Pies Recipes

Baking Stream -01- Apple Pie/Shepherd’s Pie

My first baking stream. Part educational and part entertaining. Watch as I guide you through making an Apple Pie for dessert and a Shepherd’s Pie for dinner. Simple comfort food during Quarantine.

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down a bit more that’s good okay hellohi too low yeah okay so it’s too lowturn it back up Nathan Nathan can do itI know isn’t it there you go okay is thetooth out too low we goodNathan set up all of my stuff for meit’s pretty greatthat’s fine right he also did the dishesand put them away to Nathan’s a winneryour keeper okay I’m gonna start with anapple pie first saw we’re gonna startwith a crust crust is gonna have tochill in the fridge for a little bitthen we’re gonna work on our pastryfeeling we’re gonna blind bake the piewe’re gonna do the kind that has thebottom and then the top design I’m gonnatry to make it look fancy we’ll see howthat goes so I’m gonna make in the fencejust yeah just don’t mind this mine so Ineed I need baking powder not sodabaking powder large so instead of lardbecause it’s animal product and youcan’t really find it and it’s probablysuper fatty vegetable Crisco is good togoand then to eggsque una dos 2xso five cups of flour we’re gonnaactually do it and I’m gonna do this byhand too so when you’re doing bakingtake off your rings it’s just gross youdon’t want that gunk in your ring orpecan sanitary my watch okay so fivecups of flourI also need to add toilet paper it’squarantine time so we can’t mess that upokay so I like to do my flour in halfcups actually let’s do it bread todaytoo because why not so let me get it onemore thing my great-grandma’s sifterguys the best you don’t generally needto sift when you’re doing like a cake ora pie because a little bit of extraflour isn’t a big deal because youusually do your flour first and then addwhatever amount of water that you needhow does this pie crust not have wateradd vinegar to go with cold there we goyeah okay so I need five cups so I need10 1/2 cups so we got one I always standon my tiptoes when I do this for somereason so the knife poking in kind ofevens everything out loosens it upbecause you don’t want too too muchflour and then you scoop off the top mymom taught me thatthanks for the follow six a lot offreaking flour and ten okay we do needenough for the bottom and the top crustso this is sift dry ingredients we’regonna fudge that a wee bit okay so twoteaspoons of baking powder I had thisawesome measuring spoon that you canactually get on Amazon which here I’llshow you guys you can do a half teaspoona teaspoon two teaspoons going to showyeah there we go all the way up to atablespoon it’s like my favorite thingcuz I can just use one while I’m bakingso 2 teaspoons right off of that love ittwo teaspoons baking powder one teaspoonof saltnever pour your salt over top of yourbowl you do not want extra salt so we’regonna mix the dry ingredients just gonnagrab my knife mix this up I know Nathanrearrange the whole department in thedining room table I guess is now in thekitchen and it’s like the best thingever it’s just kind of full of stuff butit’s great to hold everything while I’mmaking what you see is what I’ve gotwhich isn’t a whole lot okaybe eggs in a cop add vinegar and thenfill with cold water and mix and add todry mix two cups of flour this is aweirdest recipe ever so it’s an old oldrecipe that I got from someone so I’mactually gonna fudge this a wee bit I’mgoing to need this I’ll grab one thatyou guys can see through those two cupsof lardgenerally you want hi Wally nice for youto join me I’m doing some cookin Igenerally won’t throw out lard cold soyou can chop it up into small pieces andthen I’m not budging it up well I’mmaking it my own and then you want toincorporate it with the sky or a fork oryour hands or whatever until there’spiece sizes in the flour so let’s dothis actually want to grab a spoon I’venever cooked for a live audience beforeso this is different interesting andthere’s more of my face in here than Ithought there was going to be so I feellike The Slap Chop guy with a microphonewe’re like Billy Mays here pop it inhere and yes I realize my stream isstill not safe for work and for adultsyou never know we’re gonna say we’regonna cooking Nara Mays here withanother fantastic product I like it butwait there’s more hi James but waitthere’s more for the price of only $9.99you can get not one not two but threethree apple pies not really I’m justmaking one just kidding well technicallyI guess it’s two pies because it’s anapple pie and then a shepherd’s pie thisis so Grayson gross