Pies Recipes

EASY EGG PIE RECIPE/Tom&glendz vlog baking#3

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hi everyone so this weekend Linda sowhen I bombed a little tiny big iron anegg by go up on a pie and their bucketdocks in Huntington so just look andjoin me pongo me and then if you havequestions you just put it where you knowjust write a comment below and boom Isaid it’s a good boy okay okay game tothe point nothing anything chance it’llbring home my crafts my getaway openingokay so ingredients number Johnny is a 1cup butter 2 cups of flour and coldwater 1/2 a cup of cold watersarcastically my moonshine in the endLonnegan moshewrath was a french refrigerator shopperare youI say it’s made of butter in the flourso usually on butter but then even maybenot sure so that I kept on Milan poorchild owner for 30 minutes before anemotional spread sighs you know likethis like you know flat form you knowspace and then make any portion of floursprinkle on top and then it’s a boy awoman in that again optional flour allover and then okay so let’s do thefilling that so this is the fillingthree eggs and then one egg white soyoung he makes nothing no Meahso that form of the brown no copperpartner egg by Sonia come on to poi youinhale so it’s a really warm you need towarm up the milkokay so economical employs about okay soyou can you are in do it where thefreshman okay so yeah motion and thenthe sugar one cup of sugar and then oneteaspoon of vanillaokay so we’re gonna strike the pot okaynow so it makes nothingwhile you’re missing you[Applause][Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music]you mama[Music][Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Music]sorry[Music]when combined shower[Music]so we undressedjust an article manager for each weightso it can move cracks so it’s true[Music]nothing to sell that is rest a littlebit you know Morgan there so I just putit in the woman and read in the shot isit’s already brown on top you knowwhen men on the balcony big tile usuallyum we wait until it’s a matter it ittakes 30 minutes to 40 minutes but itdepends you know suddenly baked sousually if it’s already brown on topPanama silicon and the toner just put onlike a toothpick then the to solutionbut what happens to mama particles orany you know mixture or time I mean youknow you miss Trina but when I’m apencil mamait’s a toothpick that means it’s alreadyuncooked open[Music]just let bake for 30 to 40 minutes itdepends on a Benicia menudo and how youfinish product now so if you have anyquestions about the recipe that I movedby the pool for you only asked by thecompanion I’m gonna tell you theingredients and how to make it okay justput a comments below on the video thankyou and peace guy supporting my channeland so I can make more videos in thenear future and please subscribe thankyouokay then certain finished product myand a bit the shell tuition so as youcan see Browns volume on top yen it’sbecause of so egg whites[Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music]so it gonna down it’s like summerfor meso this is mine if I can also form alemon and ingredients just comment belowfor and peaceful don’t forget tosubscribechild please please thank you

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