Pancakes Recipes

Making Struggle Pancakes with Tiny Hands! (Quarantine Challenge)

Will I be able to satisfy my pancake craving even though my hands are so tiny? One way to find out! Join me in my kitchen. Get my skillet at (affiliate link)

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Welcome to my first ever installment of Tiny Hand Kitchen, where I don my tiniest hands and get cooking! Inspired by Quarantine boredom! Today we’re making my new favorite bedtime snack, a stack of light and fluffy pancakes with butter and syrup. Yum! The challenge is that I have tiny plastic baby hands which make everything a struggle. Will I still be able to whip up something delicious and satisfying? Watch to find out! As always, don’t forget to like and subscribe! I hope this challenge help keeps you entertained during quarantine, social distancing, and self isolation. Shop my channel on Amazon: (affiliate link)

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Hi! I’m Nick DiRamio, I publish witty/funny/sarcastic videos on all of my favorite things: pop culture, tv, lifestyle topics, toys, and comedy! Some favorite videos series I’ve created include Trying Instagram Products, Toy Commercial Commentary, and my recaps of Hallmark and Lifetime TV Movies!

One could say I’m known for my quick sense of humor, and I upload YouTube videos that explore my many personal interests like pop culture, trends, DIY’s, advertising, and toys. I’m also a great source for beauty tips and lifestyle lessons, since I worked as a makeup artist while earning my film degree at NYU. I love crafting, baking, and true crime shows!