vegetable right I’mgonna break my cupsguard for your hair.you girl that isyucky I’ve heard egg whites are good butlike lard you’ll never get that outyou’ll have to wash your hair with likedish soap and don’t do it I’ve done itit was like the worst thing I’ve everdone okay just gonna rinse this off nowso it’s not like a huge mess later it’sreal cookingnot you the stream cause like I’m tryingto get the lard off my hands like it’shot and it’s sticky and it’s running andthat’s gross but that’s how you get agood apple pie too hot our tap goes fromlike normal to scrolling your frickinfingers offthe egg weights does it actually work ohyeah no not good I put this in thefreezer for a couple secondshopefully it’s fall over I think youpretty much see my whole kitchen – okaytwo eggs which I cannot crack one-handedbut I will attempt for your amusement acooked egg on your head that is nastyokay okay readyNathan can do this but I can’t I thinkit’s cause my hands are too small herhey it’s we’re calling that a win okayone more and let’s try not to get eggwhites or sour egg shells in it nopenope nope okay damn it we got shell intherethere we go now we need this to bereally cool because we need that youdon’t want to melt the large when youput it it needed to be really cold inhere there so we got imaginisce so we’regonna actually use this one because thevinegar will help clean it out and keepit nice and pretty look in one – okaythat is pretty chilly so now we need togo up to a cupokay okay this should be kind of cold orprobably not hold enough yeah see it’snot quite cutting into cubes when I’mcutting it it’s not quite cold enough Ishould have probably prepped butwhatever so I’m gonna toss this guy inhere okay we’re gonna go back to hotwater try and get this a little Tina’sdoing dishes we don’t want to make itdifficult yeah grab the pastry knife andwe’re gonna try to cut it up in theflour so we’re incorporating the lardinto the flour chopping it into ittybitty piecesthis is so much better by doing it thandoing it by handI mean I guess it still is by handbecause I’m not putting it in my mixerbut so we’re looking for pea-sizedshapes it should look really flaky therewe can see we’re starting to get theconsistency we need there we go okay youdon’t want to overwork itand re-encrypt with this girl I ain’tgonna put in that much for nowtechnically she’d be doing this by handbut hey we’re gonna get messy I need tobe able to feel what this is doingdough’s and pastry uses a lot betterwhen you can feel it probably gonna needsome more cold waterokaynow we’re getting yuckyit’s not too many pastry crust that I’veseen that has eggs so this is a prettyinteresting recipe see now we can see itstarting to come togetherI can’t really hear you you’re talkingabout the quiet copy yeah go for itjust get my work out making my pie crustokay we almost got so maybe I didn’tactually need more waterthere we can see it’s not sticking tothe counter anymorehe’s my dough to clean upthere we go okay I’m gonna cut it intotwo one for the top one for the bottomme a sec hereyeah that’sdo you guys want me to mute it when I’mrunning the water or cuz I can do thatpretty easily I just want to know ifit’s Federer you guys care you got to befirm but gentle with that doughgot discipline the dough form it into abit of a circle wrap this guy uphis dough’s a lot easier to work withwhen it’s cold not loud at all perfectgood good are we enjoying the cookingstream I’ve never done one before so Idon’t know how people gonna react but Iknow a lot of you know I do a lot ofbaking so I figured maybe I’d show youwhat I’m baking instead of just thefinal productand I mean I have a cute apron so Igotta show it offthere we go put these guys in the fridgecooking needing streams are rare uh yeahI looked on the food and beveragesection then there really wasn’t thatmuch under cooking IRL should yeahthere’s a lot of people just chatting Iwas thinking about putting this in thereshould I move it no I didn’t want to getbooted from just chatting cuz I’m notjust chatting I’m cooking cooking andchatting I can multitask I put thatthere for a quick second it’s gonna tryto get this extra dough to the way andthen we can work on the applesquick seconds gotta scrub down my boardnowlittle floweryeah I mean less saturated sure butmaybe that means there’s less peoplelooking over here okay thanks for theheads up Wally I don’t want the trollsyeah well yeah I guess you’re a mod butyou can’t be a troll – that is truethere really aren’t that many cookingstreams there’s a girl with the tank topand she had like 20 viewers so maybe Ishould just wear tank tops but the cuteapron