Pies Recipes


Janeena Channels… BAKING!! And a fun #ApplePie no less!! Will this be a new series? Hope you guys enjoy this! Here’s the #ApplePieRecipe I used:

300 grams of all purpose flour / (2 1/2 cups)
50 g 1/4 cup of sugar ( 2 tbsp)
1 tsp salt
3 tbsps veg oil, I used lemon olive oil
226g unsalted butter/ 1 cup, slightly soft but very cold
Mix and mash!
You can use a pastry cutter to knead mixture, but not too much!
Add a few drops of lemon juice and
1/4 cup ice water, little by little
Knead further, and separate the bottom layer + top layer and let cool in the fridge (use cling wrap or wax paper to store neatly)

A. Sauce
In medium heat add 8 tbsp butter
3 tbsp flour
1/4 cup of water and, same amount for sugar
Whisk, reduce heat, continue simmering for about 3 min, while stirring occasionally! And let it rest for a while in room temp!

B. Apple + cinnamon + lemon
Cut 3 big apples into cubes then put in mixing bowl
Add 1 + 1/2 tsp cinnamon
Add lemon juice + lemon zest in mixture

Mix apples + sauce to create the filling then set aside (room temp)
Get chilled crust from fridge and roll to make pie crust base
Add filling in, and lattice pie crust top
Bake for 30 min and set oven to 400 degrees F
*may add foil around pie crust edge to avoid from burning

Hope you enjoyed this and found it helpful!
What dishes or desserts shall I try making next? Let me know down below!

Red top by Una Rosa
Apples by YSL Happy Fruits on IG
#baking #recipes #easyrecipes

Keep on praying for our world’s speedy recovery from this pandemic 🙁
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Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next!

♡ Janeena

Original of the video here

Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
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Video Transcription

oh oh my gosh i still can’t believejanine channel baking hey guys welcomeback to janina channel sotoday it’s all about the apple pie thati made out of the bluei am so shocked myself i’ve never doneit before it’s my first time to everbake anything real but now because ofquarantine seeingeveryone’s foreign treats making theirown food baking their own breadi personally got inspired and i said tomyself why not try it as wellwhat’s the harm in trying we have allthis extra time looking back i wouldnever even wantto be involved in the kitchen but now mylife has changedcooking is a life skill and i guessaside from showing you how idid my apple pie for a first timer thisis just a reminder that you know neversay never there’s no such thing asimpossible you never really know if youdon’ttry it just goes to show that the powerof the mind is so important morethoughts about it andmore tips and tricks and hacks duringthe videothat i’m gonna show with my voiceoverhere is how i made my apple pieenjoy so first is the pie crust allyou’ll need is two and a halfcups of flour then add about twotablespoons of sugar i used cocoa sugarand also oneteaspoon of salt mix them all togetheradding three tablespoons of vegetableoil i actually used lemon olive oilnow time to add your unsalted butterabout one cupit’s okay that it’s slightly soft butmake sure that it’s still very coldtough on mixing and mashing you can alsouse a pastry cutter to knead the mixturebut not too much add a few drops oflemon juice and 14 cup of ice water little by littlemix it a bit more until it lookssomething like this and now we’re goingtoseparate the top layer and the bottomlayer of your pie crustnow you can use a wax paper or clingwrapto neatly store it in the fridge and letit cool for a whileand now for the filling we’re startingwith the sauce in medium heat add 8tablespoons of butter3 tablespoons of flour and 1 4 cup ofwater and the same amountfor sugar i used cocoa sugar for this soit’s healthiernow whisk it reduce the heat andcontinue simmering for about threeminutes while stirring occasionallylet it rest for a while in room temp andthe texture should look caramelly andthick like thisi tasted it and it wasn’t sweet so i gota little worried but then again iremembered we still have the applescut them into cubes add about one and ahalf teaspoons of cinnamonadd lemon juice and lemon zest in themixture for that extra tangy and tartytaste and the fun part mixing the sauceto the appleslook at that amazing i’m pretty sure youknow what to do by now justkeep mixing make sure all apples arecovered in that amazing saucenow we’re gonna take our pie crust fromthe fridgefirst up i’m going to do the face so useyour rolling pin and roll awayat first i thought it was enough butjust keep rolling and it will eventuallyspreadyou can clean out the edges like i didhere if the nate freaking you insistsand now we are going to place them ontothe dish this is a little trick you dowith a rolling pinso roll your dough together with it minewas a little wet i think i might haveput a bit too much water butall-purpose flour can do the trick placeit onto the dishcarefully slowly and surelyokay adjusted it no worries now time forthe lattice part of your apple pie thecrisscross pattern just make sure youhave enough strips now time to put thefilling into thepie crust so much fun make sure you getthat allin place them more neatly and now timefor the lattice patternobserve just flip it and reverse itand alternate it until you get abeautiful crisscross lattice patternlike thisdon’t forget the egg wash set the ovenat 400 degrees fahrenheityou can add foil around the pie crustedge to avoid it from burningleaving the center part open i was sonervousbut ta-da it’s done andturned out pretty well except for thatlittle ombre egg washcouldn’t find my silicone brush so it’sa little uneven but i guessnot bad right for my first time and itturned out to be deliciousvery comforting when eating warm and sorefreshing when eaten coldand we’re done oh my gosh i still can’tbelievei’m so happy that it was successfulenough especially for a first timer it’sspiritual innocence it’s a very personalpala the feelingof baking cooking something for yourselfi nowunderstand what all the hype is aboutwhen it comes to home baking homecooking home goodsbefore i would just watch food contentbigger nowi watch to be able to do it myself andmake it into my own twistit’s like i untapped a whole new worldand i’m just so proud just coming fromsomeone who thought she could never doit so if i could do it you could do itone thing that really made it work isthat i enjoyed it so don’t forget toenjoy don’t forget to have fun in theprocessi did my research i looked at a lot ofdifferent videos fortunate enough tohave a sister who was also inclined tobakingthis is what baffles me so much is thatshe has all of these ingredients and allthese baking equipmentthat in ignore kalang for the longesttime and when she was bakinghere and i was still here living in thesame house with her now she’s marriedher name beneficiary of all herequipment i didn’t even carelike i’m cooking i’m baking somethinghelp me out or like let’s have fun wewere really notwe really didn’t want to but it justdoesn’t interest me but i guess nowi’m getting wiser every time i wouldwatch like a junior master chefmy family loved it my sister cannotbelieveit happened and yeah even my friendswhen i decided to do my apple pie i wassourcing for a food processor because ididn’t have one in pala you know we justresearchedno machine pie crust guy so when i wasasking for my friendsat first they were likebut i can’t blame them because i havenever baked anything in my life and theyhave and then when they sawmy stories they were like oh my goshniggai think they were proud of me too so younever knowso by now the apple pie is long gonewe’ve all devoured itand i can’t wait to make the next onemaybe a different kind of pie blueberryas if but having blueberry see thoughmaybe a savory pie soit’s just a way of expressing how happyi was with how it turned out sotry it out yourself posted the recipedown there i hope this inspires you andif it fails don’t worry about it justtry and try again i actually didmy own homemade ice cream and that willbe up nexthere on janine channel so stay tuned andstick around for that i’m surefor those who are updated with my idstories and it was delicious i’ll besharing more of that in the nextbut for now that’s it i hope you guysenjoyed don’t forget to subscribe ifyou’re new to the channel hello stayhappy healthy safe and wellkeep the love alive and yeah that’s itenjoy making your apple pie bye guys

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