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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
good morning good morning morning it’s 5o’clock in the morning I’m up earlybright-eyed and bushy-tailedcooking update cooking up day I’m good afree run of making pancakes from scratchI’ve never done pancakes in my life soit’s all new to me on the pre run readyfor tomorrowpancake days tomorrow when I might win atest today to see if I can do all thisis like a pre run so good morning goodmorning good morning good morning goodmorning good morning these are the prerun on pancakes in my life and I’mmaking them from scratchget in there mallet so this is a cookiedough bladeI’m upper-mid up since 4 cups for not amoral pearly early bird catches the wormyou know when I make pancakes fromscratchyeah so this would be full I’m like Iwould attest I’m making pancakes readyfit fit tomorrow for tomorrow yeahpancakes is coming on strong I’ve gotall my ingredients ready I’m just goingto sit out I’ve got a blender I’m goingto blend it right now right this is likea this is like a pre run of makingpancakes from I’ve never made pancakesin my life so this is all new to mepancake day is tomorrowso for I don’t want to mess up tomorrowmaking pancakesso I’m also getting like some of thetests practice makes perfectremember that and always remember everyday we have walk around a great dateyeah yeah so this is a cooking up daycooking update coming on strongthis is a cook you know big cookingupdate coming out of coconut oil burningand in the coffee so far I’m gonna stopdoing more cooking updates and possiblybe more akeem videos I’ll be liking thisroom sometime I’m not sure well I won’tbe out hiking for the meantime I’m goingto do more cooking update cookingseaside mark cooking updates yeah how todo more cooking updates I’ve got coffeebrewing there that’s one job done sowe’ll begin you inner eight-day I’mreading up a recipe I’m using an iPad toget the recipe and when the followingI’ve never done pancakes in my lifethe easy quick easy easy they quite easyto make once you are blender just pourthem into the pan and Bob’s your unclebut I’ve got a blender I’ve got Louisaninja blenders so I can blend it in theblender but I need to find that enoughquite a million pancakes tomorrow forone but for Mexican oh dude I so wannapractice service I’m having pancakes forbreakfastmy mother hates breadfruit but up tomake pancakes all right let’s getseveral sony plain flour eggs milksunflower or olive oil lemon wedges andcaster some sugar so let’s see if I canget it right right so I need hundredgrams of flourhundred grams of flour equilibriums orleague in runs a couple missions that’sfocusfucking rubbish today but I lead the wayto a star I’m gonna cooking up a cookingupdate so only grams of flour when hegrumbled as in his backone point 500 grams of flour or somescales on it I’ve known on pancakes inmy life don’t know with a finger onpancake meat good innityeah my pancakes your breakfast or notmother testicle is that 300 grams that’smilliliters so what to do so that’s true38 grams out what you dogiftable button as well now you don’tpull put your India or put butter in thepot no no I don’t need what to do handsupwhy when I Drive my truck it so I was240 Tony hundred grams of flour yeah sothis is all new to me they need toughthis to new from these 238 Brown reallyclass right they need to make you freefree it is abundant in grandma’s headwhatever so right now that’s the flourgoing in so I should I should flour I’mdoing a test run of pancakes and therewere many min me life so this is all newto meso that’s it I would say I would saythat some red grams of flour so thepurpose of getting this gal to give me abed I think that’s one big lumps offlour burning burning so I’m making somepancakes one foot fresh I want to tellsomebody grams of flour what I’m gettingthere right that’s fouled on in thereI’m just pulling on the flour in thereand everything all rightright two large eggs right so let’s doit right thereright now so put two eggs in yet don’tput two large eggs in there there aretwo large eggs gone in there right so Iput two large eggs in here with a flowerI’ll make you something I’m doing a testrun of pancakesI’m doing more cooking updates so onetablespoon of sunflower oil andvegetable oil now I’ll do olive oil someolive oil it says it says here onetablespoon there are Thomas that’s oneand that’s two two two four look pinchof salt I’ve got some sea salt underyeah getting their mother yeah wellbaffle put pepper pepper some salt on itSam side thirty minutes