Spinach Blueberry Pancakes | Low Carb Keto Sugar Free | Cooking With Thatown2
Today we made some amazing Blueberry Pancakes. These Keto friendly, low carb, sugar free pancakes are amazing and they taste just like blueberry pancakes. You can’t even tell that there is spinach included
3 eggs
2 oz cream cheese
1/4 cup greek yogurt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
2 packets of stevia
1/4 tsp baking soda
big handful of spinach
3 tbs coconut flour
combine all the ingredients and mix in a blender. Cook pancakes in a frying pan with coconut oil
#keto #spinachblueberrypancakes #cookingwiththatown2
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
welcome back to cooking with the town -today we are making spinach blueberrypancakes we started out with some eggsand we had a cream cheese Greek yogurtbaking powder vanilla extractstevia baking soda and a handful ofspinach we then got our pan and add somecoconut oil to itstarted to make our spinach pancakes[Music][Music]and these puffed up nicely and cooked isjust like pancakes this is our finishedproductthese tasted great that a spinachuncooked spinach basically has no tasteto it so these basically tastes justlike blueberry pancakes we’ve got thisoff with some chicken soup hope you guysenjoy please like and subscribe thanksfor watching[Music][Music]