How to make pancakes with the After You Pancake Mix. Easy and delicious!
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Video Transcription
okay today let’s try something fun yeahtoday I’m doing a little cooking videousually I make pancakes from scratchwithout using a mix like this one but Ifound this the other day after you and Ithought it’d be quite fun to try solet’s see what we need to do to makepancakes with this mix so so one packageof after you pancake mix you use half acup of milk you use one egg 40 grams ofmelted butter that’s all you needcool now let’s look at the calories okayso it’s a total of 600 calories afteryou made it but I’m sure that you have alot of pancakes on this mix so you haveto preheat a skillet over medium heatyou greased it slightly with butter youcombine the milk egg and melted buttertogether and pour into this containermix well until large lumps disappearpour batter onto a hot skillet and thenyou cook one to one and a half minuteson each side or until turned goldenbrownokay so even though the directions tellyou to start with preheating the skilletover medium heat I think the best waywould be to start mixing the ingredientsbecause you need to measure them out soyou need half a cup of milk 1 egg and 40grams of melted butter so let’s see whenyou want to what I use to measure themilk would be this on this side is themetric system if you can see but if yougo to the other side it’ll tell youexactly how much you need alright solet’s do the mass of milkso let’s pour itthat’s around 4 ounces you see the markright thereso I have fresh milk here but if youdon’t have fresh milk you can also usethe UHT milkall right so that’s our half a glass ofmilk all rightnext you need one egg this is just oneordinary egg there we go one egg so nextis the butter so I use this butter butreally you can just use any butter but Ido a lot of baking and I find thatFrench butter tastes very good so wewant 40 grams and I like that theyalready have the mark right here so youcan see it’s 20 and 20 so there’s goodat that’s 40 grams yeah might cut thatslice and then I’ll cut it upso I’ve cut up on 40 grams of butter andnow and the easy way to melt it is justput it into the microwave for around 30seconds it’s just odd mix them togetherall right so you make sure you have abig mixing bowl and if you have a whiskright so you pour in the flour for usall rightpoint the eggthen you take the melted butter and themilkI’d like to do a little bit of MOOCfirst and we can add that a bit later onso have you do is we mix it togetherwith a waist softly don’t beat it toomuch because if you over beat themixture there won’t be that’s good atokay well you can already start to snowcoming out so now that you mix it alittle bit you can add a bit more ofsmoke so mix it slowlyokay so give it a good whisk and makesure that it’s nice and all the lumpsare gone you can see it starting to lookvery nice and smooth okay so now thatyou have to mix ready you just put thataside and now let’s warm up the skilletsand get ready to start making thepancakes oh and to make sure when youknow that your mixture is good you canstart seeing the bubbles coming up tothem to the mix that means that the airis coming through and that will makeyour pancakes light and fluffyalright so even the longer you wait thebetter it is but of course that dependson how long you can wait up the skilletand I’m doing this over a gas stove butyou can also do this over a electricstove so there you go it’s maybe a bittoo hot so I’m lifting it off the gasif you doing if you make sure you haveit on top with you when you do thisbecause it can get quite hot alright sothis may be a bit too hot I’ll wait forit to cool down a little bit before Iput it on the fire there you go it’snice and bubbly let’s get some pancakeslet’s see how it works bit of pancakenot too much because I don’t want bigpancakes but if you want big pancakesthen you can take a whole big cup youput it straight in one middle and thenyou make sure it runs up alright so youleave that so you leave it to cook onthe on the pan and if you can lookclosely you start seeing the bubblestarted starting to turn upokay so you keep watching the bubblesand once you see the bubbles startcoming up all the way through you lookat the sides a bit to make sure thatit’s a bit cooked be patient don’t flipit over right away the more bubbles youyou want the lights and the fluffier thepancakes will be so when you cook youhave to always be a little bit patientand you can but you can smell it comingup all right so it’s starting to lookquite nice and from I’m gonna startflipping it a bit on the side wow thatlooks really nice isn’t it yeah so youwait a few minutes under so that theother side gets cookedall right make sure that you have it onlow to medium heat you don’t want it toburn all right so I always push it downjust a little bit to make sure that thesides get cooked in as wellcheck it a bit alright that looks prettygood okay so when it’s ready just takeit off the stove and put it on yourplate and it’s ready to eat you can waitfor the next one so that you can have asnack now this is the second one andbecause it’s good it is already prettyhotthe second pancake often takes less timethan the first so keep an eye on that tomake sure that it doesn’t burnokay so I have three pancakes meat nowand they’re all nice and fluffy they’renot perfectly round but that’s thebeauty of homemade pancakes right and Istill have a lot of mixture left no whatare you gonna do if you’re not going touse them at the moment you can just putthem in the fridge and save them to makea bit laterI doubt today or even tomorrow all rightso now you can put this together withsome fresh fruits and some syrup let’ssee okay so I’m out of fresh fruits butI got some frozen raspberries so I’mgoing to use that to put onto mypancakes of course don’t forget todefrost the raspberries first before youput them so I’m going to put that afterthe pancakes make sure you take out thejuice[Music]doesn’t that look nice then I have somehoney so you can use any honey you haveand just put it around so my honey is abit like I’m running low on honeyas well but let’s put on anyhow honeyyou want the line and you’re ready toeat all right enjoy your pancakes welldone you did it oh let’s cut it to seefour cycles Wow doesn’t that look reallygoodyeah all right let me go have mybreakfast now I hope you enjoyed thispancake video if you liked it don’tforget to subscribe in case I have somemoney recipes to show you all righthappy weekend bye bye