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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi and welcome back to MasterChef I’mproud and I’m Fatima and today we’regoing to making pancakes first we needto start by measuring at our ingredientsyou know how to read from a scale weneed 100 grams of flour so let’s put upa bowl on the scale and then zero thescale and stop putting a flower we needto stop when this reads 100[Music][Music]so now we have 100 grams of flour takethat off and now we need to measure 300milliliters of milk and probably doingthis first let’s find 300 on the scalewhich is just that and now let’s stop toslowly add our milkthere are 200 now just a hundred moreand they’ll rip freedom can we also needthree small eggs we have one two threesmall X and that is all our ingredientsthat we need so now it’s time to add 100grams of flour make sure you make smallwell in the middle into place the milkand the eggs like that would you like toadd the accent expression and then youadd in the three small eggsonce you’ve added the eggs in you justwant to add in the milk as well and thenwhisk it all together and now it’s timefor our 300 milliliters of milkand now we just need to whisk togetherremember to get your dog help but forthis part[Applause]your pancake mixture should look likethis once you’ve mixed all theingredients together and when it doesyou you are now ready to start fryingyour pancakes now it’s time to fry ourpancakes make sure you had a helper isnearby to help so you want a medium tohigh heat and start by butchering thepan just get a ladle you want about oneladle full for each packetwell then you leave it on for about aminute before you flip it[Music]after about a minute is flip overbe careful this is very likely to breakat this stage we’re on this side for aminute and then you have your firstpancake[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]thank you for making pancakes with usjoin us next time for a new roommatecupcakes thanks for watching[Music][Music]