I make pancakes.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello so as promised I will be makingpancakes in my kitchen this is kitchentime with me and the first step to makethe I’m not teaching you how to makepancakes I will just be making pancakesand you can watch so what I’m going todo first is wash my hands and you’resupposed to do it for 20 seconds butdon’t count while I’m doing because Iwon’t do for 20 secondsI’m washing my hands and it’s verytherapeutic because the water is hot andit’s even sometimes it can be burningbut I wouldn’t recommend yet that was in20 seconds but I wash my hands andthat’s what mattersso I said before I’ll be making cakes ina pen and these are gonna be Kodiakcakes because they’re good for you andI’m gonna put ice cream in them since Iran out of maple syrup so that’s gonnabe fun and I’m not measuring I’m justusing this because it’s a cup and itfits in the bottle that has all my flourin it or the cake mix and I put it inhereyes Wow it’s it’s very good Dave and nowI’m getting water in this Cup it’s gonnabe one cup of watersee I don’t know why you wanted to seeme watch I don’t know why you wanted towatch me make pancake it’s not very funbut you know so I’m putting the water inthe mix because you have to put water init otherwise you can’t miss pancake andthen I have this whisk that has nohandle because I’m poor and I’m whiskingit you have to make sure that therethere are no lumps in the mixturebecause then your pancakes will be lumpyand that’s not coolI hate won’t be pancake if these areprobably there look really watery seeI’m even I’m even better making pancakesit’s so sad like why are you stillwatching this you should turn it offwell it’s it’s watery now you can’t evensee it that that’s horribleall right it’s watery now so I’m gonnaput it on the pan because you can’t havepancakes without pen no I forgot to turnit onI’ll do that right now and don’t leaveyetwelcome back I hated the pen now so Ican actually make them the first thingyou have to do after you heat the pan isto spray some oil on it you can use panthis is just oil but we don’t have panbecause I use all the pan to moisturizeyou know it’s really good because itclogs up all your pores and the moistureis inside just I sprayed myself with Pamevery day it works wonders that’s why Idon’t have acne so you know you justspray the middle yeah I’m fine it’s justparsing okay so after you spray themiddleyou take your latter in the wiggle andthen you turn down the flames that youdon’t die and then you uh you take thisyou take some batter and you put it onthe pan so that you can make a cake thisis gonna take a long time and there’s nopoint in your watching this so I’ll justget back to you after I make my pancakebean burritos alright guys so I finishedmy pancakes they’re all looking prettybad with some ice cream in them so nowyou just roll them up[Music]hmm that tastes so bad only the icecream inside I’m panicking cuz it’s badwhat it’s like pure fiber like it’s it’snot even good most people cook thingsand say they’re good but this is justbad like I can’t even share your phoneprobably the worst creation of my life[Music]but a man needs to eat to survive soit’s like well can you I mean I feelgood I just can’t get over thehorribleness or the pancake also insidemy kitchen I didn’t have the freedombefore to say because my parents werethere but I actually put cocaine inthese big bags because I now have somesort of thing because like there’s noincentive to be strangers eating cerealand I know it makes a lot of drug jokesbut I’m serious there’s our meltingso I feed them but this has beenhorrible it’s been a complete kitchennightmare I love my man and I mentorGordon and say Gordon Freeman Thomas atrain that big blue guy yeah he’s mymentor[Applause]well what anyway there’s probably one ofunfunniest episodes yet so don’t forgetto say that you didn’t like italright you take my gun please watch thenext episode I need validation anywaythanks for watching even if you’vewatched it I’m not just eating yourvastly better breakfast while watchingthis I regret this so much everybodytake my man’s gotta eat I’m growing boyagain thanks for watching and don’t getthe turnovers actually yeah don’t get it