so Solly like 30minutes he says yeah put hundred gramsof flour two large egg three 300millimeter milk one people of Bobby’sover but you so putting launched morewhen wistfulbutter then leave for 30 minutes it’sall in the referring it is you have toput milk in it400 grams and milk a few big grams ofmilk so we go to milk it will revamp themilk aluminium millimeters be jokingso let’s pour some milk it I would saythat much yeahshould we say that much well some paintcan do it I think that you leave it for30 minutes and after whisk it maybefever for 30 minutes leavehim 30 minutesI mean before 30 minutes we need towatch her in the path I know what I’mdoing yeah yeah this is a test run gonnaput some butter in the frying panyeah don’t look Blanca says have 30minutes for us you need to leave it fora rest for 30 minutes set a mile fry pancrisp and cool kitchen paper but youleave it for 30 minutesyeah I’m doing some pancakes Alan youleave that for 30 minutes yeah you leaveit you have to leave it for 30 minutesso leave it for 30 minutes yeah I don’tknow what can I put in there come on ayes yeah ask you like thisI don’t know what I’m doing what aboutchocolate or I put some chocolateand I want to do it so what can i playwhat about London syrup um Walt you knowa deal about a chocolate golden syrup orMaxim Jim yeahOh after whiskey well blend blend it ina blender[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]top safe whisking yeahpancake makes me about to do pancakesthey’re easy peasy lemon squeezyand these put some baking powder andDonna[Music][Laughter]making hundred yeah we have got for somegood growing in the panlet’s have some money money money I’vegot some money in the mix but I blend itagain yeah these are seaside markspancakes[Music][Music][Music]shit ready waiting for pancakes sees init it’s easy enough did are easy rightit is that now is that whoops just cleanon there like using no plate no theydon’t fling for me I’m me off there yeahI know it no platethere’s no pot washing for me my lid myleadright I’m not using nope I never usedplacethe attention of pancakes another enemylike this miserable fate of our blenderso that without keep me goingright I made some frantic Nickseasy does it it’s easy does itooh yes pancake for you well it yeah I’mKate Remo is nkq memory here for fiveo’clock in the morning I didn’t havemuch be a nice guy who got one only addone bit and everyone being nice niceyeah I caught me halfway lucky terrificso let’s see how this pans out sopancake for you where thereyou can drink this couldn’t come yeahyeah myself okay to the pancake mix[Music]lovelyWow I’m a deal divided and what you dothat you put you define fun dunya whatyou do now just just just leave yeahyeah now I’m eating awesome workservices yeah I don’t know rent pancakesnever come back what’d you do with itman do you just leave it and let it cookit yourselfI don’t stand Samba in itJeff Ament it all up scramble it he’s anice aroma links wellrenewing their I mean it’s cooking inthe fryer but you leave it to cookyeah well it’s cooking then what you doin there Jeff if I won’t be cooking forshe I’d read the instructions well youthink we the frying pan me yet to leaveme to cook some even if the fuckingmothera lot mine cooked a little bit longerabout my have cooked a little bit longerWow look at thatI’ll take from me my live my live lookat that time Kate’s for me my lid yeahso some pancakesthat’s first pancake I’ve ever made inmy lifeI’m Kate no page here we go no plate forme my lad golden syrup oh yeah lemonwhere they hit that’s eleven minutesthis is a test run yeah sweet a littlebit lemon on itno plate for me man mmm yeah fresh apancakes for me man that fresh freshpancakes and mmm pancakes minami[Music][Music]pancakes for me you need you come onthen I haven’t got any I have to getsome tomorrowokay cumulative yeah yeahpackage for you man I love you someknock knock knock tell her tomorrowJoker yeah okay come over there goldensyrup for our test roll of pancakes getin there get in there by there mm testrun pancakesno plate for me now is you need yokuboulet we’ll get some not tell it tomorrowDoka and I’m late from bananas madepancakes from scratchnow I’m gonna I can make em when I canre I’m gonna do more I can out there youknow yeah I just made some Oh may I makesome pancakes from scratch so do youI’ll get some fucking stuff tomorrow butI’m not using no playyeah it can make three nights each otheryes in the Bashan the last you to knowyou had to go down a bit now Mike yeahthe flutes top me I’ll just made somepancakes from scratchyou get