Today I help Blues Clues bake an applie Pie! yummy
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Video Transcription
first let’s track some butter to thesaucepan the butter is starting to meltuse this spoon to stir the butterwell done kitchen helper the butter isperfectly melted now we add water to thesaucepan[Music]Speight ah now let’s add some spices anda dash of brown sugar sprinkle them intothe saucepan spices brown sugar spicesnicely done kitchen helper now use thisspoon to stir it all togetherthis mix will be perfect for our pie weleave it right here for later huh nowlet’s make a very important part of thepie the crust will you help tap allaround the dough to flatten it into thepie dish great flatten the dough justlike this Haribo very good just a fewmore presses and we’ll have the perfectcrust now it’s time to add deliciousapple slices spread out the applesevenly in the crust now you’re cookinggreat job okay almost done just a fewapples leftsuper now we can add the filling mixturewe made before a scrumptious treat forblue and you to eat now it’s time to adda beautiful lattice crust on top alattice is a pattern that is used oftento decorate the top of a pie it makesthe pie look almost as good as it tastestres the dotted line to slice the dough[Music]tribal keep slicing beautiful now dragthe slices of dough to the pie to createthe lattice pattern blue is going tolove this delicious looking apple pieand now we are ready to bake mrs. pepperand I preheated the oven watch out theoven can be very hot so a grown-upshould always do this part[Music]youhere you go blue your world food todayis apple pie from the USA in the USApeople love to eat apple pie especiallyon Thanksgiving blue loves it wecouldn’t have done it without youkitchen helper Thank You blue love thisworld fooled so much I think she mightwant to make something else