Pancakes Recipes

How to make tasty fluffy pancakes🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞/സൂപ്പർ

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Video Transcription

guys welcome back to my channel mysticevening your pancakes unwanted motherlet me pour pancake to devour a symbolon it to pre-populate Jewish areas oftrivia phenomenal comedy love it nowwe’ll talk to Molly de piedra couplesaga room-temperature lip rollermusicallypeople and Amata mundo fire opinion I doman we’re essentially on a whale geekanother opinion watch a baby I’m sorry Iwish I moved itit isn’t a fully super tasty floppy Iever got develop pancake in thatcommoner money for moved about teach andEDD could you do a anakatagood time for teacher education are theyokay we’ll go to pin Jew shelter one pinwith a lake in here under TSP negativecome here it is one I tendered is monoibanana nana relay kuru and a couplepunches are as well kkonain a blue-eyed red piece put manylessons which overcome – I will not cutthe line here since is another dinghyand yes and so do the Ergun Davila chairto overcome you need it i’ma go for Cubaand IranSagarika for convention on my Vic’s adamn ok eggbeater now should we let upon ie mixing for determining whole kögelto mix a man meets a and another smoothwaiting say about Allah and I neverbeaten Nixon I needed a good we docouple my the podiumhoney did you look up my third tip todayare they letting you need eitherteaspoon baking soda to have to workunum another member of our kubacheck myown mixes are you prove your each otherinstead of cooking EEPROM mixing arecord of it I should cut aluminum mixitApollo NIDA tonight see the performershe needed a couple third to achieve netsodomy temperature new blog upper body acultural side work not a hammock say thevodka costumed iterative nautical andtheir day one nobody makes a tour againanother possibilityhmmrecording each other them and I got todecide am I good he might open exceededlet me see the cheaters now aigoo mygear better tablet I’m really my daylike oh it’s a little cool even thoughhe cut off now my life super I trimmedit and eat it and there isn’t a mile inexceeded a Miamihey you bitches gonna fix a andthere’s not gonna be tilde out soonenougheven tonight mixer today banana on itwill move the pilechatter chatter Solana Nandor while atthe either by Andre Cooper to talk nowthey won a kono mama de de Moines theconstituency an event editor pop it liveon the constituency how I told it easythe McCulloch egoism interest I’ve rustya McConnell either them interest a I’msorry I baking powder not effective aRolo Marshall was it I mean Telugu thelilac bacon powder not effective whereyou will die a perfect eighty revvingtip rusty I’m a pony on a curse wouldoccur Hardy yes aunty Annawe’re alone what he told me you told itto know you’re killing Jimmy for yourpeople depend on you say with you bornwill go along it operated on undulatingcroce knew each other play you like amusician now what am i turn back youmuch Islamic see he did I catch youlateryou look at your injury pancake Ilaunched it conducted Chino to theCalcutta document pancake a definitemother wanna get your joy to pancakes atUtica community share shop we need amedium flame the Kaka Paulo da themedium flame adorning Polaroid pancakeon a soup / – even better than you got acaramel a I’d be foolish for the flopfield tasty a pan take another caller IDa taste you fluffy my pan take it foreveryday – number from banana pancakebut these are super tasty fluffy[Music]

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