Pies Recipes

Vintage Recipe Collab | 10940’s Chocolate Cream Pie, Fluffy Eggs and Peanut Butter Sandwich

Hi Everyone! today I am joining a wonderful group of ladies hosted by Sweet and Simple home and Nicole Northgarden to bring you a Vintage Recipe collab. This was such a fun video to make and today I will be sharing with you three very easy recipes which I found in two vintage cookbooks from my collection.

Once you are done watching my video make sure you check out the playlist below so you can watch all the wonderful videos in this collab.


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Vintage Recipe Collab Playlist:

Rachel from Sweet and Simple Home https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6nuWaJxDqA5sEGj9wsw—g

Nicole from Nicole Northgarden https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClxEsdjLJLRXqI9-fKq4wzg


Jaime from Bored or Bananas

Erin from Gentle Thrifty Mama

Robin from Robin Johnson

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Vintage Cookbook: Hamilton Ross Modern Cook Book

Chocolate Cream Pie:

2Cups Milk, 4 eggs yolks, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 Tablespoon butter, pie crust baked, sweet chocolate.

Prebake pie crust set aside.
In Saucepan heat milk to steaming but not boiling.
Beat yolk together, add sugar, mix well, add flour, mix well.
Add milk to yolk mixture, small amounts at a time, mixing well then add more milk.
Transfer to a saucepan and cook over med-low heat, stirring often till mixture and thick, and smooth, about 15 minutes.
Remove from heat, add butter, mix, add chocolate, mix.
Transfer to bake pie crust, cool and refrigerate until set.
Top with whip cream.

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Vintage Cookbook: The American Woman’s Cook Book:

Fluffy Eggs

2 eggs, two slices of bread, butter, salt and pepper to taste, grated cheese, paprika (optional)
Spread toast with butter and part of cheese. Separate eggs, place whites in mixing bowl, and leave each separate yolk in shell till needed. Seasons whites and beat till stiff and fluffy. Heap onto toast, make dent in center and place yolk inside. top with cheese Bake at 350 degrees approx 10 to 15 minutes, till cheese, is brown and eggs are set.

Peanut Butter and Pickle Sandwich
peanut butter, two slices of bread, dill pickles

Lightly toast bread, spread both pieces with peanut butter, top with pickles

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Email: thesuperwife@msn.com

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Robin Johnson
P.O. Box #16
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#robinjohnson #vintagerecipecollab

