Pies Recipes

Mosaic Jello Pie – No Bake Refrigerator Pie – Easter 2020 – The Hillbilly Kitchen

Happy Easter! Mosaic Jello Pie.

This is a very easy no-bake, no-cook refrigerator dessert. If you can heat water in the microwave you can make this. The recipe came from my mother-in-law who made it for her family for the last 60 years. I have been making it for over 30 years and everybody loves it. We have it at most family gatherings, but especially at Easter and Christmas because of the colors.

I had to make several substitutions in this year in order to make the recipe. I replaced the whipped cream with whipped powdered milk and had to make some of my jello using unflavored gelatin, lemon extract, sugar and a few drops of food coloring.

You can use the sugar free Jello and Cool Whip in the recipe to make a low carb, low calorie dessert. You can also eliminate the crust to remove all the calories and carbs.
You can use fruit juice, unflavored gelatin and real cream to make an all-natural dessert.

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Happy Easter! He is Risen!!!

Remember to put God first! 🙂

The Hillbilly Kitchen Teespring Store – Tees, Hoodies, Mugs, Bags and more – https://teespring.com/stores/the-hillbilly-kitchen

The Hillbilly Kitchen Verses and Vittles: Down Home Country Cooking – https://www.amazon.com/Hillbilly-Kitchen-Verses-Vittles-Country/dp/1671288971


1 -3oz Box Lime Jello
½ cup Boiling Water
¼ cup Cold Water
1 -3oz Box Orange Jello
½ cup Boiling Water
½ cup Cold Water
1 -3oz Box Cherry Jello
½ cup Boiling Water
½ cup Cold Water
1 -3oz Box Lemon Jello
½ cup Boiling Water
½ cup Cold Water
1 – 8oz Tub of Cool Whip

Graham Cracker Crust:

3 Different No Bake Pie Crusts – The Hillbilly Kitchen – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C61k1zJHs4

Whipped Cream using Powdered Milk:
½ cup Powdered Milk
½ cup Ice Water
½ teaspoon Real Vanilla
2 tablespoons Sugar or Powdered Sugar

Jello Substitute:
I envelope Unflavored Gelatin
1/3 cup Sugar
½ to 1 teaspoon Extract
Food Coloring
1/3 cup Sweetened Cool-Aid (Fruit Flavored Drink Mix)
1 cup Juice