I think was a win okay apple cakehas some pastries there we go oh and I’musing this book for recipes it’s bestbaking by Evelyn Raab and it’s writtenall sassy and I love itit’s pretty greatactually I let me move this out of yourway there we go okay we’re gonna put itin here cuz I need real food five cupsof apples peeled cored and thinly slicedI don’t know how to make commands yetI’ll look into it or anything can goplay around with that make a flatexclamation she’ll come in for winchwill start popping in so going to peelour apples so I’m just gonna use a knifebecause I think peelers are a lot slowerand I got this knife for my mom who wereused to work in a produce section at agrocery store so it is sharp and amazingfor peeling it’s my favorite knife forthisthere we gothis is sliced thinly sliced okay lookslike we’re going for sliced appleswhich I’m gonna use a different knifefor slicingare we like the music guys too old forthat shitgot us bring the game in uh somehowI don’t know how thin they want thisplace they’re probably not like thatthen there we goflameput this awayso what are you guys up to today Wallywhat are you up to I know James is Elleand I know vexes at work thanks for thefollow leave it pop that’s so small Ican’t read it I’m sorry I gotta fix thatactually I might be able to fix thatgive me like two secondsreally twitch you got to do me like thisright now oh my phone is so full offlourgive me two seconds XSthere we gonow I can seeoh I love potato soup is that Matthewworking from home sounds like fun45 hours in the office doesn’t soundterrible but it sounds like probablywent by really slow for youdo you guys care do you guys wantrecipes I can post recipes but I don’tknow if many of you are bakers yourselfthere we goOh see you but I mean is there that muchwork for you right now because I left abig – I make a really good potato souplet me know if you have a sure therecipe with you I do mine in the instantpot that I don’t know if you have aninstant pot it’s like my favoritekitchen utensil ooh what kind ofdesserts you said you’re making potatosoup but that’s not quite a dessertI mean sometimes mine feels like itcause it’s so good all that cheese areyou doing bacon in your potatoes oohand yeah Wally are you super busy stillbecause I you know your real estate so Imean are people actively looking to moveright now that seems kind of dangerousoh yeah foreclosed government propertiesmakes a lot of sense that you’d be busywith that okay that makes sense that’stoo bad that you stuff to work duringthis though I mean I guess yeah peoplecan’t really hold off on moving yougotta move you gotta move and thenmacarons you mean like the almond flourlike French pastry or like the ones withthe macaroons blackberries are reallygood I like black bread pumpkin pies myfavorite but Nathan requested no pumpkinpie today yeah I know so I got apples Iwas going to make a pecan pie pecanpecan pecan whatever but I made pecanbutter tarts instead because they’redelicious and I’m Canadian and I couldshareI’m not a big fan of pie crust but thisone I have with eggs which is reallyreally really weird is one of myfavorite I think it’s deliciouswith both yeah okay so I made macaronsonce no that’s a lie I’ve made them likefive times but they’ve turned out once Ifound out the hard way that you have toweigh your ingredients and not justRoman willy-nilly which is kind of how Ibake so it took a little bit of gettingused to but they were good when I didthem successfully I want to try to doEarl Grey ones so maybe I’ll actuallystream that when I try it it’s just hardto get almond flour right now oh and Ialso want to make like a flower ingeneral it’s so sold out right nowactually had to add flour to the list Ionly have half a bag left what was thatI want to make sorry um yeah I did whatdo they called they were pink oh mygoodnessthe Japanese daifuku yeah strawberrydaifuku so I need to order some specialflour some rice flour but a special onemochi germ I think that’s what it’scalled and then I’ll make strawberrydaifuku with red bean pastethe French ones I got swallowing becausewell I guess that and then any likeBritish European Baker because they goby measurements unlike CanadiansAmericans would choose cups which areinaccurate so if you got the beginningof my stream I told you that I might dosome bread too but you need to sift yourbread yeah or else it’s packed tootightly and then you don’t get a goodbread because bread is really reallyreally picky and it’s also hard for meto do bread because in my apartment Idon’t have control over the thermostatwhich is terrible so the neighborsusually have it like really really