Waffles Recipes

Cooking up some waffles

Come and watch me cook some waffles

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hello friends its mismo with miss Mosebeacon kitchen coming to you fromToronto I’m gonna flip this light on soit’s a little brighter so we made thewaffle batter last night right now I’mgoing to make you some waffles just alittle bit of a you margarine you don’treally have to because there’s oil inthe batter but it does help remember howI said that the batter was gonna thickenup okayit really thickens up friends so you’rejust gonna put some batter in therewe don’t have the little latch for itbut it’s fine just like that and thenfor toppings on it we have some peanutbutter so a chocolate I’m gonna open itsome mandarin oranges about theircooking and we have maple syrup we havesome curious friends brought this backbecause dark meat will syrup is likebeyond compare my gosh dark robustataste so easy that’s to open these overfootball because as you see the juiceexplodes in a bit this candle is gettingolder any it makes it so that there’s nosharp edge apparently because they’renot sharpnow I like to drink this juice so up toyou if you want to do the same you canput any kind of topping to see it’s noteven coming free so that’s definitelynot cooked I might just leave you therefor a couple of seconds while I cookand you can listen to the sizzlewe’ll come to this afterso you’re puffing up friends waffles aregrowing mmm so today we are making thelasagna and there’s a homemade sauce ifyou just heard me talking to axel I’mgonna go and get some peppers andcarrotsyou need tomatoes garlic onion firetruck you don’t need a fire truck butthere’s one time[Music]so prettyrecycle old today okaythere you go my friend waffles thisbatter that I showed you makes about sixthis is getting oldthat’s my things are sticking to it youdon’t have to try and find one swappingso we have to be super careful thoughcuz we are gluten free so we can’t havecoffee all right I’m gonna put mine inand then I will come back and do amukbang when I’m eating my friendI lied this is not gonna make six thisweek maybe five but I’m really makingthem big there Joethank you for watching don’t forget toLike comment subscribeit’s a notification bound so that youknow when we upload a new video we loveyou keep smiling

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