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

howdy folks and welcome to the hillbillykitchen it’s Easter Sunday 2020 andwe’re making mosaic jello pie[Music]this is a kind of a family tradition andI’ve actually been trying to share thiswith y’all for about three or four daysand something has gone wrong every timethis is the third time I’ve tried thestories are kind of funny the first timeI had a chair right here which blockedeverything and I didn’t notice it tillthe very end and then I dumpedeverything everywhere so gonna be thatone the second time there was some kindof sound problem it was some kind ofwhite noise that totally covered upeverything I was saying so I’m sorry I’mjust now getting this up on EasterSunday but since we can’t go out and dothe things that we normally do on EasterI still wanted to share this with youand that this is how Brett and I arespending our Easter Sunday is we’regetting this ready to share with you andhopefully we will have it up so that youcan watch it this evening even thoughyou won’t be able have it this Eastermaybe for next Easter and like I saidthis is how we’re spending our EasterSunday so I hope y’all have a trulyblessed Easter that is filled with thelove and the peace of God even thoughmaybe it’s not filled with theactivities that were used to so let’sget started on this recipe and becauseit’s 2020 and we’re in the middle of allthis chaos I had to do a lot ofsubstitutions I’m gonna give you therecipe the way that it was originallyand then I’m going to tell you about mysubstitutions you need four flavors ofjell-o you need a yellow a red andorange and I’m using lemon cherry andorange and you need a fourth flavor thatyou’re gonna mix up a little bitdifferent and that is always lime in therecipes and you don’t want your limegelled super firm the rest of it you doand you’re gonna prepare these threewith exactlyof the normal box instructions you wantthe little three ounce boxes of jell-oand instead of using a cup of boilingwater and a cup of cold water you’regonna use a half a cup of boiling waterand a half a cup of cold water and ifyou want to make it faster you can use ahalf a cup of boiling water and a half acup of ice water and this will set upfirm if you do that in about an hourmaybe even less so you can make itpretty fast the lime jell-o you want touse a half a cup of boiling water andthen a quarter of a cup of cold water ora quarter of a cup of ice water now ifyou do the iced water it’ll set upalmost to the point that you want itjust when you mix in that iced wateryou’ll only have to put it in therefrigerator maybe another 10 or 15minutes I think I did this with icewater and then I put it in therefrigerator for 15 minutes and it’s alittle stiffer than what I actually wantbut that’s okay I’m still going to useit now if you don’t have jello which Idid not have all the flavors I needed Ididn’t have any lemon and you can usepineapple or something if you don’t likethe lemon and you can substitutestrawberry for the cherry or you knowjust different things like thatbut because I didn’t have any lemon Iused this unflavored gelatin and yourgrandma used to have this in her cabinetall the time jello brand stuff and itreally changed life by the 80s we hadforgotten what this even was and it’skind of making a comeback now along withfresh whipped cream because before thejello and the Cool Whip thing everybodymade their whipped creamwell jello Cool Whip came out it was somuch easier that people forgot aboutthis the other thing that was originallyin the recipe the only other thing youneed besides the four flavors of jellois a tub of Cool Whip now like I saidthe Cool Whip has kind of been replacedagainwith fresh whipped cream because Ididn’t have lemon jello these littleindividual packets they have the sameamount of gelatin in them as a singleone of the small for 30 bucks as a jelloso I used lemon extract and sugar andone envelope of this and just mix it upthe same way as I did the jello and youcan use this stuff in fruit juice and doa natural jello you would use if youwere doing just jello you would use oneenvelope for 2 cups of fruit juice butthe directions are on the package andthis is definitely something worthchecking out if you haven’t used itdon’t know what it ischeck this out maybe put some in yourcabinet and the other thing is mockwhipped cream I didn’t have any whippedcream and didn’t have any Cool Whip youcan make whipped cream out of powderedmilk but it takes a lot of mixing you’regonna have to whip it for at least 15minutes and to do that you use 1/2 a cupof powdered milk and a half a cup of icewater and just whip and whip and whipand whip and you still add the like 2tablespoons of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon ofvanilla so let’s get on with making thispie and I’m gonna whip my cream a littlebit more I’ve already whipped it a lotbut I’m gonna add my lime jello to mywhipped cream and that’s gonna be thebase for my pieokay you just want to mix that in therea little bit and when you add yellow orunflavored gelatin to whipped creamit stabilizes it the gelatin willactually gel in the whipped cream and itwill make it stiff and it will keep itstiff so if you want to use fresh realhomemade whipped cream and all yourjello desserts this summer but you can’tfigure out how to do it without itfalling after a couple hours the secretis this unflavored gelatin theunflavored gelatin is also what you addif you want to make whipped creamfrosting for cakes and stuff and youwant to pop it on you just add theunflavored gelatin to the whipped creamand then you can color it and flavor itand do whatever you want with it and popit on and it will hold its shape so nowyou know how to make jello without jelloand you know how to stabilize yourwhipped cream for your frosting but onceyou get the lime mixed in this allyou’re gonna do is kind of bust theseother flavors of jell-o up into chunksand it’s pretty easy to do especially ifyou’ve got some of these little bowlsthat you can stack it up in and put itin refrigerator and chill it but you canput it in anything I mean you don’t haveto have these these are just convenientbecause you’re gonna have to put severalof them in your refrigerator and getthem jailed and you can stack them andstuff all I’m doing is just crisscrossing it with my fork and then I’mgonna kind of slice it out of there sothat it’s cutting kind of smaller chunksyou want pieces of jell-o mixed in thisand you’re not going to take a mixer toit again because you want these piecesto kind of hold together you want to beable to see the color in your finishedpiemy kids like this at just about everyholiday but it seems like in a springtime around Easter it’s kind of specialand it’s definitely something that wehad on Easter because the colors in itjust remind you of spring the green andthe red and the orange or like all theflowers blooming and stuff andeverything kind of coming back to lifeand I think that’s how it got started asa tradition I originally got this recipefrom my mother-in-law and she made itfor her kids the whole time they weregrowing up and it’s a pretty cheaprecipe I mean if you can send her fourboxes of jell-o and some cool whip and acrust years ago you can do this wholething for like two dollars or less Idon’t make jello is 25 cents a boxanymore though now if you want somethingthat is low-calorie you can’t use thesugar-free jell-o in this recipe it willwork if you want something that’s allnatural like I said you can use theunflavored gelatin and fruit juice ifyou want to go really low carb in reallylow calorie you don’t have to put thisin a crust now you can just put it in ajello mold and it would literally havezero carbs and calories but we alwayshad it in the graham cracker crust andyou could use a vanilla wafer crust withthis if you didn’t have graham crackersor something else or like I said nothingat all but the graham cracker crust iskind of part of our tradition but youcan see how pretty all the colors aremixed together and like I said it justkind of looks like springtime I reallywish I have got got in this recipe up intime for you to make one for Easter butyou will have it for next Easter and atthe very least we can sharepatience with one another this year andlook forward to next year now at thispoint all you’re gonna do is you’regonna put this back in the refrigeratorfor 30 minutes to an hour an hour isbest if you have it because you wantthat lime jell-o that’s mixed in yourwhipped cream too gentle and get goodand firm and that’s what’s going to holdyour pie together and you’ll be able toslice it in pieces and it’ll be nice andfirm and and pretty to make apresentation with I also used to makethis a lot for my kids and I would putit in a like a casserole dish or asquare cake pan or something because I’ddo a big double one they loved it somuch that they would eat it and you justsmash the graham crackers out in thebottom of your big cake pan or yourcasserole dish and you can double therecipe that way or you can make two piesI think it’s a little easier to cut outof the cake pan though because you’recutting the squares out as strained asthis Easter is hold onto those memoriesand make plans for next year and hold onto Romans 8:28 because I really dobelieve that God is working all this forthe good of his people and there islight at the end of the tunnel now I sawthis morning before I started this videothat President Trump is talking aboutwell he has already formed a task forceto start reopening our whole countrythis next week and Tennessee is set toreopen on Tuesday all of the quarantinesare set to expire and the governor hasnot indicated in any way that he willextend those so while we’re sittingaround waiting on that those things tohappen this is certainly no time to stoppraying and we need to pray for aresurrection miracle that will almostequal that first Easter Sundaywe’d pray for a resurrection in truth inour country and in our world becausethere is certainly I mean the media Iknow we’re all shaking our heads oversome of the stuff going on and we needto pray for a resurrection of oureducation system because our childrenare being served a serious miss justiceand I think most of all most of us agreeto that too and we need to pray for aresurrection of our individual libertiesand most of all for a resurrection ofour faith[Music]thank you all so much for joining us inthe hillbilly kitchen and I hope wecelebrate many more Easter together ifyou haven’t already please click likeand subscribe before you leave and untilnext time remember to put God first[Music]

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