coldin the summer and really really hot inthe winter so if they have it too coldmy bread won’t rise so that’s what Ireally like the instant pot as well Ilike to proof my bread in there and thenthat way it gets even heat because inthe oven I find it doesn’t work wellenough for me which is a painwhat kind of backgrounds are you gonnamake I I’m probably not gonna try topronounce your name I’m so sorry becauseI really added that I don’t want tobutcher your name on stream I’m sorrynot gonna try but it sounds pretty in myheadwhat do you guys think am i doing okayfor this should I do more baking streamsI’ll take requests on what to bake Ilike trying new stuff I’ve done atwo-piece tree before which is a pain inthe butt and weird really weird butdeliciousso think about doing choux pastry againmaybe next week we need five cups and Iam at four ish so I’ll probably doanother apple or two it might be myniche what are you saying it really badat games cuz I know I’m bad but at leastI think I’m entertaining being bad oohcookies and cream that sounds deliciousokay please share the recipe because Iwant to try that that sounds so goodgood change of paceI’m not burnt out on Animal Crossing Ido want to play doom still and I still Ithink I’m gonna maybe try to streamSouter with Nathan tomorrow oh well Ihaven’t told you yet I’m gonna do a jackbox TV event on Saturday at 8 p.m.please please come and please play alongit’ll be funI’ve invited my mom but my mom is coolshe’s like an older awesome version tome she’s basically me so don’t hold backdon’t feel free to be afraid to be dirtyshe’ll probably be right there with youis it cuz I can talk and cook at thesame time I mean I counted flour andseem to have measured it properly whiletalking so I mean that’s good game themedesserts that would be cool I could tryI suck at ice and cakes and decoratingso I mean practice is good I wasthinking I can make like deviled eggsthose are good those are easy deliciousI’m kind of hungry now you forgot to eatbefore I started thismaybe I’ll just do all over the appleswhatever there’s some extra sugarycinnamony apples after it’s not like isbad thing you if you have a link to it Imight be able to post it here or if youare on Twitter you could totally put itonto my Twitter and it’s well Anton oursame thing I’m on Twitter I would loveto try the recipe I think I should havelinks enabled on my stream I can checkor I think person passage is a thingwhatever whatever works for you let meknow and I’ll set something up because Iwant to try that but please don’t typeit all and I’d feel terrible if you typethose I love that’s like a friend of ityeah anything’s gonna check for me andsee if that’s available on my stream forlinks links they can char linked in mystream for me should I think I mightjust have to be Mata proved so I shouldbe able to get it afterI don’t know I’m still kind of new ishto Twitter streams like four years agofive years ago for a while ago and wasdoing pretty well but I just came backthis is my third stream back yeah Ithink it’s my third and is it a gamesI’m trying to do cooking I think I’llwork on my lighting a little bit nexttime I have a big late I just feel likeit’s still a little weird I think I needto get one look on that side coming inthis way we’ll see that’s why I lovethis bowl so I’m in about five ish sixish so there’s two apples left so maybeI’ll leave it are enabled okay coolthanks Willie I was actually thinkingabout making you a mod sister always inmy streams if you were interestedI wanted to ask first though because Ididn’t want to just you know hey here wego there we go awesome yeah it’s justanswering our same name is on here is onTwitter thank you I will try I’ll eventry it on stream if you want to watchso in these apples we need to put 3/4cup of sugar more or less depending onsweetness of apples so will maybe do ita little more fulllike stuff awesome thanks Wally3/4 cup a little bit heaping that’spretty even I’m gonna add in a smallsmidge more two tablespoons of flour Idon’t want to put this actually focus2017 three and a half years thanks WallyI knew you know I remember when I firststarted storming you’d tell me how manydays I’m streaming and you knew exactlythe date I started you’re like the bestAnton era ever because you already knowone tablespoon of lemon juice and a halfa teaspoon of cinnamon here we goso it’s a half a teaspoon of cinnamonI’m gonna do a teaspoon because I likesthat I’m in a lot and so does so that’sfine and then one tablespoon of lemonjuice let me grab thatyeah I think you did find me on my firstday and then you’ve been awesome whenyou’ve been around ever since which