free pancakes are that long hmmand we do more cooking videos I’m notgoing to give them up when I make somepancakes from scratch huh kind of justgive me a Blue Peter pancakes[Music]believe it I made myself some pancakesWow with the ingredients I might becomea chef a master I do I’m gonna startdoing more cooking videos yeah yeahyou’d be employing me at their race I’mgonna be the best chef in the worldyeah any joke about that Gary you have afull win tonight these are these areJohnny cakes with yet which way’d hegave patella which film or series madeJohnny cakeswell what series where he went somewherethat did it get it from Johnny cakes andKate Sopranos yeah yeah yeah yeah I’mgoing I came this week yeah I want toget out I’m not doing no more generalgood I keep walking the better now am ilacking more now like you mooks in thereI’m gonna get out there new more I can Iwant to get that that 16 stone bracketoh the target is to get into the 16stone bucket before we birthday on a 17April that’s that that’s we go hmm yeahthat’s it that’s a good idea nice I needto do more cooking videos yeah I need todo more waikingya see four o’clock this morning fiveo’clock cookingmmm breakfast at five o’clock in themorning last night only had one beerlast night that’s all I hadI could also drink anymore when youwon’t be last night married believe itI’ll just do me ten some pancakes I’venever made them beforeyeah so pancakes for you manyeah you can keep result with withsausage we have sausages are you doingany pancakes tomorrow it’s Pancake Daytomorrow you know are you doing anypancakes tomorrow get from scratch onedon’t need to buy pancake mix Marthadoom yourself yeah you frying pan outtomorrow yet do some pancakescome on yeah do you think gonna wash noplate don’t wait for me man if I’m notusing a plate I’m gonna wash up AnnaFoley why she’s done mmmdo you get free pancakes are they prettymuch yeah lovely mm-hmm yeah Oh Donnamay think the riches from London helloall right well you see the cooking videowell first I’m off cook to me like ohyou’re looking for a shepherd yeah Ihope you very chef at the Ritzyeah I’m interested me so the livingquarters just well so look you’ve run onwhat number one chef at the Ritzyeah keep your book they put my namethat I could you just watch the livebroadcast bit well I’m a chef in themakingoh I’ll send you my CV onlineroh thank you very much probably the airup in the end check in the kitchen atthe Ritz Wowyeah thank youoh absolutely yeahin fact remember I said you might see melateroh so so am i it oh thank you very muchtake take take care thank you very muchthat will W later you you too thank youvery muchI’m just going to cover the rich yeah weunplugged mr. chef no plate for me manthere hmm no Walmart a lot of thecooking programs Nigel Slater hmm a lackof cooks in that Nigel Slater we thoughtsure Emily young younger hmm I tell youwhat these pancakes are yummy are youdoing pancakes tomorrow on TuesdayI couldn’t eat anymore three pancake isa little ARIMARaghu unit one and I’m stuff now I’m onabout going hiking yeah yeah I’m onabout when I kick I ain’t ain’t ain’tangular with no cuts no pot washing forme manmove they were deliciousthat’s a first-ever time of makepancakesI don’t know minimum yelling I can’t Ican’t I can’t remember Ben somebody madethem for me but I’ve never made them weshow they were lonely they what look Idon’t need plates to wash any like andfour well I’ll show you I’ll do I’llshow you what I do yeah yeah easy do itI don’t like hard workoh yeah okay well that was all were thatwhat do do with all that they know mebut I’ll tell you what perfect pancakeshuh yeah and they’ll have to bringpancakes down my head yeah strawberriesand cream on them mm-hmm from thepercent credsorry well you need to you don’t need alot to make decent funny videos rightjust be yourself exactly that’s why youneed won’t be and that’s not oh I hadone beer last night I had one beer so sodeep treatment only one beer cuz I can’tgossington anymore no I packed the gymin but then when I came yes exactlyright yeah exactly Oh give me your topfunny jokeignore the answers may ignore the agesnow what I’m trying to say is and we domore liking yeah we’re down I’m gonna domore I can you know see me out walkingabout in the near future to be moreoutdoor videos I’m telling you I want toget out there and do what I can I’mtelling you what it hit it all beforebut today this time it’s for realyeah I might dude I might walk 10 milethere 10 mile back Molly 20 mile a dayjust keep walkingcease you’re working it how does makesome pancakes is