Day 1 of lockdown in South Africa. It’s time to make pancakes everyone.
How do you like your pancakes? What do you put on them?
What are you doing during lockdown?
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
good morning and how are you today it isday one of the lockdown in South Africaand how are we doing well first of alllet’s put some tea in the pot boilerthat could be brewing while I checkedyou go do anything cup of teaanyway how are we doing today okay let’sstart by winding back a little bit tolast night because last night I thoughtwell full of video I will try and getthat little that countdown clockthat they had on the neighbours channelticking down to the zero at lockdown youknow to put it on the video so I set upthe camera set up in front of the TV andthis happened poof yep storm came notthe power no electricity so I went tobed and so I haven’t got a cloak apicture of the countdown going to zerosorry about that um got up this morningpowers back on my Wi-Fi is not workingyet my internet so hopefully that’sgonna come back but I do haveelectricity which is great news but thenI turned on the news and I had some badnewsSouth Africa today has suffered itsfirst two deaths due to the corona viruswhich is very sad and is the start of atrend that we’ve seen in many countriesI just hope that nobody you love or carefor gets affected with this also on thenews was the news people help them aboutshowing what’s response to SouthAfricans in the different places have tothe lockdown and if they’re respectingsocial distancing and not going out foressentials and this is what it lookslike so credit to e-news South Africafor that footage but it’s like is thislike in lots of places people justcarrying on as normal out there nowwhere I live is actually a little sleepyvillage so I can walk out my gate atpretty muchany day of the year and not see anybodyso without going out which I’m not gonnado there I can’t really tell if it’sactually having an effect locally butaround the country it seems like peopleare pretty much ignoring the lockdownwhich anyway if you’re going to countrythey’ve got lockdown or if you’reanywhere where the virus is in yourcountry stay home and stay safe don’t goout unless you have to do unless youneed food medical attention or if you’resomebody who could look after an olderperson a neighbor or a friend thatshouldn’t go out and you can dosomething for them otherwise stay athome it’s a little bit of suffering it’snot really suffering to stay home for alittle while for a lot of gain in thefuture and end up full of youngsters whosay but only affect old people the firsttwo cases in Cape Town in yes in CapeTown in South Africa where a 21 year oldand a 28 year old and a 41 year oldyoung people so don’t take the risk andtry and preserve lives of others anywayfor us today we’re in the kitchenbecause I’ve decided for breakfastwe’re going to show you how to make theperfect pancakesso let’s cue the music and[Music][Music]first carefully measure out a few hoopspinfalls of plane that’s a duck nextalso carefully measured out a dose ofmilk and I don’t have an electricwasting on a hand whisker you don’t puttoo much milk in just enough so you canmix it nicely then the key is to mix itnice and roughly there mix all over thecounter and the other thing is there anygood food if you prepare it properlymust make a mess as I think that’s likean official thing with making food so XI cracked them separately in case that’sa bad egg in it is I want to ruin mybatter at one we go to eggs nice andhealthy and then mix them in now andthat’s had a good mix contacts beautifulconsistency beautiful gonow at this point this is one of themost important part of making pancakebatter that most people miss that mostpeople now will heat the pan and startmaking pancakes but batter needs to restso now I’m just going to sit on the sidewith a bit of covering on the topsnothing drops in it for 20 minutesbefore I start[Music]whoa you’re part of the flow need aportal show show you swirl whoopswould have been much better much betterin this one hey the first ones are neveras good as the middle ones which arenever as good as the end ones keepswirling it keeps funny keep swirlingaround the pan and to stop moving thenyou’re waiting heated spatula in headnow pancakes don’t they come to cookbasically you’re gonna cook it till itstops ticking then turn it over and thenheat your throat till it’s ready to eatokay I have to admit that today probablyI’m filming it pancake was a little bitthin keep still sticking with honorpatiently patiently so you know we goBarnett’s heat at that side place isready now obviously where you have yourpancake is your personal choice but Ineed to keep it simple sugar and lemonandyou know this pancake is for you sobetter make this a good one thing don’tyou think it’s thin or thick I like thembut they’re not thin thin but not thickthink I like the Magnum sort of mayberight no two millimeters I’ve know thathow you measure and what types of apancake but this is how I like them andthis is how yours is gonna be there wego nice not in the pan remember to letme know what you would eat with yourpancakes and what your favorite pancakerecipe is I what you put on yourpancakes and there’s some people likehoneysome people like Sara some people likefruit some people like putting raisinsand things in the pancake when they comeI just like things simple plain pancakehoney no playing pancake lemon and sugarthat’s me every time but you let me knowwhat you want your pancakes coming upsoon good news your pinkie didn’t sticklet’s flip Oh perfect flip go cook itand I’ll be here for you trying to burnyour food fresh cuts let’s just see thatthere we go enjoy your pancake