Iappreciate it’s fun okay don’t squeezethere we go okay let me clean up thatmess I’m not the cleanest Baker I’mprobably the clumsy BakerI like to get most of my cookingutensils around Halloweenpretty good opaque jello box oh yeahthat sounds goodthat’s a really good idea as opposed tothe buttercream oops here we go againmaking a mess oh no guys I have tosneeze okay there him you did it Isneezed like a Neruda run so I didn’tget anything near my hands for good I’mgonna wash my hands like – grossokay maybe I won’t blind-bake thisbecause it doesn’t call to you it saysjust go for it but if it’s SOG you weregonna have a problemclean my oven so I might get a littlesmoky probably I swoosh the crap out ofit though I broke it yeah I did I didn’tmean to you’re adorableokayit is good in shepherd’s pie there willbe onion in my shepherd’s pie should notbe in my apple pie you don’t thinkthat’s appreciated okay we’re good to golet me get my rolling pin and we’regonna roll this out I’m actually gonnado a bitching with babish shepherd’s pierecipe I’ve never tried before so we’llsee how that goes I’m using should I dodishes myself or should I call me an elfOhdish boy I’m kidding it’s not so it’sgonna be a little bit bigger I don’teven know why I flour that it doesn’tstick to the rolling pinthere we go okay I’ll try my best tokeep this circle the shaped ishkind of ish hey Nabi this is just anwinged fairy in the worldokay let’s tryokay oh this is hard to do with a marblerolling pin probably should get anotherone it’s squishing the dough isn’ttrying to lift it okay so when you’reputting the dough in you don’t want topush it and you want to lift and let itfill the pie itself or the pie dishitselfI just make sure gets into the cornersI’m lifting and trying to just Pat it’snot gonna be the prettiest but it’ll befineokay get my sharp knife againTosi’s the compost scrappy scraps let metry to patch this a smidgethickercool there we go looks looks alrightokay ah okay audience we think withblind-bake or we just go for it what arewe doing if I don’t blind-bake I havethe chance of getting slightly waterysoggy bottom and then if I do blind-bakeit’s gonna take longer but I should geta little bit of a crispier crust I’mgoing to ask for audience votes here cuzeither way it’ll be good not eat itstarting to get responses give me a secI’m doing a top blind bag okay well thisis blind bag and I am doing the top Ihave the top it’s the other part of thedough that’s in the fridge there so I’mgonna definitely use the scraps for thatprobably gonna be a terrible design alsowhat design should I do I have no ideaokay so to blind bake I can’t usepopcorn because that’s gonna pop we’regonna have a bad time there so I’m gonnause some rice I have because I have waytoo much sticky rice and it’s prettythat looks pretty goodso I have to transfer that into a dishthat’s why I don’t actually try to cookwith Aki gross yeah I’ll probably doextra life in November it just dependson game releases is my problem withextra life because it’s usually rightaround call of duty so that makes it alittle difficult for me okay I shouldcover that a little bitmaybe I should add to tin foil you knowwhat go with it whatever ten minutesactually give me two seconds I’m justgoing to grab my tablet for my otherrecipe and maybe we’ll start on that onewhere’d I put itoh my god it’s right here see we have tostart for the shepherd’s pie I can’t youtell Activision to stopokay holy cow he does a lot okay I’mpeeling cutting three pounds Yukon Goldpotatoes cut them half well this couldbe a little bitthere’s a lot of stuff to prep for thisguy you don’t have chives it’s okay I’mnot gonna use white pepper oh thanks forthe tip yeah I thought parchment was alittle bit better I’m just worried aboutit doesn’t cover fully I probably shouldhave double layered it so it does it soit covers a little bit more so that Idon’t get like brownish spots and thenlighter spots was my only concern withthatokay perfect thank you that’s a good tipI’m still new to pies this is my thirdpie I’ll be fine yeah we’ll be goodwe’ll be good okay so I still have aboutseven minutes for that so let me tidythis up a smidge and then I guess I’llget started on the carrots and theonions for dinnercuz might as well use our time wiselyand also it’s like 4:30what kind of design should I put on thepie I’m not sure I didn’t think about itI was gonna wing itI don’t know how well that’s gonna lookbut you know whatevergrab those four carrots do those firstthese are pretty big carrots maybe I’lljust do threeand it’s really hard to get qualityproduce right now because everything’sso out of stock and low so