running oh you do PeckCaity to our is it are you doing anypancakes make some don’t mannequinpancake mix well I have a bit of funmake some pancakes yourself from scratchI have if I can do it you can do it if Ican do it you can do it you don’t needthe rocket science to make pancakesmorning the lids morning delayed morningthe lids yeah this is my first propercooking all day for don’t forget I cookfrom ingredients I made my own pancakesknow when you make them for me I madethem for me sauce yeah please women sofor me miss have some pancakes andbetter batter and ain’t gonna wash nopotsyeah my best my best chef at the momentcooking chef is Nigel Slateryeah good old Nigel Slater oh yeah Iwatches from his cooking programsyesterday yeahwell time you cooking them your lifeanother seat cook cookexactly if you want to do the pancakesame time as me I’ll tell you how to doI’m an expert there no I know how tomake pancakes there and I want to makepancakes now my lead well yeah yeah soyeah and when he wants to do that I’mnot eating that to tomorrowI’m fast after this coffee I’m gonnafast all day yeah I’m fasting that yeahI’m fast fasting I’m everything to eatnow – tomorrow I love this coffee thumbsit from 6 o’clock this morning I’mhaving anything to eat I’m fasting allday yeah a bunch a bunch on the tweetnow they’re from 6 o’clock is no food- the next day I’m gonna fast all daywell intercept some food so if one isnot some plus it’s got body fat in thereto feed off so I’m not doing eunbongfasting that I’m fasting the moment iscoffee and that’s it no war or no foodyeah I need anything I need to detoxyour body last night only had one beerlast time that’s why I’m up early I’mnot admonishment if I had a lunar biggerI won’t move at this time in the morningI mean bed sleep with enough I needGreek 30 froggy society and one beerlast night one beer normally aboutlistening like I can more than one beerlast nightI don’t want beer and after for nowdon’t want anymoreand I cut out a number six beers turnedit down some took my 1901 fasting fromno one yeah two days a week I’m fastingyeah I need to give me organs arrest soabout a bit of flour but inwith her eggs with a baking powder I’llkeep going or they may lead believe mereally yeah fast upon 6 o clock mycouple of coffees when it’s six o’clockI’m not drinking no coffee no pancakesor do these before six o’clock so whenit’s six o’clock this morning I’m not aladyum I’m not the anything now – would -tomorrow rest of the day I’m gonna fastyeah what is not plenty of fool it yeahit was plenty food e’rybody is 17 offstones were for food in there 17 stoneswere for fruits and what particular bodyyou’ll have to go to ketosis and I’m notputting no more food in my body for therest of the thing I see now I burn allthese pancakes off before twelve o’clockyep there’s no dinner there’s no teanothing I said so you listening bodythere’s no more food now for the rest ofthe day only listening alright who needany food you got to turn to the bodyfacts you know properly in the reservesbecause from six o’clock this morningfor the rest of name my own listeningare you deaf I listen right lit listento me buddy there’s no more food onfasting for the rest of day so you canget any more food gonna open up thereservesI’m telling you body eight yeahTom’s it about nine more minutes ninemore minutes and I’m firstly yeah yeahexactly exactly area without when ourlosingI I was eating junk food you don’t lookafter yourself badly when you when thathappens but now can think better andyeah last night and one beer last nightwon’t be last night I saw that one beerI could have two or three or four morebeers after what I thought now and Iwant anymoresee add one beer in the evening and thenew more I King videos yes Gigi can beseen more I can videos I’m telling youyeah in there the alerts when hefinishes coffee off times it got eightminutes finishes coffee off then I’mfasting hey when’s when’s it when’s itwhen’s Ramadan what movies ran with themthis DC yeah that’s a thingwhat what what month is Ramadan startsyeah no one like Ramadan yeah I mean Ilike any religion I like any religion mewhen that wind of Ramadan stars 202023rdfor Ramadan starts 23rd jidoka yeahrather Ramadan starts 23rd of April sixdays after my birthday and it finished120 further mate so I’ll be doing thaton the 23rd of April yeah because I comeback four months with nuc yeah I’ll bedoing round I’m I’ll be doing Ramadanfor the montpierre listen I like anyreligion I respect all religions sothat Ramadan the 23rd of April I have tolisten to the to the Islam chat channelI