Pancakes Recipes

QUICK & EASY PANCAKES 😋😋/Sumaya khasim

Tsup guys, learn how to make pancakes. Easy and quick 👌

1 banana
1 egg
1 cup flour
2 spoons of sugar
1 spoon of vegetable oil

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Video Transcription

[Music][Music][Music][Music]English first you can join whateverbanana is blackso now at this point you can add milk ifyou have you can add two or threetablespoons of milk if you have milk butfor me I don’t like milk I don’t take alook I don’t take anything with milk sopancakes[Music]ten minutes are done and now it’s timeto make the pancakes this is how mymixture is looking like and my pan isreadyso you set a fire but you make sure thatthe fire flame is too lowyou’re putting oil but don’t put toomuch you just put a little bit maybe onespring is enough just to spread it overthat pan so that the pancakes don’t getsticky if you have a non-stick pan thatis good you know need of oil but my panis not non sticky so I have to useleader oil and spread it over the pan soI guess when I filmed this part when I’mmaking pancakes I was that was noise inthe background and I didn’t realize itafter filming it I watched the video andyou couldn’t hear anything anything Iwas saying so I just muted it a voicethe original voice and decided to make avoice cover because it was too muchnoise at the neighborhood that they arebuilding or something you couldn’t hearme so I was saying that you when you puta part the pancake you give it like oneminute if I mean when the edges startgetting kind of like brown and you seebubbles on top it means that side isdone so you need to flip it you changeit the other side and it’s looking goodcaseokay this is how easy is pancakes soeasy and so quick you can have them forbreakfast you can have them anytime yeahwell since we’re in quarantine lockdownyou don’t have anything for breakfast Imean you don’t have any idea what you’regoing to eat a breakfast you can makethe pancakesand I’m doneyou

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