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Video Transcription

hello and welcome to my tiny handkitchen where tonight we’re making abedtime snack of fun cakes have you everhad a flapjackeveryone loves a flapjack and especiallyit’s funny your hands are not the sizeof a normal hand quite so much animationyou don’t have quite the dexterity butthat’s okay because it’s breakfast timefor our tiny hands breakfast challengeI’m gonna be making pancakes in mygriddle here ouchit burns hello television viewers myname is Nick thank you so much forjoining me once again on my channel foranother or actually for the first-everinstallment of tiny hands doing thebreakfasts you know I just have beenloving a flapjack in the evening latelyas we social distance every night likeit won’t be fun to do make pancakes inmy little riddle that I bought on Amazonyou guys I don’t know why I hate turningon a stove for the frying pan this thinghas me cooking like a shell like amaster chef I’m telling you so I’ll putthe affiliate link to this product isthe thing below and I burned myself onit a lot but these tiny hands arepreventing it thumbs up to that we’regonna make some pancakesbut as I’m getting prepped here makesure you give this video a big thumbs upif you want to see even more tiny handchallenges I can do it I can do it butmost of our leads you’re new to mychannel I would love to have you clickthat subscribe button right down herethat way you never miss new videos fromme I blow new ones every week all rightif you’re gonna be like a casual nightlypancake eater like me I have a few tipsand tricks for you as we go alongtonight besides obviously getting thisgriddle which is the thing on the ticketyou get my spatula over here I’m alittle nervous because I don’t want tohurt myself but it’s also good becausethis girdle doesn’t have a flame so wewon’t be incinerating our bodies willjust be burning the flesh from our skinflesh of my little hands this magic mannotice how I don’t even have a realspatula that’s how this is already gonnabe all rightwhere’s my water you guys you know howmuch I need to drink liquids I justspilled okay and we’ve got watereverywhere now that’s a good start Ijust needed some time Gration mama nowit’s all slipperyoh okay for the sake of survival I needto use my hand my old hands my my deadhands I don’t love those hands anywherethey’re not me these the many ones areme now okay what was I talking about yesso as a casual pancake here I figuredout a few things like first of all youneed to divide what it says on the boxmight have so it says a full serving islike one cup of pancake mix it makeslike six pancakes that’s obviously toomuch for one person every night so I doa half cup which makes like three goodsized pancakes it’s a reasonable 210calories if you’re counting next I putall of the ingredients in a shaker likethis and putting in a shaker bottleit’s like much easier to just mixeverything up without whisking it in abowl because it’s a small serving andthen you can pour it right into thegriddle so let’s try to mix I have 1/3of a cup of water in this cup right nowwe wanna see if I can pour this powderin I’m scared actuallyoh just me using my natural hands allright you know sometimes when you’reusing your baby hands you just gotta letthe gravity help help gravity I was justwatching hidden figures on thetelevision it’s about people working atNASA women of color breaking theboundaries what have you guys beenwatching during this quarantine anythinggood it’s so crazy to be alive at a timelike this you know I’ve washed my handsreally thoroughly before doing this andI’monly one that’s the miracle of cookingfor yourself is you’re the only oneeating it so it’s okay if you have touse your own hand and also this table isrelatively clean do I have suchbeautiful little hands don’t Ithey’re like so dainty oh that’s goodI’m just learning how to use my babyhands today you know how everybody justhas to get used to the new normal allright let me see if I can clean up alittle bit I’ve got my paper towelsoopsiesOh No we’ve got cornstarch in my pantscornstarch we’re hit my panOh that’ll keep you dry okay this out ofthe way since I’ve just thoroughlycleaned oh that just made a big messover on the floor so good good good Iwanted that yeah this should be finepart of my brain is really not intothese hands anymore can he do itOh Dexter dexterity huh I really want toget a good screw meanwhile this skilletover here is a thousand degrees it’slike I’m ready for you to pour somebatter on me I’m still at the shakingphase okayis that water tight okay very good is itsealednow all I got to do is shake this up Icould just good okay this is gonna bereally hardthat’s gonna really tire me out I feellike that’s giving me a little bit ofheat does it if I just jiggle it againstmy body for a while I love anythingwhere kirsten dunst is doing like anaccent and in this one she’s doing workaccent the movie hidden figures but ifyou saw season two apart oh she’s doinglike Wisconsin accent shortly that’sshaking up that was like giving mefull-on bruises on my brain but that’sokay it’s quarantine baby I’ll needevery ounce in my brain to have like allthe blood flow you know it can beloosey-goosey I hope this isn’t tooliquidy because there did not end upbeing a little bit more power in therethan I should’ve I just want to know theconsistency of the batter oh yeah thatlooks right to methink we’re ready to make of the panokay let me get my butter I’m actuallyusing nature’s balance it’s a veganalternative hi for love you get in themix why don’t ya so I gotta butter thepan a little bit I think the best way isgonna be to just scoop it upsometimes you gotta use your hands on atall so I don’t want to melt this into myfood these plastic hands that’s truethat’s the truth let me rub them off onmy towel over here I’m like aprofessional chef but we’ll see yourtowel on the side from a better finger Igot the butter fingers we don’t need Igotta clean up my butter fingers thisaccent is not racist I’m Italian I’mItalian and I like my butter fingers sodon’t tell me what’s wrong okay let meget that butter out of my crevices of myand local fused fingers Oh No okay sothat’s working now I’ve got a pour mybatter into the shape of a circleluckily I can hook my thumb right thereand then I think it’s as easy oh yeahthis is gonna work Ohthis is gonna work again okay goodwe had some positive forward progress inthis meeting as you can see we laid thefoundation for a pond kick or a flapjackas the column in some degrees of theland can you see her welcome to myflapjack cooking now I need to flip herover with my in progress you see howthis is not the right spatula for thejob like from mixing stuff I need onethat’s for like flipping stuff you wouldthink with all my Amazon purchasing Icould do that we have to do I’m sorryhands good that was good yesoh my tiny hands did it I flipped thepancakes this is really working up youthought I didn’t know how to cook withmy tiny hands but guess what proof is inthe pudding baby huh you wish you couldhuh okay so we’re cooking and off andcooking I’m gonna get like this batch ofPancakes finished and onto my platecareful carefulokay here’s my plate ready for cakes letme just flip these one last time this iswhat I usually do to make sure they’refully Capetown the way through I don’tknow why I just like it I have a littleritual in my pancake routine now I’mjust warning you that people don’t knowbut look at pancakes a couple pancakesbefore bed is a brilliant bedtime snacklet me get some more butter on there forround twohoney look how ready and to go I am thisis like someone learning to walk for thesecond time and it’s no different it’sno differentno I want a little more stability oohlook how he’s doing itlook at this big onelook at this big brown perfect onehappening I have to change the batteriesin the camera oh no oh boy batteriesback but the cake is cooking no one cansee my real hands my real hands don’texist in this universe yeah don’t lookat that the illusion is shattered but mycakes might burn all rightywho’s ready to flip her look how bubblythat is that’s making my trick to phobiago crazy let me get under there whoo heythat’s really impressive of me have youguys seen my tiny hands being so good atthe world oh I can show you my okay Ihave enough room for one more on hereokay is this ready oopsoh she’s pale I’m gonna give her alittle more time it’s not the mostdelicate method but it does work youknow if you’re gentle and you have babytouches little baby touch itmwah blow some kisses baby touches whatwhat pancakes I love the way you cook Ireally love the taste of pancake batterthat’s probably clear cuz I’m doing allthis probably don’t need to you’reprobably not wondering about my affinityfor pancakes at this moment in timesince I’ve smeared them on my face areyou done yeah ooh look at thatshe’s beautiful you’re perfect you’rebeautiful I love you look tonight let’sget this one going one-handed could shedo itmmm oh she does it all right part in mytiny hand while I clean off this surfacea little bit because we have to be readyto eatoh hello we’re back again I got myselftogether and I think it’s time to takeour last cake off the griddle with ourtiny hands might be burn Oh nope justvery well toasted and then to that stackthem up babyno flapjack be without a little syrupwhat would it betell me tell me what it would be withoutsome syrup you don’t know removing thehey I want my real hands back okay goodluckily this one has a little thumb holefor me to these thumbs become very handyin life in evolution in all of it yes nothis is my final Everest this is myMount Everestyeah who’s ready for some pancakesatisfaction can you see thatthat’s a fresh pancake Auntie Mame mmmyou would never know that that’s gotmelted plastic leaching into it andthese hands are really gonna eatingpancakes oof – you like I can totally dowhatever I wantwhoo plus no sticky fingers I love thatoh by the way guys this is pure NewHampshire maple syrup that’s real that’sfrom my home state of New Hampshire wegot it there and the best part is nosticky fingers my husband grew up eatingpancakes on the weekends and wheneverwe’re home home or whatever holidays somaybe that’s why I’ve been loving havingpancakes as a bedtime snack every day itreminds me much has it of simpler timesand we can all use a little bit of extracomfort right now don’t you think mm-hmmwhat’s your favorite comfort food let meknow in the comments below and let meknow what else I should do with my tinyhands next also use your normal sizedhands to give this video a big thumbs upif you want to see even more videojust like this tiny edge challenges ofall sorts whatever you want but mostimportantly if you’re new to my channelI would love to have you click thatsubscribe button right down here thatway you never miss new videos for meoh no don’t miss them I upload at leasttwo new ones every week two new videosso turn on the notification battle ifyou want to make sure you don’t miss anyof those right when I upload themgreater thank you for tiny hand cookingwith me today I will see you next timeOh

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