Pancakes Recipes


Hi Guys.

It’s another vlog!! See how I spent the Second day of the South African Lock down. Boyfriend making breakfast, watching a movie, and sipping wine.

Catch up with me on my social media:
Instagram | Twitter : @guguprudencem

Music Info:
Music by
Music by @ikson

Original of the video here

Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes

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Video Transcription

[Music]hi guys welcome back to my channel thisis day two of the lockdown so today Ihave a few ingredients here as you cansee I’m about to make breakfast for thislovely lady over here I didn’t volunteerfor this but duty calls and when dutycalls you have to pull up your undiesand get back to workso this is me getting back to work anddoing some breakfast so I’m not sure ifI can show you the ingredients but I’lljust quickly do that so we have RamaRama we have milk we have eggswe have a bit of vanilla essence we havewhat’s this nonstick spray we havebaking powder salt cake wheat flour somesugar and last but not least somebananas so I’m gonna be making somepancakesI hope the lady of the house and lovesthem but so for now I’ll just getstarted melting the batter thenseparating my two ingredients having mydry and wet ingredients then we fillthem it’s a later stage I’m a chef I’min chargeanyway guys we’re not there so then I’llmix the ingredients obviously thenyeah hope for the best so let’s go[Music][Applause][Laughter][Music][Music][Applause][Laughter][Music][Music][Applause][Laughter][Music][Music]so how long do you have to mix once theweights and a dryer combined if you’re agood chef like me it shouldn’t take youmore than 30 seconds but if you want toperfect it think minute most I’ll say120 seconds should be fineshould it be based on time or should itbe based on the fact that you see thatshe will go is now properly combined andit’s all just no but I mean it dependson the experience you know so for someof us who do this for funwe know when is the right time so youcould just measure you know what Imentions you know I think it’s better tostay until you see that the texture ofthe flowers very smooth and there are nolumps so can you show us that it’sreally smooth okay so now it’s time forShhcooking and that’s it folksbreakfast is officially safethank you babythank you thank you stop itthanks babythis look good let’s taste um supposedecided to take a nap but meno I’m bored of which is I I am drinkingthe wines and I’m gonna be watching amovie I’m actually gonna watch it on mylaptop because I don’t put it on the bigscreen TV because I don’t know anythingupwe’re gonna watch contagion on my laptopnow this movieeveryone is been talking about itbecause let me just move to the batteryso everyone has been talking about thismovie right and the reason is because itkind of goes hand in hand with what iscurrently happening in the world withyeahso I also wanted to watch it now babehas already watched it that is why whenI once it’s watch it was like and I’drather take a nap cause I’ve alreadyseen it so I just want to catch up on itand then pickling the wines andapparently it will ensure that youreally stay at home not that we’ve beencaning to go anyway[Music]okay guys so I was watching the movieand the movie ended up watching mebecause I just I got so sleepy so I’llfinish that movie some other time rightnow I have decided to get up let’s checkon this manit’s still sleeping I’m still on my ownI don’t know that is a can everybodytell me how they are doing like how isyour dates who of staying at homebecause I feel like it’s it’s getting tome now it’s getting to meit’s only day two how are you gonna makeit through these guys how are we gonnamake I’m thinking of going to thekitchen not to cook because my girls amI gonna do do you think we use thistable enough why why do you always eatwhile sitting watching the television Ithink it’s just fun heavens and someoneis challenging my culinary skills causein the shampoos they have this is thedetermination of woebaby do not close the vlog off for usbecause I think we gonna close it hereand we’re gonna enjoy our I didn’t comeup with a lockbox campaign okay thankyou guys for watching and we’re nowhaving dinner also hope that you havebeen dinner from this side this is daytwo of the lock downs than the world’sbut knives envoy I spend most of the daystupid today investment like six hoursit’s just a blip in sleep you know wayby the Maui now taking chargedon’t forget to Like share subscribecomments as well and we’ll see you onthe next video[Music]

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