Hi, My name is Indi and in this video im helping my dad to make a pancake breakfast for the 2 of us.
This is the first of 2 videos.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello guys we’re gonna show you how tomake a nice Fabiapancakes a well so we don’t kind of knowit’s so difficult first you want to graba bowl let me put it like scaler whatthe how much flour do we need 4 ouncesof plain flour flour pour that in untilwe get to the floor[Music]is it safe next you need to add into Xso first first you may need an adult asupervisor to like yourself likeone-sided cuz the show but then you needa little bit more you[Music][Music][Music]so what I said is while you’re mixing ityou have to pour in the milk and if youget on the side get a spatula and thewrong side while you’re mixing it but ifyou can if you’re not allowed to do thisyour parent or guardianpause until it’s all mixed um cause thiswould take ten minutes bye see you nextpart