Pies Recipes


Day 122 of 365 May 4 2020 day 61 of my world record attempt is The Best Steak and Ale Pie courtesy of culinaryginger.com on Cooking With Jon (My 1 Year Cooking Challenge)

#cookery #food #cooking #recipe

Hi I’m Jon and I am here to set a world record for most days cooking a different recipe from the internet without making the same thing twice

This is my new project for 2020 it is called the One Year Cooking Challenge I am going to make a new recipe from the internet every night for a year, I have not made any of these recipes before and I am not a professional chef or cook. I’m looking forward to all the different tastes and techniques this challenge will offer me and hope you will come for the ride.

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Video Transcription

Oh welcome back guys tonight we’remaking steak and ale pie and cookingwith John welcome guys my name is Joethis Sierra decided to go on a culinaryadventure I decided I was gonna cook adifferent dish off the internet everynight without ever repeating it’s been ahell of a ride so far and I’m watch tocome along for this is cooking with John[Music]tonight we’re making the English pubclassic the steak and ale pie fluffy piecrust nice thick ale gravy and that meatall that tender meat what’s not to likeabout a steak and ale pie the pies beeneating for thousands of years the daybacked above 9,500 BC the Greeks Romansand Egyptians they all ate pies but thepie didn’t take its modern form to about1420 when the Paris pastry guild wasformed nowthe pilgrims bought pies over fromEurope they were great during the NorthAmerican winters in the beginningbecause they stored the meat well in thepie but they lost popularity and sweetpies caught on now America is anapple-pie country food processors prettysmall guys I’m gonna do this in twobatches so we’re not our flour which isa 1 and a half cups flour to foodprocessor hopefully this thing holds itall butterher in there and we’re teaspoon of saltwe’re to pull stock until it looks likenow we have our desired consistentlywe’re gonna slowly out our water whileshe’s running so now we got her ballwe’re gonna pop and pop in the fridgefor an hour to restwow that dough looks great let’s checkout the filling without your oil 1teaspoon of one tablespoon of olive oiland a tablespoon of butter so now ourbutter and oil is melted we’re gonna addour beef I were to cook that on allsides until break so now we’re gonna addour carrots and our onions and cookuntil their onions are soft about fiveminutes so now our onions are soft thenwe’re gonna add our garlic ourWorcestershire so now we’re gonnasprinkle our flour in we’re gonna cookthat for a couple minutes making sureit’s well mixed our flour is mixed inand cooked we’re gonna add our 3/4 cupof dark ale and we’re gonna stir thatuntil it begins to thicken ok now ourstock a second we’re gonna add our beefstock our salt that is teaspoon of saltquarter teaspoon pepper 1/2 teaspoon offresh thyme and 1/2 teaspoon of rosemaryand and of course our beef back in letthat simmer for about 45 minutesthat’s some beef you look infillinglet’s make this thing water so firstwe’re gonna roll out out to about aneighth of an inch thickso how their pie crust is an error toput a piece of foil over top way downthe center with an oven proof dish or tobake that about Pullman’s all right soour 15 minutes is up we’re gonna takeher a dish off along with her well we’regonna push back down to let the arrowthe bottom of it I think the idea behindus is does we’re putting hot meat insidethe pie so it’s just gonna bottom thepie soft so we’re pretty cooking it sowe’re gonna tuck that back in the ovenfor another 5 minutes sit our cross thisout we’re gonna roll this but a 10inches circle for the top brush theedges of our cooked pie crust egg washthen we fill when we fill our pie crustwith our beef filling bushibeautiful now taking a rolling pin I’mgonna drape our top over it andthen seal it to our egg wash at the parknow folks pools in the top crustnow we’re gonna literally wash the topwith our rainy egg wash now our pie hasegg washed we’re gonna turn that toRobin on the Center Rock 15 minutes allright welcome back guys she is out andit is the height of my dreams look atthe hot that’s just gorgeous I couldn’thave as I said dreamt of a betterlooking pieson of a bitch well they say the proofsin the pudding but I guess the proofs inthe fire tonight let’s find out how shetastes grab piece at stake yeah go filmI’ll show her crust it stop WowI believe that is what pies were meantto me take a look at that Oh mm anywayguys there’s our pie well now we know abit more about pie and how a steak andale pie is made hope you enjoy whatyou’re watching guys if you did makesure you throw those thumbs up don’tforget hit that subscribe buttonwell I don’t think I want to see me cookjust all the comments I’d love to hearfrom youwell then another fun-filled episode ofcooking with John bye for nowI think I’m gonna eat myself some pie

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