need to get hurt yeah yeah when I’mdoing I’m doing rap rap rather than inApril and end of April it’s cool it’sgood for you and I’m gonna and I’m gonnado more meditative I need to do menmeditate I mean and I need to do more Ican as wellthis is a fresh start month okay rightyou have a lovely Wanda Joker and we’llbe able only one day no this is a freshstart nowI don’t know more no more packed it allis just a fresh startit’s a new beginning that’s somethinggood yeah another cooking video gonna domore activity you’re gonna see morewalking videos I’m yeah they walkingabout in the countrysideSelenia and I’m gonna do while campingnot drinking in the alcohol on thecamping don’t need to drink alcohol whenyou’re winging it when you go campingyeah I want to do more outdoor stuff I’mgoing to get out there I’ve got fiveminutes left four minutes or more coffeeleftbut I’m fasting for the rest of the dayI need I need to fast yeah I’m fast inAtlanta and yeah one board coffee andI’m packing for the rest of the daybelieve know a lot collegiansI respect them all because the olderpeople[Music]yeah I’m fast enough for 6 o’clock Bagon6 o’clock that’s it now rest I won’t eatanything now to choose me I’m fastingfor the rest of the day I need to give Ineed to give my organs arrest yeahmorning Phil Jones are we doing our rateto be doing a rate time you doing ohright do you do in early don’t believeyou know right though you’re doing arate to be leaving here right yeah mateI made some I made some pancakes no Ilike Ramadan because it’s fasting forthem all I like to do Ramadan yeah yeahfasting good for you so there’s no morefood that won’t three more minutes todrink this that’s it yeah I’m 46 inApril yeah 17 / April flippin are 46 or746 four more years I’ll be 50 a nifty50 Kaba leave it man I’m an early 50month and every 60 if a liberate I don’tthink I reach 50 I don’t reckon I’llever reach 50 I would be dead by thenif a little more I can get fit then I’dbe alrightand keep off the alcohol that’s not onlyhad one beer yeah I’m gonna do more Ican write there are no more food nowsoon tomorrowI’m fasting now first of the day mythree pancakes[Music]leave it comes to me against the sea I’mgonna backpack stand in the cornerwatching cause stop thatyeah something new all day games you’rebadwhen you stand there all day yeah Imeant fins on face off I want I want Iwant easy workI don’t want all work hmm to make thingseasy for yourself well listen I tell myson agendano more bookies for me may need my wordsin the woods last better off on it upagain well now some will actually bebetter off I want to start doing I keepI keep loose your name I I’m ready to goyeah but I can boots in their boots yeahI wanna walk alone acrobatic coach on anew cultural path walking yeah and we docoastal paths walking I want to get outthere more I want to be out there forfive or six hours walking walk along thecoastal paths yeah oh yeah and out ofthe moment but one step at a timeyeah you Joker make every day we aboveground yeah Ronan rocksyeah well that number one when I was akid come on my car my body well longtime ago there about 40 years ago can’tbelieve it three four more years I’ll be50 I’m 46 on the 17th of April yeahwonder how many birthday cards I’ll getthis year I got 44 last year you know Idon’t forget I’m gonna wait I’m gonnaI’m gonna way from your birth birthdayyou know I’m away on my birthday andwon’t want me here I don’t get manybertie cards I probably get about 10although some women fans always happybirthday card and Christmas cards yeahso my birthday’s coming soonyeah 46 God believe it 4646 yeah but noit was that bad yeahwas it bad yeah it was bad yeah andthere was that dog there was a dump likea dunk come and many years ago yeah yeahwhat I’m gonna I’m gonna put how manybogey conjugate dish they share a lotlovely friends will send me birthdaycards just good just just send me abirthday card that’s what I’m here yeahit’s football countswell don’t forget I’m going awayon the fifth no on the 16th I’m away forthree or four days yeah yeahcalmly calmly will early Marchyes fine I don’t man no nobody get owneryou seem to appreciate things whilewaiting you’re waiting to get older yeahor he gets fine hey manfour more years I’ll be 50 month you’llbe food on it when what wait wait waitwhen you get older all rightwhen they get older you do preciatethings when you’re older don’t forgetevery day we have broke ground a greatday ginger can make your top felladon’t forget listen the door somebodyworse off than you I mean my videos Oh alot of people are locking said to meover