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Video Transcription

hi everyone its Robyn and welcome backso today I am participating in a vintagerecipe collab hosted by Rachel fromsweet and simple home and Nicole fromNicole North garden there’s also a fewother youtube friends of mine who arejoining in so i want to have ahandy-dandy playlist for you guys downin the description box as well aslisting out everyone’s names and theirchannels and i’ll link to their channelall the stood there for you to use ifyou would like which I highly recommendonce you’re done watching this video togo pop over and see what everyone elsehas made as well the challenge for todaywas to find a vintage cookbook which Ihave a few of the hosts in my collectionof vintage books and then pick out a fewrecipes to share with everyone I rightnow I’m very much loving the 1940s so Iwent through my stash of books and Ifound two cookbooks both published inthe 1940s so I found a three recipeswhich I’m going to be sharing with youtoday all of which seemed very easy tomake which makes me very happy because Iam not much of a cook I think likethings to be very simple and easy andnot to pop see if that makes senseso the first cookbook I’m using today isthe American woman’s cookbook and itlooks like this it was published in 19381939 and in 1940 and I love this booklook at how big it isah this has got like everything fromlike how to make toast to like you knowmaking prime rib and that sort of thingI actually have made quite a few recipesfrom this book already and I just lovelike some of those simple recipes thatthey have in here it is just amazing soI’m loving this cookbook and I am assurethat the recipes that I’m going to useout of this book will turn out quitewell the other cookbook I’m using todayis the hamilton ross modern cookbook itlooks like this has a beautiful spine onit and this was also published in 1940so of the three items I’m making todayone will be a dessert or will be asandwich and a one will be a breakfastitem so I’m gonna starttoday with making the dessert item fromthe hamilton ross modern cookbook idecided to make a chocolate cream pie Iwould ever made a cream pie before butit’s a very basic ingredient and itdoesn’t look very hard so I’m gonna giveit a whirl let’s see what happensplus it’s got chocolate in it so that’salways a good thing so let me show youthe ingredients and then we will getstarted on this little adventure so theingredients for the chocolate custardcream pie are 2 cups of milk 4 egg yolks1/2 a cup of sugarsplit 1/2 a cup of flour it also callsfor a half a square of sweet chocolatewhich I don’t have on hand but I do havea milk chocolate chips so I’m hopingthat that will do the trickwe shall see which I probably have waytoo many chocolate chips but we’ll seehow it goes I don’t think it’ll be ahorrible thing if it ends up a littleextra chocolatey the recipe also callsfor a half a cup of butter along with apre-baked pie crust which I have alreadygone ahead and done and that is coolingoff on the over on the counter on theother side of the room as well as acream whipped topping so let’s go aheadand get startedmixing this up to get started I used mymixer to mix up the egg yolks untilthey’re nice and fluffy and while thiswas happening I warmed up my milk in asaucepan until it was steamy but notboiling I set that aside off the heatand then I added the sugar into the eggyolks and then finally the flour as wellI used a spatula to scrape down the sidefor the ball a few times whenever Ithought they needed it once the yolkmixture was mixed together nicely Istarted adding in the milk you want tobe careful to only add a little smallamount of the milk in the beginning sothat it won’t curdle the eggs that arein the egg yolk mixture so I just keptmixing and adding small amounts of themilk and tell I had all of the mouthsincorporated it into the yolk mixturescraping down the sides of the bowl asneeded and continuing to mix the mixturetogetheryou[Music][Music]once it was well mixed together Itransferred it into a saucepan then overmedium-low heatI started heating up the mixture thisrequires a lot of stirring in the verybeginning just a little bit of mildstirring and then as the mixture startsto thicken you’ll want to do some morestirring because it’s getting hotter andyou don’t want anything to sculpt onceit’s nice and thick you’ll remove itfrom the heatat which point you’ll want to add thebutter and stir that into the mixturefollowed by the chocolateand as you can see I decided to go aheadand use all of the chocolate chips thatI had set out once all the chocolatechips have melted into the custardI simply aport it into the pie shellthat was precooked and then I use myspatula to smooth that out a bit andfrom there I popped it into therefrigerator to cool off and to firm upa bit the chocolate custard pie sits inthe frigerator so it’s nice and cool andfirmed up so now it is time to add thewhipped cream I totally cheated andbought some instead but I splurged andgot the extra creamy so we’re just gonnaadd this to the top of the pie as perthe instructions on the recipe I’m gonnaadd a lot because my kids like thewhipped cream and done voilayummy[Music]so the next thing we’re gonna make todayis from the American women’s cookbookand we’re going to make something calledthe fluffy eggs it seems like it’s kindof a spin-off of maybe like a toast withthe egg cooked in the middle of it it’sslightly differentit has intrigued me and I think it’ssomething that my kids would like a lotso we’re gonna give it a whirl so let meshow you the ingredients that we needfor this all right so for this recipeit’s basically however many servings youwant is how many pieces of bread