this sucksalso like me toilet paper I stilltotally sold out which is crazyballsthere we gowhat do you think I should make nexttime guys make a list I’ll probably gogrocery shopping this weekendI’m thinking choux pastry because it’sfun as crazy Valerie yeah let me knowhow it isI’ve heard good thingsI can try that let me see what I cancome up with thanks for watching checkmy I completed my PI turns out should Ihope somelon valancecarrotsI’m not used to having my knife skillsjudged on camera so please please beniceyou know we’re at the boring part thebaking part care it down care it downI think I want to make a what’s itcalled my screen turned off and I can’tsee you guysCornish pasty pasty pc XMthere we go so it’s a hand pie filledwith beef carrots onions turn up if Ican find itI’m not turn up rutabaga same thing yeahsame thing if I can find it or sweet ifyou’re British well they’re not inseason right now so that’s my issue Iwas thinking instead of a rutabaga Iwould do a parsnip because I think itwould have about the same consistencyslightly different taste but I feel likeit would still turn outand cut this carrot in half becausemonstrous at this pointoh he slipped a little bigtalking to me are you talking to crazyRison’s checkwatching intently ThanksI’m gonna work on this new part of thisso for this tohi time okay I have the best up in manso you ready for thisdon’t give me that look okay here’s thepie for now we’re going to take up therice looks good looks goodhold onto the bowl the ball there we gorice okay we’re gonna take a fork we’regoing to I don’t remember what’s calledI feel like it’s docking but we’re gonnapoke the crap out of the bottomoh yeah yeah yeahwe toss it infor another ten minutes okay now we’regonna do the onions I’m gonna try not tocrystooop one I’m gonna do a little onebecause I really like ithow does it what burr finely minced okayI kind of have a tablet stand I didn’treally plan on the cooking thing whatI’ve been using as a tablet stand is aflush singing rooster it works greatmaybe not for cooking though but I couldshould I go get itnot a penguin it’s true I don’t have apenguin head lift and I should get oneokay I minced finely minced just gonnacut most of the way through but leavesome space at the back as soon as I canno surprise I’m not crying yet theseonions always get meoh no I feel the tears comingso the scary thing is using your knifethere we go stern dampe totesokay so I need half a cup of milk milkin my hair potatoes Thank You stream isgood Ord vs. Alliance cookies oh my godI cannot decorate cookies it would gohorribly if you find me a cookie cutterthen I’ll give it a shot how’s that Icannot cook cookies by hand and horriblydecorate them all by myself I need a bitof help they’re the only cookie cuttersI have is a heart a person and a flowerI do make really good gingerbread thoughI mean yeahI looted some damn good potatoesoh my god what the hell ah I don’t knowif I want to make Nicolas Cage cookies Imean I don’t know if I do or I don’tknow if I don’t want to I don’t know howI feel about that I mean it would do itcuz cuz it’s hilarious be quick secondhere I got rice and eggs all over me Idropped an egg right on the floor peas Ilove it okay did you guys get a goodenough look up the pie here okay I’llcut a piece and we’ll have a piece of hiI will show the master pie I love it ohI don’t have like a serving they oh I dohave a serving hold themgoodyouhasn’t cooled enough so it’s probablygonna be cooler than if it cooledproperlyyouyouso hot you’re supposed to let thesethings cool but I wanted to show youguys I’m up high so here is the pie hiit’s really really hot we’ll see youthanks for coming by and watching memake a pie I mean if you want to comeall this way sure I’ll save you some pieten minutes and then we can stroll thecheese let the heat up and then I canhave some dinner sounds good I’ll saveyou the rest of the pieyou’re gonna come all this way you canhave the restoh yeah no you’re right sorry I forgotdamn it so sure this I’m just gonna haveto feed it to Nathan then what’s tohungry okay I’m gonna go feed todaywe’ll see what he says no not that kindof yeah I forgot about the socialdistancing and that the world is crazy Iwas out of hereI did and I even cleaned some of thedishes so he’s enough to do all of themnot fairchar’s 20 minutes okay fine two and ahalf hours it was a half hour prepbefore it startedit’s got really hot in here though okayyeah that’s helpfulI don’t have name but yet I just went inyouI think I’m gonna end it here thatthough guys I’ve got a couple moreminutes I’m sorry I’m just gonna throwthe cheese on and then I’m gonna take