Hope you guys enjoyed the vlog. Ill be trying to post more on the channel its just been hard because well we all know why. But yeah like subscribe and ill catch yall in the next video.
Outro:https: //youtu.be/-H3AYj7-pGw
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
yo what is up guys it’s me sage go backat it with another video today justanother vlog content more content youknow yeah just get on into ityeah pancakes yeah so I’m gonna bemaking pancakes so see how that goesalright got to store it the classicsigh you know it’s not really ghetto butI got some water thank you I’m not gonnamake that much cuz last time I made toomuch energy go that well don’t be a TNGod throw it away which is pretty muchstuff but yeah make a little bit alrightI got the mix doneI hate still so you see me what’s outdon’t judge me please all rightSantana I’m gonna add the mix see howthat goes so mixes in now now I justgotta wait so show you guys somethingI see that when there’s bubbles I meanit’s right I know you guys aren’t youknow this Plus yeah whenever there’sbubbles tell me that things ready andjust gotta do my best workwatch this watch this this is kind offun there’s a while back now all rightso all right so once you guys flip itshould be good to goyou know once you flip it shouldn’t takethat long for the other one to turnbrown it goes pretty fast so let me justcheck all rightof course I’m rightokay I get that best thing I’ve smelledall day well you spent the morning lookyou know I all right I got some platesand give some to my studentsyeah absolutely but uh it should beenough for me I hope they don’t wantmore cuz you know I’m not yeah yeah bythe way in my friend he’s my only friendI have to quarantine and helloyou’ve always been trying to escapelately I don’t know whyyeah this guy’s one crazy mofo all rightwe’re not a seraph apparently I don’tknow what I’m gonna do[Music][Music][Music]officer the big Bruins mineof course it’s evenly split so I’m justa little column come you guys liked itplease hit the like button while you’reat it subscribe and I’m stuck as long assomeone sees my video and enjoyedwatching them cool with that but yeahguys I’ll be on for today’s video blogwhatever I hope you guys laughed or nothappy mommy did it so but uh yeah guyssee you in the next vlog