Learn how to bake a chocolate chip pie in cast iron. Looking for a simple and delicious family treat? If you like chocolate chip cookies, you’ll LOVE this chocolate chip pie!
2 1/4 Cup Flour
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Baking Soda
3/4 Cup Sugar
3/4 Cup Brown Sugar
2 Eggs
1 Cup Butter
1 tsp Vanilla
Enjoy this chocolate chip pie recipe! It’s quick and easy will bring a smile to the face of your whole family!
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Video Transcription
all right everyone welcome back after afew tasty meals we are in the mood herefor a little treat so I’m gonna makesome dessert tonight and what am I gonnamake I’m gonna make chocolate chip piein you guessed itmy favorite cast iron should be prettygood let’s go through the ingredientsand I’ll show you how we make themfirst thing is we’ve got two and aquarter cup of flour we’ve got ateaspoon of baking soda 3/4 cup sugar3/4 cup brown sugar two eggs a cup ofbutter not melted but soft we’re gonnado a teaspoon of vanilla some chocolatechips we don’t like a ton of chocolatechips so we’re only using a half a bagthat you can use as much as you want andthen finally a teaspoon of salt also youwill need two mixing bowls a woodenspoon or our mixing spoon and also andelectric hand mixer all right so youwant to pre-heat your oven to 350 ouroven runs a little hot so I’m gonnaadjust for thatI’m gonna preheat our oven to 325 okayso right now I’m going to mix the flourthe baking soda and the salt into one ofthe mixing bowls and I’m just going tostir that all up together with a forkright now I am going to blend the coupleof butter the two sticks of butter the3/4 cup of brown sugar the 3/4 cup ofwhite sugar and the vanilla and I’m justgoing to try and mix this by hand for awhile maybe won’t even use the electricmixer because I think that will make thechocolate chip pie a little fluffier inthe cast iron and I’m going to add thetwo eggs one by one so I’ll add 1 mixthat in and add the other egg mix thatin alright I’ve been mixing that for alittle while I’m going to start to addin little by little the flour salt andbaking soda so add a little bit at atimeoops over the top there stir it inand a little more stir it inI actually am going to use the electricmixer just for a little while on lowjust to make sure this all gets mixedwell together should turn out just right[Music]six in the chocolate chips[Music]these are just all ready to go into thecast ironit’s so I’m gonna prep this cast ironfor the pie mixture I’m going to dumpthat tablespoon of oil into the pan andI’m going to just mix it around with myfingers and get that up or the sidesand I got a little excess oil in thereso I’m just going to stop a little bitof it up with paper towel and thenfinally into the cast iron this is readyto go in the oven but before I put it inthe oven I’m just going to cover it withaluminum foil and into the oven it goescovered at 325 and you’re gonna keepthat covered for 30 minutesyouyouthis has been sitting for about thirtyminutes resting and it should just fallright out onto a cutting boardbroke apart a little bit there but nottoo badokay cut this like a would a regular piejust gonna cut piece out here just tosee how it looks in the middle there yougo looks pretty darn goodokay I’m ready to try bite of thischocolate chip pie let’s see how ittastesit’s fantastic simple and delicious giveit a try I know you’ll like it and ifyou have any questions ask them in thecomments appreciate you watching thevideo remember to click like andsubscribe and little Bell if you want tobe notified of my next video until thenbe well everyone and we’ll see you nexttime