itout and then I’m going to eat never mindthis does it have to keep streamingfulfill it okay you saw the pie we atethe pie fine I’ll chill it’s my back isstarting to get to where I want to sitdown it’s two and a half hours of bakingand I did dough which is a little armand back work and not mashing that’s thething I’m gonna sit I’m gonna cheat andsit over hereI’m just gonna be hidden for a quicksecondI’ll finish though I’ll show you the thefinal and then I’m gonna eat it cuz I’mstarvingso hungrywhat are you guys having for dinner youknow what I’m havinghere so does the table that’s my piewell has some Q&A how’s that what didyou enjoy me cooking more actually I’mdoing the Q you’re doing the egg did youenjoy me baking and making the pie ordid you enjoyhi pizza pockets okay so you enjoyed thebaking butter okay okay I have madehomemade pop-tarts before that wasreally good I could do pop-tarts ifstrawberry pop-tart and then you ameverything cupcakes I can do cupcakes ohthen let me go get some paper we’ll makea lift Matthew got excited when I sentpop-tarts okay so what do you guys wantto see okay pop charts cupcakescookies you guys want like decoratedcookiescan I post I should be able to postyes sir don’t cooking serum no that’sbad you wanna make this fancy thingso there’s chocolate work involvedthere’s choux pastry there’s filling ofchoux pastrythere’s making of caramel so you canstick the whole thing together yeah I’mnot gonna do drunk cooking that’s you’regonna get burnt and that’s gonna be abad time i okayit was it was good I made it forChristmas it was delicious so I woulddefinitely make that again there’s a lotof elements to it too so that’s probablysomething ever really seen choux pastryis weird and then have to make creme patwhich is fun you have to bake it all andthen you have to pipe it the chouxpastry you actually do on the oven likein the pot like it’s it’s weird I’llprobably stream the hand pies I want todo I think I want to do a chocolate tartlike tartlets baby tarts what do wethinkto maruts macaroons our macarons youprobably mean macarons without thecoconut Oh with the coconut you and onlycoconut I could make themNathan would probably eat it no if theones without the coconut well I don’tknow social distancing and shipping okmacarons yeah okyeah for sure I’m willing to be aroundfor a couple more minutes until thedinner is ready anyway so I’ll try tocatch your streets I think I’m gonnahave to cook a little bit longer than Iwanted so now that it’s set because itwas too gooey we’re gonna fuck it up sowe get some crispy edgeswe want crispy potatoesI’ll put that in a few more minutesthere we gooh that’s good fun for next week and seeif I get the ingredients which is thehard part right now mochi mochi to makethat’s so funny see I want to do like abrisket but it’s not something I canreally stream because you have to likesit there for two hoursI don’t know start the cooking play somevideo games go back to the cooking Ifeel like that’s weird yeah okay it’snot weird I mean yeah that’s true it isa new thingoh holy cowsee I avoid Walmartyoukind of a free-for-all and it’s scarythe one that’s really good is the Sobeysnear me they actually limit everyonethey Santos has all the carts this endahead calmer it’s a lot nicer there’sless people in there it makes you feel alot safer whereas like no frills it’sjust like crazy people running by youstupid fan I started and then that wasit we stoppedfewer minutes then I got dinner readyyour school at the cheese melt a list ofstuff I can try to make got my pie it’spretty good the crust is really goodI’m glad you just had fun totally I’mstill on the couch and please someanimal crossing by dinner well now youget to see what you do cuz you’reusually on the phone with me or see whatI do because you use on like the callwhile I’m baking and I’m just randomlylike mumbling to myself so you guys seewhat’s going on never baked to anaudience before so it’s more likefinding the balance between trying toexplain like what I’m doing I liketechniques and then Mike Brandon publicand then we’ll have that you drunkengame too extreme on Saturday so it’ll befun yeah you totally could have oh it’sit’s not that hard it’s just theChristmas done right that was crazy ohmy goodnessjudo put in the mushrooms and then puton the beef after like lots of restingand stuff and then you have to make puffpastries I made puff pastry by handwhich is like eating up the butterputting it the don’t folding it and thenrolling it waiting a while folding itreally so I did that a lot and then youhave to bake it so that was a pee

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