Pancakes Recipes

making pancakes but talking waffle ha ha…

Answering questions my friends have sent in while I make a singular very sad, burnt, broken pancake. enjoy!
insta: @laurabarracloughh

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Video Transcription

okay so you might be wondering why I’min my kitchen there’s a very good reasonfor this is pancake day in exactly aweek’s time so what I’m thinking is I’mgonna make some pancakes for supper theone when are we doing whilst I’m makingpancakes is answering questions that myfriends have sent inwe’ve got a lot most of them or 99% ofthem are odet but thank you that therewas a slight problem because I have freemilk so you would think well that’sdefinitely enough milk for pancakes andyou’d be wrong because all of them wereoff last weekI feel like an awful person we’re gonnahave to throw these away but it’s okaybecause I got more milk oh I also gotone giant chocolate cake which I don’treally have an explanation for okay sowhen it comes to pancakes you could sayI have quite a unique method some peopledo say that they probably would not bewrong but they actually worked well it’snever not worthso literally a mug full of flour I’mgoing for plain flour because I can’tremember whether it’s self raising orplane that you need in a jug allhunky-dory there we go then you get yourmilk that is definitely not all and youdo the same with the milk a mug of milkso yeah oh my god I forgot to answerquestions okay first question what’syour favorite thing about filming a TVshow that’s from our depth so this isn’ta deep question but it’s interestinglike we’ll go into acting ones firstbecause it’s probably more interestingwhat’s my favorite thing about filming aTV show meeting meeting people from somany different backgrounds like thewhole crew like I wouldn’t have metpeople like that previously if I hadbeen there school and it’s just likenice to get out of a bubble that I feedin for 17 years and yeah I don’t know Ithink meeting people and makingsuggestions about the script and mycharacter and stuff next question is itannoying having curly hair huh that’squite a good question um funny story Ididn’t know until about the age of 10that you’re meant to wash your hair likehonestly until I was about 10 I didn’tknow it was a thing I don’t know whethermy mom used to do it for me and thenstopped and I just thought oh well if mymom stopped I don’t need to do itanymorebut I genuinely did not wash my hair butprobably like months and months on endlike it was like that but that was backin the day I do wash my hair now you’llbe glad to know we’re just whisking theeggs in now just a little progressupdate on the pancakes I’ll probablylook at curly hair routine actually no Iwon’t there’s so many of those on theinternet and no one cares if you can’tcomment down below but like why wouldyou care look at my hair it’s justfrizzy but yeah I like having curly hairnow I think part of the reason why I gotthis job in the first place was my redcurly hair because it makes me stand outespecially for acting because one thirdof adverts these days are redheads sodefinitely having red curly hair andreally I like it now do you believe inthe one romanticallyI used to but not anymore I think thereare so many people in your life you canget on with so well friends or like morethan friends or whatever and I thinkit’s extremely close minded to believethat there can be the one because it’sall about circumstance we only meet whatlike not 1% of people or something theyhow many people out there there are thatwe haven’t met who could be the one aswell okay yeah so yeah no I don’tbelieve in the one mmm favoritechildhood memory best childhood memoryback in my old school shout out to youthman we used to build like camps in thewoods and it was like a bit like 24acres or something like it was a big bigplayground and we used to like chestnutsor something would be currency and you’dlike buy and sell sticks and uh I woulddo anything to go back to that age andmake camps in the woods at Heath Mountbig up Heath now if anyone here iswatching from he found give this a linehey I’m gonna get my olive oil it’sreally simple it’s really easy I’m gonnawait actually till the pans heated upand while we’re doing that we’re gonnado a little pancake dance okay now it’sprobably eat it upso your office so then we’re gonna get alittle bit olive oil pour that bad beand you know I think it’s gonna be acrap you know like a thin boy keeping itthin keeping it a little key we don’twant no American fat stacks came throughdripping drip drip wait you don’t haveone of the word pancakes it’s butterisn’t it let’s finish on a banger what’sit like living alone that’s not a bangerbut we’ll finish on that if I had achoice I’d like to live not on my ownbut the trade-off for living alone anddoing this TV show is so worth it thatI’m very much okay with living aloneare you picking up one putting down whyam i walking you know soso this is a pancake I can’t lie I amembarrassed that the video ended up likethisbut I did my best so I’m going to munchthis down

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