Pies Recipes

Southern Dirt Pie — No Bake Dessert Recipe!!

OK y’all, in today’s video Skyla and I are gonna share a true southern dessert with you & y’all!! This dessert is quick, easy and sure to put smiles on everyone’s face!! Check it out and I thank ya for watching!!

Southern Dirt Pie
8 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup butter (melted)
1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 boxes of French Vanilla pudding (small boxes)
3 1/2 cup cold milk
12 oz Cool Whip
6 cups/ 1 1/2 packs Oreo cookies (crushed)


Combine milk and pudding, blend until slightly stiff.
Combine powdered sugar, butter and cream cheese until well combined.

Combine the above ingredients together in one bowl and layer Oreo’s and pudding, should make 3 layers each!!

Chill and enjoy!!

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

well good Saturday morning to ya it’sDan I want to welcome you into my homethe sticks hope everybody’s havingshowing a good Saturday and hopeeverybody’s having the right fireweekend but I’m here to tell your needcentral Mississippi the weather’s nicesevenish degrees just showing up nice tobe outside before we get started on thisvideo I always like to mention that ifyou are new to the channel we want towelcome you and if you returning just tosee what old Dan’s got going on over Ithank you for coming back what I want toshare with you and y’all today isskyline I go and put together a showenough desert for y’all I’m here to tellyou if y’all make this desert tomorrowfor Easter you’re gonna put some smileson some folks face and folks are gonnaline up to get slapped because it’sthat’s good give me a second and that’swhat we fix in the dues[Music]all right what’s Kyle I’m not gonna puttogether for you today is I sure sureenough southern desert and it is calleda dirt pie by the way this is you don’thave to bake this you just throw ittogether put it in refrigerator let itchill and it’s a show enough gooddessert let me show you what all theingredients are and then we’re gonnarock on all right we’ve got one pack ofroom-temperature cream cheese 1/2 a cupof butter one cup of confectioner’ssugar or powdered sugar 2 packs ofFrench vanilla jello 12 ounces of somewhipped topping about 6 cups of crushedOreos that we blend it up in a blenderand three and a half cups of milk alsogoing to need something to put the dirtpie in if you have a couple of blenderswe use in two blenders a stand mixer andjust a hand blender and hold what thisit what we got to do is we’re going todo this in two separate steps but we’regoing to blend a set of ingredients inOne Bowl and when you’ll put another setof ingredients in another Bowl we’regonna put out three and a half cups ofmilk in this stand mixer let’s just addour french vanilla pudding drop it intherepinch Fenella pudding in there let’s putthis baby down I’m gonna lock it we’regonna get to blending it now what we’regonna do is while this is blending andwe’re gonna want to blend this for aboutI don’t know two or three minutes whilethat’s doing that we’re gonna dump somemore ingredients into this bowl andwe’re gonna use a hand mixer to do thatall right there’s our confectioner sugarcream cheesehere’s our half of cup of buttersoftened in the microwave alright herewe gowe also have to incorporate in somewhipped cream to that mixture so we’rejust going to eyeball this it’s supposedto be about 12 ounces you think aboutthat much like it’s really gonna tastebad if you put a little bit too muchwhipped cream in it get that in therething then flew off what in the hell’sfire okay alright there we go yeah weworking with I’m gonna call that goodall right our jello has been whipping upright nicely add other mixture in let’sget to mixing this up nowall right Ivan got fired because I donebroke stuff and didn’t make stuff rightScylla’s fitting uh finished this dirtpie so let’s let’s watch that okay Oreosfirst you gotta make layers with it I’mgonna get somea little bit more Oreos morally puddinusually it’s about three layers of peaceyou gonna save enough Oreos to go on thetop okayoh yeah I’ll work out nice the last timewe did this we ran out of Oreos so wehad like more than enough Oreos thistime I’m here to tell you this thinglooks good and it’s really simple -there you go and it’s all it is is justalternating layers of French vanillajello and Oreo cookies why do they callit dirt pies reckon I don’t know I guessthis looks like dirt I don’t know somepeople put it in a flower pot and putgummy worms on top to make it look likea dirt bath lien doing that without goodto gonow the the only thing left to do withthis is just put it in refrigerator andjust let it chill for a little whilewell I was just informed that youactually don’t have to put it inrefrigerator you can just leave it outand just heat it like that I don’t knowbut it’s better cold well there you haveitshowing off no bake dirt pie showing offsouthern favorite we Schuyler makes itevery now and then over it it’s a reallygood dessert and it’s really easy tomake and you don’t have to bake it Iguarantee you folks are gonna like it soagain I hope everybody’s having ashowing up good Saturday I hopeeverybody’s taking care of ourselvesamid this crisis that we have going onso before I in this video I’d also liketo say from the homeless sticks familyto you and yours we hope everybody has agood Easter for us we expecting someshowing up storms to come in but no nowe just have to see how that plays outbut we wanted to say Happy Easter toeveryone if you like this video give ita thumbs up they help if you haven’tsubscribed to the homeless sticksChannel Lord of Mercy I don’t need tocome on over a couple down look cuz I’malways doing stufflike making dirt pie with that be itsaid you know is coming down refereeshowing up always go say don’t letnobody do you shine you get your shineon Diana see you and y’all in the nextvideo[Music][Applause][Music]

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