Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
wakey wakey eggs and Bakey but we arenot having bacon and eggs this morningwe are making up pancakes aren’t we herewe gowe just put everything together wemixture batter we are set to go thesausages are cooking on the stove I’vegot my griddle ready to go here so I’mready if you areis it go time it’s go time all rightwhat I like to use is a little bit ofbutter Oh again you never cook you nevercook without an adult mom dad grandmagrandpa much older brother and sisteryou’d never do this on your own got toknow what you’re doing all right alittle bit of butter on our griddle herehere we go I’ve got my ladle and I amgoing to scoop some pancake batter righthere on our griddle our griddle is hotso we have to be very very careful it’salways safety first that’s what’simportant whether you are at school orat home look at that all right a littlebit more can you see that was my cameraperson doing there she’s doing a greatjob I tell you when you’re a tenniscoach and there’s no gemma season yougot to find something else to do allright here we go rightfocus gotta focus right can only do onething at a timeall right I don’t know if she wants toget a little close up here can you seein here we’ve got our sausages they’recooking look that steam here ourpancakes I’m gonna check a little bithere oh we got little too early usuallythey say when it starts to bubble on topof the pancake that’s when you knowwhat’s ready to flip so guess what Ihave time for Oh Oh another SUP sip ofmy coffee now as we’re waiting here Ijust heard Bon Jovi on the radio maybewe should send the greatest hits of BonJovi what do you think she was sing someBon Jovi no no all right we’ll save thatfor another timeooh yes all rightmermaid get a little bit of a stufffirst for I did wear it turned out muchbetter yeah and now she comes in to takea close-up all right hang on here ohthat’s such you’ve had two out of fourain’t bad I’m hitting 500 yeah try thatChristian Yelich all right here we gooh that’s alright if they stick togetherall right better all right a lot of whatno I’ll see you know all right we’ll seehow do they look at the bottom that’snot a knife see look at the first floorIvy Ohdoesn’t that make you hungry look atthat all rightah you know that’s what I love abouthaving the head coach here doing thefilming I you know she tells me exactlyeverything to do all right yeahmoms and dads try having your daughteras your boss someday see how that worksfor everybody all right here we go lookat these hot steaming pancakes I stillhave lots of batter we will take anothershort video when all of this is done soand then we’re going to be able to enjoyour pancakes all right boys and girls wewill be back at you in a few minutes