the years well if it won’t for yourvideos you won’t be through mydepression because I make people laughbut then I will do it but it’s probablyfor character well I do hope people outthe month and I said like many differentthat helps me out because knowing thatmy videos are over people out with theirdepression is quite a fewquite a few said to me when I was insidemark he took me out my depression mm-hmmexactlyI don’t make no money out of YouTubeNomad I do this I take my talentsomething there’s a lot of people outthey write but even messing to me whatI’ve got Joe on things but I’m going tomake it major their name is Joe issomebody from Bournemouth said you knowwhat I was little timing life I alwaysgo through lunar depression and crap inme life till I seen your channel when Iwatch your video just cheered me RiedelI love something with depression anymoreand the person is not taking anymedication anymoreso I do make a difference in in smallways I might make a patent itselfsometimes not life’s too short in ityeah yeah yo you your good friend yogaso I’m saying Marvin goes up over peopleout if you having a bad day mapa doshare your end of the day makes adifference on it not gonna be aroundforever okay Joe come out your top fellaI mean every day me a book runs me wedon’t know what we’ve got to this gunappreciate life what we’ve got leftyou’re talking with I meant well wannabe around we have not gonna be aroundforever I’m gonna make the most out oflifeI mean it’s always somebody worse up inyou I mean I can see I can talk a walkcan do for you I can cook pancakesthat’s quality that’s talent thatBritain’s Got Talent there for you lookI can get up I’ve got a roof over meedible food in the cupboardsdidn’t I mean that’s that’s good thesepeople out there hasn’t got a roof overthe events these people out the agonyif you plant a I’ve got an 8 dude soShimon don’t want got any friends thesepeople loneliness don’t forgetloneliness is a horrible thing look whenyou get bored you get lonely when youget lonely you get depressed you know Imean he’s gonna make the most out oflife man you know what’s trying to callEmma we aren’t going to live foreverwe don’t going to die the same time awayexactly or somebody will stop we’re notgoing to die on the same day or we allgoing to die different days we’re notgoing to live foreverhe wore Minich on the next she’s gonnamake the most out of lifethink about it think what you have gotin life not what you haven’t I mean looklet’s look at my meaning let’s look atmy life go move on merde I filled in thecupboards I’ve got clothes and what I’vegot much money why don’t most womenbecause when you don’t make me happyI like being skin being Skeets great youstart from the rock-bottom of work so ifopinion it’s like a blank canvas whenyou’re skint it makes you think betterbut what I’m saying is you got to pickpositive one and I see life in apositive way I’m a positive thinker I’mvery spiritual why it’s not easyoh no you cannot three or four good daysthe next minute that’s that you can havea bad day a very shit date and I try anddo fun video to cheer people up that’swhat I doyeah yeah a lot of people come across myvideos just say if you didn’t see yourvideos of me you won’t talk about whenI’m in there are we depressing well noone’s perfect when we all make mistakesyour comment exactlysee gambling creates so much negativityin your life yeah because when yougamble in buy eat junk food you don’tthink straightit’s just you just created so muchnegativity in your life and I’m glad I’mgamble free now I want to be gambledfree my life’s gonna be better off yeahoh we batteries love the enemy battery’slow the battery’s lowI mean I’m very grateful when I mightknow got a lot I’ve gotta look I canwalk I can talk I can see I’ve got theI’ve got the qualities in life we’regonna pick us off very lucky we got tofit we’re gonna think yourself verylucky in life I’m gonna sort this livingroom out yeah so I’m doing are eight ami doing all right take him out thanksthe largest remake yeah you’re welcomedrunk you have a good Monday mate youhave a good Monday I’m gonna figure selflucky man we all human beings don’t meanwe all got our own problems you’ve allgot summer to worry about in life andlife’s not easy I’m telling you he justgot to override it you got to get overyour headget it over yet on this think well Idon’t let things bother me anymore I’mtoo long in the tooth I just wished Ijust wish you never had the fish odorsyndrome thing I couldn’t not a lot morein life but that’s a different storyanother day innit bookI just got