In this episode I try to make some fried chicken based off of Tyler Florence’s Wayfare Tavern chicken recipe.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
I am coming to you guys now with hellopeers this is Jake you’re president ofBreakfast Club and you guys have somequestions right nowlike where’s shakes throat what’s thegreen thing under here and why is itdark in that window well it’s nighttimeand we have to do phase one of ourbuttermilk fried chicken and wafflesepisode so I was supposed to use this soI was supposed to use a fresh herbs andspices but I was too lazy to go to thegrocery store again so we’ve got a bunchof pre done ones but this is freshrosemary okay guys we’re taking ourherbs and spices putting them in thisbowl with some olive oil to make adredge for our pre-baked of the chickendoo-doo-doo a quarter cup of olive oilgoing in all right guys we got a mincethree cloves of garlic[Music]alright alright put this garlic in therenice now we need to mix 10 bay leaves[Music]chef Payton cooking in the kitchencooking in the kitchen okay now we’regonna deposit the bay leaves no Peytonput it on my ear a little too cute mydelete later but uh got my rosemary herethe only fresh herb and we’re gonna takethis little sprig and three others for atotal of four sprigs and I go like thisand removeth the leaves and we got toget our second spray paint there’s a[Music]okay we’re gonna get one and a halftablespoons of sage a 1 and 1/2tablespoons of thyme time with the Y[Music]okay guys I have four pound chickenthigh Jakes personal favorite friedchicken chicken because the dark meat isa very flavorful very juicy and we’regonna rub these guys down[Music]flip your chickensdoes it feel okay guyswe’re ready to pre-bake these chickensso when we fried them we’re just gonnaget that much heat outside and thislittle pre-baked is going to get theinsides ready for our frying so we’regonna have to preheat this oven to 250degrees one hour later our chicken hassuccessfully pre-baked what that jewelsays might want to mention that youtransfer them into a buttermilkI want a tablespoon of hot sauce or ifyou like me little extra 1 teaspoon ofsugar okay now they use saran wrap yourchicken bat goes ridge overnight andwith that I will see you in the morningfor breakfast time[Music]oh I bet well here is once again it’smorning time and that means chicken andchicken okay so no spa experience becomplete without you know anotherdifferent component from the so now weneed a little dry path for our chickens[Music]for our chicken breading we’re gonna putin two cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup ofrice flour a 1/4 cup of onion powder 1/4cup of garlic powder 2 tablespoonskosher salt 2 tablespoons freshly groundpepperI’m just gonna eyeball this and once yougive up trying to freshly ground pepper[Music][Music]okay now we have all of our of batteringand coding breading materials so now wehave one large pan to bread the chickenon prepare for our fryer and another andthe wire okay well here in my situationand your mom doesn’t want you to mess upthe kitchen I’m outside crying in therain and so we’re gonna do that but youguys at home can just use a big panprobably cast iron and a bunch of oil inthat on your stovetop if your mom allowsit so we’re gonna heat this oil to 375degrees Fahrenheit crisp up our chicken[Music]okay you guys already seen my pancakerecipe and the modified version of thefor waffles pancake recipe andbuttermilk pancake video check that outoffer us being breakfast burger videocheck that out too so we’re just goingto speed through the process of makingmy waffles[Music][Music][Music]okay guys after washing your handsyou’re gonna pick up your chickens anddo the patented Jake double diptechnique so because this bowl is reallyfullyou’re gonna bread it first put it thereread all these first for one time andthen we’re going to put them back foranother soak in the tub and bread themagain to get extra brightness how’s itfeel[Music]double-dip time number one they all saiddouble dipped English bad well now youget to prove them wrongwho said that now your vegetable oil isheated to 375 degrees and we’re gonnaput that chicken into the hot tub just achicken in the frying basket burnyourself it’s big it’s very dumband that’s gonna cook for six to eightminutes[Applause][Applause]brother this guy stings[Music]what is wrong with my chicken[Music][Music]golden brown chicken[Applause][Music]I don’t think you have the facilitiesfor that big man[Music]I’d say[Music]and now folks after a little forayoutside we have some beautiful chickenand walls the greatest dish in all ofhuman invention kinda party[Music][Music][Music]another episode of Breakfast Clubcooking with president erectus of JakeFalconer see you guys in the next video[Music]