Waffles Recipes

Easy to make healthy waffles, breakfast, waffles, recipe | COVID-19 Week 3 | Boost your immunity

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[Music]hi everyone so today I’m gonna startmaking a waffle so so far I’ve beentalking about how to have no fat in ourfoods how to have more vegetables nothave dairy and eggs but the reality isthat we do all end up with those kind ofthings and so we have to have a balancedo we just end up with conveniencepackaged foods that do have the eggs anddairy and fats or do we make it a littlebetter with our own ingredients so wedon’t know doing the packaged foods andwe are using the healthy versions ofthings so for milkI would substitute it with organic goatmilk because goat milk is moredigestible for eggs I would get fromeggs so that’s if you can find thosegood eggs to tell raised by chicken thatare grain fed and free-range those aremuch better than getting any odd eggwhole-wheat flour so I’m going to beusing in my walk this whole wheat flourwhich is organic so now go find thatthen I have these lovely eggs that I gotfrom the farmer and we don’t use a lotof them so we’re not eating an egg everyday but okay once in a week I’m gonnamake a waffle and I’ll use this but thegood news is that because I’m making myown waffle then I can also add someblueberries to it and then if I want Ican add a nice cocoa powder to it and Ican really control what else goes intoit I’m not going to add any sugar youcan always add good maple syrup on topof the waffle of the pancake whateveryou make so with that what I did I tookthree eggs and I beat them up and theidea is to get a consistency so this ismy whole wheat flour and that’s half acup I’m gonna take little by little andstart beating it upand start getting that consistency soonce the consistency is to a point wheremeasure at this point so with three eggshow much flour depends on which flooryou’re using and how much fiber that carhas so this is getting nice and thickalready so I’m going to add a little bitof milk because I do want to have moreflour into it so that that makes a largewaffle mix and you know the ones thatpeople get in the packaged foodsometimes you start looking at theiringredients that all these packagedwaffle mixes and pancake mixes come withthey’re quite terrible so I’m gonna adda little bit more of this flour and thenI will add some more of this you coulddefinitely add some baking soda into ityeah so it’ll get more fluffy okay sonow I’m gonna make the same waffle mixthat I’ve made and make a pancake out ofit because you may not have a wafflemachine so that’s the amount of butterI’ve really taken and it is organicbutter I’m gonna just spread it aroundand let it heat up a little bit and thenI will go and so the consistency of mybatter is like this so it’s not toorunny and it’s not too thickbut you could try with a little thickeras well and it may not justmake full panky but I’m going to showyou what I’ve donemake little blobs of pancake as well andthat’s easier to pick up there so ifyour batter gets to be a little thickerdon’t worry about itjust put it in little blobs there andwe’ll see how that turns out there yougo so I’m gonna just cover this up nowI’m gonna add some blueberries on topand see what happens with that so yousee it’s already even without doing muchit’s already kind of shaping up three gookay it’s already shaping up over here[Music]and it’s a it’s a ceramic non-stick panso that’s a little easier there I’mgonna leave that in for a little bit inthe meantime I’m gonna go towards mywaffle machine and try and see if I canget good waffles there my son is more ofan expert with this than meI don’t know how much I’m supposed toadd in here but I guess it should coverthe whole thing there and I cover thatupflip flip whoa I’m going to do it on theother side as well and here I’m gettinga little more confident so I’m justgonna pour that in like that okay sohere these pancakes are coming outreally well and it’s easier when it’s ina small little portion as opposed to thefull pan and then I can flip it whoa nowthat looks really nice it’s almost likea competition going on between mypancakes and the waffle and I think thisone is gonna be a more of a guaranteedwinner look at that there look just keeppressing it a little bit and I know it’smore easy to handle and the meantime I’mgonna go and look at my waffle oh dearit has started spilling so I’m not surewhat’s going on over there with thatlook at that I have put in a lot ofbatter so it has come out but it’s all alearning curve so maybe I’ll open it andI think it needs a littleit’s not even been two minutes and I’llkeep looking at this it’s still soft andso maybe it’s still not ready think it’stime and later on and we know you knowwhat use this bag I’ll put this back indepth ok and here my pancakes are almostready and oh my goodness look at thatthe little blueberry thingy coming outso on this side you can’t even tell ifthere are any blueberries in there andoh look at that nowbeautiful so what to do to keep make iteven more healthy is I’m going to startusing my fruit bowlI made a bowl of fruit with any fruitsee why I put in some seeds in it I putsome maple syrup in it and it just hasso much goodness it has some Safranflour saffron threads and it has somecalendula flowers as well so I am nowgoing to nicely pick up one of myamazing pancake whoa and top it up witha little fruit or on the side whateveryou like now and then if you want youcan definitely add some maple syrup toit and you have a nice breakfast alittle bit of batter left and I thinkI’m just going on now pour all of ithere to make my big batches all sizesare good whatever you can manage to liftand there I think I am going to get someof that batter that’sspilled over and you know what I caneven cover it up okay so yeah look atthis now pancake is working its way nowit’s nice and risen up and it’s easy tolift so I’m just gonna go put whoa lookat that now way nice now just press it alittle bit in case some of that batterwants to lose out which a dozen which isa good sign I think that baking sodabaking powder actually did its trick I’mgonna leave it here for a little bit Ithink this this pancake is ready FreddieWow look at that oh and I’m gonna goplonk nice but the big surprise that Iam waiting for is the waffles whoa whoanice not bad look at that let’s see whoaawesomewhoo-hoo Wow and what’s gonna happen onthis side dudelet’s see I mean okay I can open it onetwo threeyes Dada whoa nice look at that Yahooand I have my amazing waffles and mypancake and yeah the maple syrup and youknow one of the things that I likeindulging is our leaf jam so it’s theweekend and I’m going to take just aquarter of this because it has eggsand milk which I avoid a lot a lot a lotit has not added sugar there maple syrupis my way of getting sugar which I don’twant to write myself off all the timeonce in a while and this and fruit andwe’re good to go so fruit sugar is notbad sugar okay just remember that and wecan talk about that later I eat a ton offruits and I’m totally fine with thatyeah this is the problem okay and theeggs will be a problem if I start eatinga lot of it so for now we’re going to goenjoy our pancakes[Music]

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