Cookies Recipes


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[Music][Music][Music]hello everyone hello everybody andwelcome to the key cam in the fam it’s aday guys today i am making lemon cakemix cookies are you all excited so I’musing one box of cake mix that’s name issupreme one egg that’s beating one eggthat I beat I’m sorry and cool will likethat that’s it that’s it that’s it ohwhat a meal huh that’s it that’s itthat’s itoh no okay so I’m going to take my boxof cake mix I’m opening it upthat’s perfectly moist lemon supremeokay oh my goodness second child tastingthis and I got it all over me but here’sthe tag mewe have our oven set for 350 degrees andit’s all okay next we are putting oneegg just one and we’re going to stirthis in togetherwe have there’s eggs mixed in very welland now we are getting ready to add inthe secret ingredient cool well thankyou so much cameraman somebody can justnow be joined in the video and theydon’t knowokay so we have them mixed inwe making sure we got all of it now I amgetting mine this right here this washanded down to me when I was 13 yearsoldthis is the wooden spoonit’s the wooden spoon now seriously guysI brought this from Davos start likefrom Dollar Tree about two years ago Ijust wanted to sound you know likeextreme yeah did do well you guysbelieve it I believe it I believe it doyou think anybody watching this videothey’re gonna cry by how important thisone we lose yeah that’s one in dollarsemotion generation but now I can make asame like you dial was handed down somechefs around the world but now that’swrong dollars man what’s with themselveschildproofing everything I am having thehardest time with this Cool Whipgoodness okay look I need to get all ofit okay so we are getting ready to addincool hwhip say member it’s a cool whipso as we go we’re gonna mix it in okayokay so we stirring this thing we’re notdoing under this keister yeah I know Ikeep be Stern like she’s scared we don’tget ready to do that hangouts and fatherbe bald in this scene we sternness befollowedyeahyou know when I tell you this Mouseyeahgotta make sure that all of the bottomis mixed inyeah and when I tell you this cookie isItaly okay Ivan alright now what you cando with these are drop cookies so youjust take you a spoon and you drop thedough in and it’s gonna form a circle oryou could take you some powdered sugarand roll the cookie dough over the powersugar we’re not gonna use the powerpowdered sugar because my husband it’snot really a big fan of powdered sugarso we’re not gonna do that so this ishow your don’t look it’s creamy it’sdeliciousso what we can really do now we’regetting ready to get our cookie sheetthat’s already been all we’re here readyto get a spoonI know yeah like she runs to sink a lotyes I use mine think cuz that’s whatit’s for I don’t go in the cabinet justreach and get stuff I think that’s nastybut anyway we’re getting ready to takeour dough and we’re just gonna drop itwe’re just gonna drop our dough I’mprobably gonna make probably about eightwith this batch and my husband is justsitting there in his chair smilingbecause when I make these cookies forhim he don’t share do you all have nevereven tasted Linda cookies she nevershares and these cookies are going tospread and that’s okay so we’re gonnaput these cookies in the oven for nineminutes and I’ll bring you guys back innine minutes okay guys so the cookiesthey cook actually instead of nineminutes takes cook for 12 minutes are wegonna take these cookies and knockand when I tell you it smell salt okayjust like it smells so good nicely justout perfectly okayI’m sorry mister okay cookiesd smells so good so that’s the lemonsupreme and I actually had somethingwork in the oven and we’re getting readyto call key in so she could do herfamous cool name cookiebring you guys back what hello everyonewelcome to key Kevin the fam I’m keen itcounts the cameraman so I wasn’t makingmy school a cookies for you guys todayso I have this cake mix butter goldenhave to use that vanilla extract purecuz we bougiehalf a cup of stick of butter that’s ittwo eggs and some kool-aid so I’m gonnaput very simple because I’m aprofessional I do this[Applause]no it’s not related to the recipes okayand it doesn’t matter what order againI’m gonna put my butter right now that’swhat I’m gonna domaybe I just okay all right now mixes ofbutter in with the cake mix first yeahand is half of a stick alright two legsyeah without them it’s a wax yes oh soitboom you see thatbecause I do thisthe doubt nor do thisuh-huh you know cameraWowSimon get actually got a workout okaythat’s fine all rightand now a teaspoon of vanilla extract[Music]Wowand I’m going to stir thishuhokay now for the fun partokay so this is how much kool-aid I putin there it’s not the full teaspoon ohoh thank youmama centum is here she’s not likehelping me or anything yeah she get allover though I’m just nervous on me I’mtrying to learn how to not dumpeverything in there as I’m cookingthat’s what I docreate stuff anymore I’m always in thekitchen you know whipping up some stufffor realgreat oh yeah I’m stirring it and I’mjust gonna show off camera I’m gonnabake these yeah okay at the bottom ohyeah butter on my own tray hey mom okaythat’s mix that’s mix and you just useyour arm you’re small[Music]stop laughing that’s what I’m doingI’m sorry why are you laughing laughinghey I told my parents I meanprofessionally I’m I’m so brightlycolored I can’t waitwell thank you can that’s the nicestthing you’ve said since you’ve beenstanding here now he started laughing atme I said I was making some more cookiesum it is so for 350 and I’ll be cookingthese for eight to ten minutes and I’llbring you guys back about cookies that’sperfect that’s what I doChef Ramsay who is that I’m kidding Wowthere you have itoh I did fosterhmm all right so I’m gonna cook the restof this looking how much is left over[Music]all of that so I’m gonna cook all ofthat up and show you all the cookies Imade all the cool a cookies you’ve seenit here first I don’t I don’t care Idon’t care I want to get some bakelitecookies no you see me here physically onthis use who’s firstwell I’m outKiki out okay y’all so these are all ofthe cookies yeah lemon some chocolatethis is triple chocolate fudge oh andMichael Anthony so guys what I made minemy arm my lemon cookies wait I used oneegg and one box of cool will I did thesame thing with my triple chocolate andthere’s a whole Easter cake makescookiesI use the butter now what did you do thechocolate so I use the butter go to mixI used half of a stick of butter ateaspoon of vanilla extract pure coz wemoving and 2x and oh my gosh okay andthen I used not the full teaspoon just alittle under a teaspoon of kool-aid ohand I got this yummy another thing thedoctor nice cake mix was 2 for $3 wealready had the Betty Crocker cake mixand cool so all of these cookies underWow soft makes these to make actually goyou know okay chocolate okay yeah wehave on our gentleman we’re chillin sowe probably gonna get on some milk andkick back watch a movie and eat cookiesand play wonderfully and play withoutyou guys we would catch you all in thenext video well mine thank God forwatching bye I said bye guys don’tforget to share this recipe do therecipe and you do the recipe we will letour family know that you will share thevideo that’s weird oh that’s what we dolook at that it was close to breakingapart all rightokay I’ll milk after that watch ourmovie Hey this to you guys in the nextvideo game son it’s supposed to just betoo whatever yeah I know the peace sign[Music]

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