appreciate what I’ve got inlife not what I haven’t no good thinkingI should have done this I could I couldhave done that cuz then that will makeme depressed I’m gonna appreciate yougotfocus yeah don’t take your eye off theball because you got appreciate what youhave in life and I might not got muchbut I’ve got something don’t forget wecome into the world with nothing we goout the world with nothingyou’re not I mean I can’t echo this onewe can Iso yeah you gotta think positive manevery day I said is always somebodyworse off than you that somebody issomebody the people there’s a new daytoday how many people on the Mauricelove home over the weekend gonna gonedrinking and drank too much or songs ata fightand so then ended up passing away or sothen I would accident there are I meanfit yourself lucky man yeahexactly my boss wake up every morningand it’s a brand new day fresh start andsay to yourself ice a blank canvas whatcan I do and do some good deeds allright someday they’re gonna cookpeople’s lawns for free of chargeI give Richard a bottle of wine if youdo good you get good back if you do badyou get baddies karma if you do badit’ll come back around and bite youhonestly there’s a balance there’s abalance the tide goes in the tide comesout the tide comes in the tide goes outit goes light it goes darkit goes like it goes dog you know so I’msaying that you get daylight and you getnighttime daylight at nighttime you getthe tide going out you get the tidecoming in tide going out tide coming inyou got the plus or you got the negativeyou got the odds or you got the evensyou got the soul and you got the pepperyou got the art and you got the cold seewhat I mean she got the good in thebatteryeah but loot me you gotta thinkpositive mate there’s always a light endof the tunnel mate and there’s more opensupport out there for different peopleout there matethere’s always more open support mateany animate every deal all rightte got to fit yourself look human I meantoday me I mean my life’s not great butit’s better than nothing I’ve got it’sbetter than nothing I mean I woke upevery morning no and I’ve got fish odorsyndrome I’ve got a disability toovercome I’ve got to go out there nowsome people might smile my condition allright but doesn’t doesn’t anyone like towake up in the morning yeah good morningmate I like to wake up alone and we tendthat I haven’t got itI want to pretend to be like a normalperson on a wake up today I think knowwhat I’m gonna feel I don’t want to bereminded of my condition yeah I knowwe’ll do it ourselves mate I mean I wokeup in the morning and I said to myself Idon’t want to be reminded I want to belike everybody else out there I want tobe normal I want to go out there and benormal I want to be like everybody elsebut I’m not I’m not normal I’m differentbecause I got Fisher this IndraI don’t want to think about it easy I’lltry and forget about it trying to benormal well so that’s my problemand it’s nice when people don’t don’tconstantly or probably there probablycan probably can can smell it but theydon’t want to say anything to hurt myfeelingsyeah some people might run it but theydon’t want to say oh he doesn’t befinished sometimes but anyway that’sthat’s another day anywaycan a bluebird you doing all right JamieLee’s getting there Bakerdragon getting out again out of makeupyou doing all right there I let ya gottaeat listen you’re gonna appreciatethings in life I said every day we’reboth Graham’s a great day yeah I don’tknow I look at we all I mean no goodsaid I want this I want that appreciatewhat you have in lifeyeah well I’ve done the same years agomate I want to be gamble freebies lastbet when you know a gamble yeah lastlywhen you know a gamble well I want tothought if you can remarkably TV overthere that’s not it’s all a mess at themoment so I’m doing a rate too many weknow rate to Madinah do you know do youknow do you know do you know rate toMadinah I am doing a write to me and wedo we know rate to Maddie we narrator ademeanor to materiabecause I woke up in a more nothing onour food positive more pretend thatyou’re like a normal person pretendingbut pretending you ain’t got no featuresin there but I have I woke up in themorning I tried to forget all abouttrying be normal like everybody else andit is art for me it is odd every day’shard for me I have to put on a braveface sometimes and people have realizedthat what nevermind and what about theown problems to worry about are theywhat I’m a positive thinker I’m apositive fingerman never get to getbored get lonely if you get lonely getdepressed I