Hello Mhelabsss! 🤗😚 At Dahil nakakainip nag try kame mag luto ng Tuna Pie & Choco Mallow Pie na inspired from Jollibee, Try nyo din mura lang at madali lang gawin 😊😊 STAY SAFE EVERYONE✨✨ Sana makatulong sa inyo 😉😉 (Don’t Judge 😅)
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Product Mentioned:
Pan Bread
O-Puff Choco Mallows
Bread Crumbs
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Camera Used: Samsung NX Mini/Iphone 6+
Video Editor: iMovie
Thumbnail Editor: Picsart
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#MhelaiMagpantay #TunaPie #ChocoMallowPie
Original of the video here
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Waffles Recipes
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Video Transcription
so niggas is off its Meghan Mellie andwelcome welcome back exciting China[Music][Music]so for today’s video guys we’re gonna doa JV tune-up I inspired the long varriyanoga by nativism tuna by Andy sang chopon my loop – arpeggio mile ahead nowingredients Catalan I mean Adam Lallanapita bread no time kind of lesson Tinapie or brand up in a pie of Indian guystapas maritime the long egg diesel andwe have our bread crumbs now post melonsare you for the Puna file we needmayonnaise and Sunnah not doors optionala guy’s going sooner now may containspicy tuna pain yo so wet in Libya nowPinot pakka body wanna see booyah sooptional he became any excessive we arespreading webinar in Libyan then or thechoppa mollify acapella I’m in love notan eye at all oppa Nam my local guysmust make chocolates a little bettermaybe then he’ll Aladeen your Googlepseudonym I knew playing Lanamarshmallow then La Laguna Lana carrotnano classic chocolate bar within aindica step up in written annotationmamaia man you lose on the first solet’s start it capella my guys cause amonopoly on the scale and I thinkassistant share the same of opportunitypas de lima beans add a value here costeffective professional acting unifychamma you fight so silly nameI think Poonam and mayo and seriousimage Syrian guys Paris I think unify sopalomino fino salah and parmigiana youoil Machado subpoena vicunas they demanda wine for you inbred the Google Scholarmajestically above agreements are nowpreparing at all so a gorilla municipalsubpoena by Topanga Linden AvenueFilipov Edith Nia[Music]so the beatific expand this and I wassaying to the moon and ergonomic diamondguys spice you could say instead of youmet remark on their own genome of ahuman helix America why didn’t youclicks in oil[Music][Music]yes smoke before the race between thefight every single semana people in ouruniverse the battle you make yourself besee likely in this movie rightokay stop examines ammonium una Mayoyesso you is Sangha repo guy Sydney some220 ml the mayonnaise[Music][Music][Music][Music]- so can you pay me – Dan you guys I amsure so but Nalu Sasha my mimics dishesand of nothing availableguys now I think we’ll be yes if I may Ithink on my lordegg breadcrumbs stop assume tsunami landon you nothing and you slice bread Dianalet’s goso start I die squatting in a fight usooh naughty nothing from a pinch of mylow angle on again you know Shangaanyoung miss Amamiya SAP I’ll marry you sonothing talk about nothing then soinertia guys then rolled omelet inchesegg after egg the venomancer breadcrumbs[Music]much disease[Music]so at the end I assume a teen una ChapoMalachiyouso ethylene fight pieces nothingtrachomabye guys then same procedure announcedat Pune by – what I know is optimumOklahoma mix cool neo and Pune is havingthe best artists breath[Music][Applause]then called Luna Baythere’s a breadcrumbsgo in[Music]so I need another fire sir you see thatguys and if you pray for nothing seeare you super quickly go in it goodnessenough young man jobI’m comin on eating a 20-pound must letme hand you panel a promiseMagda shot my close family edges nearPasadena kidnapping your eggthey said that lol and you marriedBahama cool about Hindi my gosh I sayabout so oh wait a minuteOh am I in a Salah so yeah everythingnothing I’m so excitedVanka Citibank postoffice our communitylike Travolta for that Connie industryno you cannot pay you see you knowcharmolue pie or tuna pi+ in a votes atuna pie vengas me malik requestingcasino charmolue so yeah okay okay howvanilla philip array has then got noinfidelity pave has you know gonnacoffee and you’re my local business sosoon enough like nothing so guys in apie in it long you and pikathere is no salon is a blow to the pilewith your name a tingly ma-kun the pieand next night you’re adding chocolateoh so excited you know I thinktroublemeyer bass and the guy still ooh- now I think tuna pie let’s gothe title charger tripod Cassidy I meana few Kaduna like mimics drum I meanlet’s go buy some white okay so come onI’m 17[Music]go let’s eat Pikmin and nothing from youthe 100[Music]I sent over my loop by and it will youto the pie wagon guys yummersshut up then after in the money signalnothing don’t choke Omalu find nothingfrom my mouth okay it’s not meltingchopper Milo finally know again it’sawfully another way it winter formalokay nothing honey for smaller into themain squareyeah and guys that make you I think Joefor my love I said uh let’s eatboi-ing so in chopper mallow by not inthe panic milk you may lose not see youin chocolate yeah mmm okay good oh myGod we’re in a couple song my lose Namno Paladini how you let me melt thebouncer afternoon so perfect just didnotyou I think tuna painting de trop tropcenturies[Applause][Music]setup days so so gage Valentine Machadogonna go so I hate about your thoughtsabout her new sobre for whi from thelingo in highly inspiring 200 pesoslatina spend a minute or so he is a longtime pretty personal charm support youmay owe seventy two pesos you do now 33pesos so NASA hundred fourteen are thenew breadcrumbs twenty pesos lungs 160top assume all path now choco Melo willhappen financier 20 pesos Canyon guysand you deliver egg so you know perfectno perfect now and set up now nowmidnight snacks near or maybe antacidI’m a mean it’s not economical so thereyou have it guys that’s all for today’svideo and Toby you please subscribe onmy channel if you have it yourselfsaying please subscribe on the channelif you haven’t asleep the notificationBell down below par might not affectevery time one of my bubble videos andplease do follow me on my social mediaaccounts Facebook as its me Mela andInstagram at its me Mel anything sothat’s all for today’s video guys seeI’m a next one bye thank you forwatching stay safe everyone[Music]