Our Chef Claudia does a tutorial on how to bake a delicious apple pie.
#JohnCabotUniversity #JCURome #JCURomeStudentLife
Original of the video here
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Pies Recipes
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Video Transcription
good morning everyone today we aremaking a very nice recipe we’re makingthe classical like apple pie which is abit different from the american applepie we are making it with very fewingredients and it’s extremely healthyand very good all the time you can haveit as breakfast you can have it afterlunch you can have it either you yourlittle refreshment in afternoonlet’s check together the ingredientsfirst so we got three eggs sugar 150gram a lemon we are going to zest thelemon we are going to have some flour apinch of salt two head pulls water andseed oil so this is sunflower seeds awaybut let’s check together what to doright now and lots but not least we havebaking powder so the best tool to makethis cake will be using a whiskersomething electric like this or maybe athermo nice or I’m sure some of you whomight have a KitchenAid home just makesure your touch something like that onthis so we have we are now going to mixthe three eggs with the sugar and whiskwell to become nice and fluffy once themixture is nice and fluffy you want toadd in the water so we’re using water togive the cake a kind of like flatnessit’s going to be a very very very fluffydog eating is milk or yogurt in the sameproportion 150 130 gram but the resultmight be a little bit just a little bitharder andoil pinch of saltand now we are going to test in thelemon now that the dough is ready we canplace it on our tray we can use thedifferent kind of trays within yoursilicon tray this means that we don’thave to oil it we can get a little smalltrays with paper like I’m using now I’mmaking some small portions for myneighbors or you can use just like asingle tray dusted before you want tooil it with a little bit of tissue youspread some oil around and then you dustit with flour in order to don’t let theadult what remain attached to them tothe tray and then we’re going to placethe small little apples on top slicedapples so after peeling you’re helpfulyou want to make small little quartersand start cutting vertical slice out ofthe fo and then we can place them on thecake exactly like this[Music]we want to go all arounda few in middle center of the cake andthen if you like you can sprinkle withsome extra sugar I’m using castor sugarbut you can definitely use any kind ofbrown sugar of course the color wasmildly what was trying to slightlychange into dark brown but the resultwill be amazing and now it’s time toplace it in the oven preheat your ovenfirst 360 Fahrenheit and then place yourcake for 40 minutes after 40 45 minutetotally noise our cake is ready veryeasy onedo you really have to takeexactly needles and it just comes outperfectly cleanTrillian okay already here they aren’tthey beautiful beautiful a Popeye’salready I’ve made too hot I told youusing two different type because I’mgoing to give it to all my neighborhoodsbut you can make you might have a biground one so on now all the rest of yourday will be just enjoying this beautifulcake it can be eaten quite warm as wellit’s just too dangerous because everybit we’ll just we’ll just get the otheroneinto your mouth straight have funcooking healthy cooking happy learning[Music]