Pies Recipes

Cooking with Momma T: Creamy Chicken Pot Pie

Creamy Chicken Pot Pie



1 Refrigerated pie crusts or 1 pack of Deep-Dish Frozen Pie Crust


1/2 cup butter or margarine
1/3 cup chopped onion
1/3 cup Celery (chopped)
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
2 tsp Italian Seasoning
2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Black Pepper
1 3/4 cups Chicken Broth
1 cup Half and Half
2 1/2 Cooked cubed Chicken
2 cups Mixed vegetables (frozen)


Heat oven to 350°F. Prepare pie crusts as directed on box for Two-Crust Pie using a 9-inch glass pie pan, bake for 10 minutes and remove from oven. In 2-quart saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add onion and celery; cook 2 minutes, stirring frequently, until tender. Stir in flour, Italian Seasoning, salt, and pepper until well blended. Gradually stir in broth and the half and half, cooking and stirring until bubbly and thickened. Stir in chicken and mixed vegetables. Remove from heat and let cool for 10 minutes. Spoon chicken mixture into crust-lined pan. Top with second crust; seal edge, cut slits in several places in the top crust, brush the top with an egg wash (beaten egg with 1 tsp of water). Bake 30 to 40 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. During the last 15 to 20 minutes of baking, cover crust edge with strips of foil to prevent excessive browning. Let stand 15 minutes before serving. Note: You can use any parts of the chicken as well as a rotisserie chicken.

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hi welcome to another episode of cookingwith Mama T today we’re going to makeanother family staple it’s our homemadechicken potpieand I’ve already started with my butteralready melting into the butter I’madding some thyme celery yes and thissound we and onions have been cookingfor a minute never you want to add theflour and it’ll start looking pasty butdon’t worry about it cuz that’s the wayit’s approachable and to the propermixture we’re going to add chicken broththen I had to use this pot because I’mmaking a lot of itI’ll put these instructions down in thebottle and once you add the chickenbroth yes sirpretty quickly because it starts to lumpup so you want to stir quickly you candissolve the lumps on the fly and thenyour your business C and you’re cookingit and it’ll be a milky texture and nowthat my flour and stuff is totallydissolved and your nobodies totallydissolved because your be able to liftup and you will see any essence of flourI’m going at all my seasonings and thisis like my Italian mixture it is someItalian mixture plus my found salt andmy officethen I’m using half-and-half to thismixture and again do not use as muchjust use it and that’s your regular fora really big family which I have as Isaid on many videos I have a hard timemaking small batches and because I don’tmake chicken pot pie a lot I’m going tomake enough that when my familyexcellent I already have the mixtureready they are going to add fourvegetables you can add a combination ofa lot of things this is actually a bagof frozen vegetables frozen meatsvegetables already ready you can get theones with the string beans you can dowithout the strand means is actuallyyour practice this one is savings cornpeas and carrotsthis is doing a really quick dish isdefinitely quick to make this so we’regonna let this simmer for a while untilit begins to thicken up my sauce isthick and to get it as thick as I wantedit you couldn’t add heavy cream butsince I used half and half I had to addanother two roots and this time I usedcorn starch and water then I wasexplaining how to make the corn starchor water in the directions and I revisedsomething else so my husband suggesteddid I use a mixed vegetable that we hadwith string beans in it and I kind of doit wasn’t gonna like itand I didn’t so I went through and Iplucked all I plucked all the stringbeans out because one thing I realizeabout frozen string beans frozen stringbeans take a long time to get done andbecause this mixture cooked in less than15 minutes the strain beans will itstill be frozen so this is all ready nowand we’re going to add our chicken thenat the end the chicken you can add itstraight to the pipeand I’m doing basic acute little minipop hands and you can you can do this ornot but I’m telling you it’s the betterway to do it is just to cook your piecrusts your bottom there for a fewminutes and that way you can assure thatyour crust is going to be doneall the way through so this is done thislooks great I did pit cuts the chickenso there’s going to be chicken prettymuch in every bite and now we’re gonnalet it sit for about five minutes andthen we’re gonna put it in to our crustso I did one but the cup on top and onewith the cover off so you can see whatit look like they flew up with a coupleone and after we put the cover on youcan put a slit in it I like to keep itclosed and I just covered with an eggwash and what I do is I take one egg andabout maybe a teaspoon of water and justbeat it up really slimy and the egg washput some really beautiful golden browncolor on anything I do it to this andsome apple pies and really makes adifference and we’re gonna bake this Ibake it slower so I’m gonna bake it at350 for a property an hour maybe lessdepends on how it bakes and midwaythrough you can um you’re stopping andyour cover if you see that your crust isbrowning around the egg you can stop itand put a fall around itbut sometimes with the egg wash I noticeit doesn’t always brown separately itBrowns evenly so this is ready to go inthe oven my pop is complete thanks againfor joining us for another episode ofcooking with Mama T please remember tosubscribe to our channel share with yourfriends and hit the notification buttonso you’ll be notified of any new andupcoming episodes and once again all theingredients for being a comment sessionthanks againyou

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