and I cook well um I thinkwe’ll see each other I when this pancakeis pinky his done[Music]yeah problems now yo e-book on I ahsorry I’m just speaking in the languageI created with some my friends I’mhungry but mo feeding because he says Ican cook on my owncuz I’ve cooked with him and now heconvinced I can cook on my ownyeahOhI’m a kid and I am panicking naturallythat’s really right now I’m freaking outum time of getting brown this other I’mkidding I’m on video this is gone wrongI’m cooking my second pancakethere were some stuff on the bed I wasmaking a little guyso I made um pancakes on the bottom it’sjust well so stinking good so um I thinkit’s timeoh ha have all the same it’s hot downyeah look at thatso the Carol’s new name is cook with meStudios small not studios just cook withkids cook with me it’s gonna be calledcook with me kids so you’re gonna loveitI’m capable of it I love Ritz crackersso like I don’t know what to do rightnow okay this is kind of good[Music]careful hotokay yeah you can give the raw stuff tothe dog if you have one I’m notoffending you don’t sorry I want thisbut the excess in me it’s raw it’s okaycuz it’s just milk and batter okay it’sjust smoke them back or you can justgive it to them just extremely hot wellthe big this didn’t go to my legI slipped cooking with kids don’t usenice well[Music]I’m starting through this umI am starved few bruises I’ve made upher towel under that thing I do not wantto fall again like I usually dooh yeahwellokay this time is lesscompletely just failed I’m still puttingmy shorts on good thing you can only seethe top half of me I’m wearing nounderwear so you have to hear that okayso yeah straight up just for the partsso we are going to go get the beautifultaste testers yeah kid don’t run aroundwith ice that’s the only moral of thestoryso we are going to go and thank you foreverybody herebye guys this is cutting the kid ifyou’d like to ask me to cook somethingcomment down below and hit the subscribebutton hit that like button in the faceokay I’m trying to be like subtleI have no subscribers okay