and howmany eggs you would like so I’m going tomake two servings so I have two piecesof bread and I have two eggs which Ihave split I remove the egg whites andreserved the egg yolks inside theirshells for later and then we also have ashredded cheese I’m using a Colby jacktoday because that is my favorite andthen we also have salt and pepper and alittle bit of paprika along with somebutter all right so let’s go ahead andget started all right so the first thingwe’re gonna do is get out a baking sheetand then we’re gonna butter our bread Ithink we just buttered on one side itreally doesn’t say it just says butterof the bread so I’m assuming the sidethat goes down should be buttered justso it doesn’t stick to the panmakes sense to me all right so we gotthat there and then you top with somecheesejust sprinkle a little on there look atthatlike so and then we’re going to put thisoff to the side for now moving over tothe mixer we’re going to put our eggwhites into the bowl we’re also going totake a little bit of salt and pepper totaste and it go down a pepper so thenwe’re going to whisk this together untilit’s stiff and fluffy[Music]all right so we’ve got our egg yolk allfluffy now we’re gonna just kind of heapit on top of here like a dish I guess Idon’t really know how much each it getsbut I like that basicallyall right and then we make a little wellin the middleis not being very niceand then we add the egg yolks into thehorselike so and then we garnish with more ofthe cheeseI don’t know if it’s gonna taste goodbut sure this is like interesting allright so now we put it into the oven at350 degrees the recipe says to cookuntil the cheese is brown and the eggsare such I have no idea what that meanswhen I think I’m going to put it in forI don’t know five ten minutes baby Idon’t know we’ll see it we’ll put it upfive and then we’ll double check butit’s kind of hard to see the egg whenit’s covered with cheese oh well we’llfigure it out all right so done up andit goes[Music]so the last recipe I’m going to sharewith you today is a sandwich and it iscalled a peanut butter and picklesandwich it is from the American woman’scookbook but it was also from mychildhood my mother used to make themfor me when I was a child and her motherused to make them for her so it’s kindof I guess you could call it a familyrecipe as well and I have looked forthis recipe and cookbooks ever since Istarted collecting vintage cookbooks andthis book is the only one that I’ve everfound it in which I thought was reallyreally cool over the years I’vementioned how much I’ve liked thissandwich too like friends and stuff buteveryone thinks it’s just soundshorrible but oh my gosh they’re so sogood I love them so I’m gonna share withyou how to make it today it’s verysimple so let’s get started so for thissandwich you just need some basicsupplies but any type of bread that youwant to pieces some peanut butter andsome pickles these are just the regularhamburger dill pickles or you can getlike the pickle planks or you can justslice up regular old pickles I also liketo sometimes use the little teeny tinypickles that are super crunchy those aregood tooso to get started I’m gonna lightlytoast the bread I think it makes asandwich even better that is not listedin the recipe but I think it’s a niceimprovement on it so I’m gonna go takemy bread and lightly toast it once thebread is toasted we just add a nicethick layer of peanut butter to eachside of the breadand then we add our pickles and then Ilike to cut it in half and oh yeah babypeanut butter pickle sandwiches[Music]so those are the three recipes that I’vemade to share with you guys today I hopeyou enjoyed this video it’s kind of funfor me a little something different onmy channel I will make sure to type upall of the recipes and have those in thedescription box for you in case you arewatching to give these recipes and go ofyour own as a side note the fluffy eggsmy husband saw what I was making satdown in the kitchen and watched mefinish putting them together and then hewaited impatiently for them to get theoven and then he gobbled them up he saidthey were delicious and he does suggestadding a little bacon to the mix nexttime I make them which he definitelywants me to make those again they’rekind of fun I thought that was veryintrigued by that recipe and they turnedout really cool I’ve never seen eggyolks used like that before and then Idon’t know it’s just really neat soanyways that was a fun recipe and Imyself ate the peanut butter and picklesandwich because I love them so much andthen the pie we are saving for tomorrownight after dinner for our desserts butI did sneak a little bit of the fillingand it’s pretty delicious I did use ahalf a bag of the chocolate chips Ithink if I ever make it again I’ll usethe whole bag because yes it’schocolatey but in my estimation it’s notchocolaty enough so I think all threerecipes turned out very nicely I’m veryhappy with them and I would definitelysuggest giving them a whirl if you’re atall interested so now I am hoping thatyou will take advantage of the playlistin the description box and go check outeveryone else’s channels and see whatthey have made to share with you itshould be a lot of fun I’m excited to goover and check out everyone’s channelsas well and of course while you’re overthere make sure you give them a littlelove down in the comment section I wouldappreciate that very much that would beoh so lovely of you to do that alright Iguess that is givenfor me today thanks so much for stoppingby and hanging out with me today Iappreciate it as always and until thenext video have yourself a great day andI will see you very soon bye now

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