Hi there, here’s the recipe 😍 gluten free, egg free, oil free pancakes 🥞
4 cups gluten free oats, grind it like a flour
2Tbs of flaxseed, grind it
1tsp of cinnamon
1tsp of vanilla
2 cups of coconut milk or your choice of milk
2Tbs of honey or any sweet
Mix all together, cook and shape them like a pancakes. Enjoy 😉
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey you guyspancakes and he has his own way to makepancakes he has 14 so I have to followthat and listen to that but I’m gonnabetter tender like I’m gonna put somecumin in there cumin and pancakes theydefinitely don’t go together let’s go hesaid he’s ready I have to go in thekitchenSalam alaikum Salam alaikumwhat’s up today you invited me into thekitchen ahyou have your own recipe I’m just gonnastand there yes you have to do it do ityeah okayI tell you um the instructor this timeyes sir I have to listen to my husbandwell it always looks really really goodseriously it does look really goodit’s just good if you do it right let’sget into the videomy husband is teaching me how to makepancakes yes yes yes I have to listen tomy husbandand I have to respect him and I have tolove him don’t get too excited let’s goready babe I am readyalright so before we get to be let mesee what he looks like sweet potatoesand spices chopped up yeah deliciousokay yes there that goes into the ovenokay and then what do we have here wellthis is your bowl yeah mix it in yes sir[Music]and then what do you have this Vitamixhere before that buddy next you’re gonnaput your oats are gluten-free oats inthereyeah blend those up into your littlepowder you need flouryes sir but you’re gonna add some sesameseed with it sesame or flax seed likesee ya hello get to know to your ownrecipe sir flexi so anyway let me see Ithought we are in Somalia and then yousee powder those yes there the flourmm-hmm do we take that yes sir you hadyour milk almond milk okay and somecoconut milk yes and a little bit andwhat’s the honey doing here yeah ohmighty not simply get into a powder yessirdid you put the pattern here yes sirstop making all this noise is thisrecipe gonna be making noise because theAfrican style is making things choirvery smacking things around I functionone thing at a time release tell me onething at a time let me put the cameradown hand it overyesas thatso much it’s oh wow that’s really easy aweek to do itflower is ready with what are you readyto do nexthoney in there okay more the bees aregonna be my friend whatever you see me Ihave a good teacher how muchoh it’s tiny but anyway you mix it upwhat are you thinking how am i doing itlooks gooddaddy is car for you yes this is on whatis it oh yeah don’t touch this be entireback I’m a good girlI listen to my best vendor anything Ishould ask no yes baby yes they make itquick make it quick not finish it yousee can you see it’s a cumin and[Music]yeah I do but it’s not hot babe you haveno ideathat’s huge – I usually do you think youshow me I’ll be a good girl I’ll showyou then you can do it honey we’re notfeeding babies oh the disbeliever saysthat’s what we do we gotta study at alldaythe quiet students yes sir salute okaysee that yes it’s not even hot this is anew recipe you gotta it with noheat well now we get away to this bigfaces if you make it big honking onceyou’re done for the daythat’s an D it on the pancake I guess wecan do they know just to why you mad I’mhelping you dude I’m just so yes whoayou know what’s cool wait sugar that’sright so it’s a whole-grain gluten-freeboots no eggsif somebody wants a meetingyes and gluten-free yep oil free andsugar free when you can use it maplesyrup some kind of agaveyou’re all right this is red how am idoing so yeah and it’s not mother so youdon’t make it too thin the pancakesyes now you teaching me you’re Americanthank you thank you we have strawberriesall kind of berries what is itblueberries blackberries they’re all lowglycemic thank you for teaching me thiscooking issue and making pancakes aredone full of berries much maple syrupand some boiled eggs and some I love youI love you more green juicesweet potato baked yep and those aregarlic and salt and things like thatthank you for teaching me oh yeah I’mdefinitely you next time all right giveus a thumbs up and check us out yetsubscribe and leave a good comment whatwe should make this[Music]youthis is our line of products that wehave on our website and we have oils forthe body for joints and muscles and wehave we also have a honey this is rawhoney so it’s really the some of thebest honey you can get and we have aline of different herbal steaming blendsand this is just one of them but there’sseveral of those you can look on ourwebsite and we have our tea line thisone here is our postpartum and then wehave ten other options heretimely relief 4000 hormones and tummytonic for stomach and sleep aid for forhelping to relax and then also we havegas means raw recipe book so make sureyou give us a thumbs up and check outall of our videos go to the websitePetra Wellness Center calm