Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys my gosh so my mom didn’t haveenough storage so rightCharlie’s gonna go this time yeah I’mgonna do its part tooyeah I know I’m did you I’m just gonnadrop yes we have those we also havethese but if you’re attracted do thismake sure you spread inside of it or itwill come up like you it’s hard to getout guys make sure you watch the video[Music]it’s just gonna be tallyep that’s all we love drawing yourasses all yours at the bottom okay goodit’s a annek air Nick what’s that earmuffs ear muff oh you’re must I don’tknow how to draw it you have a laughingso much because earlier I dropped theother one that was used in the pan andthen it blew everybody like portrait onmy chimney is a closed thing on theplanetall right call it and runoh that’s a flower no to cloud cloudsI’m Scott Oh charlie I think Charlie Ithink Charlie’s is ready so I’m gonnaflip it for heryeah could dismiss turn around and laughthe babes get that on the plate now doyou miss dad has to grill the other sideand guys make sure to watch our othertune up there we’re gonna have morevideos today so if you want to go watchstuff to make sure you follow us yeahit’s gonna be the polls for employmentyeah it’s kind of deal a a swimmingreally oh it’s like a wagon oh no it’snotI ain’t nothing mind ready Thank YouDavey idea oh no no no no buddy I’m theclownfolks kind of went out for dental visitit’s our first time trying guys you haveanother batch of batter to do but morething after these are done I thinkthen comes the taste test yeah yeah heyha ha just ate hey we got dog food halfstop running round the house by me chiliis mine you’re the chefwe’re not making any more yet we’regonna do the taste test when these aredone so are we doing taste test withsyrup or no syrup yeah no that’s a lotof pancakeswait mom can you guys make sure a lotfor the video Oh put Sara you know weboth don’t like syrup as much and we’regonna see how it tastes keep watchingmake sure you watch play it can be ababy routinenap times oh when they wouldn’t happenyeah they’re all eating lunch yeah Ithink I’m sure the babies are still I’mgonna eat the MissyI’ll give me a face you Batman yep didyou I forgot to say something scribewhat do you say before you eat Ohgod is great God is[Music]thank you[Music]so nominate my Mickey and I like thisone is it’s a summarywe’re not Superman it’s goodwhere’s everything that mean oh thereyou go there you go if you try this makesure your mom is watching my mom isright behind the camera or your dad makesure you subscribe at the end of thevideo or right now yeah I get my likebutton too we always like that bye goteyes give it a thumbs up if you liked it