mean last night I had onebeer I could have gone on that I grabbedsome more beer by four no one’s enough Ihad a cutoff point before no one’senough I didn’t drink freely Fridaysadly so I don’t drinkin which it usedto because I don’t wanna because I wantto get out and do more like in I’m gonnarally if I was drinking or not this timethe more not being better sleeping itoff wanna so you know I’m not anyalcohol oddly so we’re doing our achedevery day no need to be doing every thatwe do you know maybe we narrate them indemeanor right to be doing narrator arewe doing hurry to be doing are we doingare we doing are right I got a 50-inchtelly I’ve been doing the rig to be doinall right are we doing all right are wedoing a hurry hurryOh brahsee this is exercise exercise arbitratorsays enter I read you in a hurry to bedoing Eric tabaquiwe do in Harry’s I’ll be doing a rate tobe doing her a video in a rate the videoeasier a baby we never like to be verydirectoh this is mixer services yeah movingfurniture backI’ve got burned them pancakes off I’llbe doing a rate to be doing night I’llbe doing a video I’ll be doing a rate tobe doing their rates every Davina rateto mewe don’t you minute any minuteI mean do we do rate w/e narrates a bedoing a video right maybe even ovenafonya II gotta holla yeah I’m alrightnow Miley them early Tim Elliott everynight Davidyeah that’s not Sony yeah Sonya Toshibayeah I’ve ordered Sony I feel very nakednot having a Sony TV I will get a numberso and Sony that’s a Toshiba he stoppedby this end is entry level this yearguess only yeah how do you know ratelet’s open up a window so a better fresharea I be doing a rate that we do eitherrate that we do in early Debbie doingyeah yeahno soda met other words by Seoul or Sonythe color quality on a Sony minthonestly the best you can ever get soyou mean that I want a Sony I feel neednaked no I’m gonna sell me that’s only aToshiba that’s only atashi but no it’salrightwhat he was going to for years but sinis the best panasonic ones are good aswell wind you have a minuteI mean do you know every day we haveboth that’s a great day how we do younarrate that we do you narrate that wedo you narrate that we do we narratethat we do either eight yeah gotta thinkpositive mother probably been in eachit’s warm in herethe reason I put my bed in here – what -story deets is in here but one storyteeth there one over there this is awarmest room of the place that’s why Iput my bed in hereso we doing are we doing are we doingare we doing are very heavy do you knowright oh well every day we have bothgrounds a great day gotta think positivepositive fingerman spiritual all that wedo we know we could be do you knowleaked everything we know a rate that wedo in her everyday everyday yearbookthat’s a great day everything’s a bonusmate then appreciate wait wait he got inlife he could be good you don’t knowwhat you got to these gone never takenothing for grantedI’ll be doing the deputy when I readevery do you know reached every doingrhw in a right ooh I’ve been doing everytime we do it every that we do in a ratethat we do in every do we do in every -every day we don’t reach yeahevery day we have book round a great dayin Italy innervate to be doing a right Win a rate W star rate to be doing therate yeah I mean everything we do youknow rate to be doing a rate to be doingthe right I believe me know rate w wenarrate every dinner it got a bit windyare they rightshiver me timbers shiver me timbers mylead chocolate yeah do me yeah JohnJohnny Mac sent me a battery pack sadit’s done it sure nice charge you know Imean even early to be doing a rate thatwe do we narrate their we do in a hurry[Music]to be doing a charity winnerOh immediately no aw no right to be[Music][Music]anywayall our good Monday all of a great weektake good care yourselves yep oh allhave a good Monday my lad yeah yeah sureat a seaside dockget in there d lids anyway all have agood Monday remember always somebodyworse off than you can appreciate whatyou have in life yeah shout out toSeaside dockyeah yeah well we’ll get appreciatethingsyes I’ll be doing a rate I’ll be doingno away you be dealing our rate you bedoing alright anyway all have a goodmorning anyway he has gone the streamwent ladhas he gone the stream wont load Ohanyway all have a good all have a goodmodern day remember every day’s a bonusappreciate what you have in life becauselife’s too short so get in and then Iowe that one beer that’s not meI don’t drink as much as it used to Iwant to get out and doing more I canremember every day we have broke grounda great day