Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
okay so hello today what the Shawn isplaying it hard to make blankets thesedelicious recipe I’m food so first I’mgoing to splain you the ingredient andthese are a curve forward and cup milkif you don’t have milk you can use word2 tablespoon sugar and a tablespoon oilafter teaspoon a teaspoon salt 1/2teaspoon big carbon ablatorand finally to it also I want to showyou the difference between thetablespoon and a teaspoon this is thetablespoon size and this is a teaspoonsize in addition this is the containerwhere young we are going to mix theignorant it’s a medium sized containerbut if you don’t have something likethat you mean this shape you can usesomething like that eat Coover – and theother equipment are the medium sized gosomething like that they we are going touse is this one all also there are somemany types of whisk so I’m going tostart planning hood you can do it so Ihave to put all the ingredients in thecontainer so the flowone tables sugar how teaspoon salt 1teaspoon be carbonated of soda andhonoring event that I can share in thismoment so after when I put all Englishin the container I have to the mixturemust be must be will by the wisp as youcan see I have already put all theingredients in the container and now I’mgoing to whip it until it getconsistency this is like the kingsomething important that you have toknow is that if you can see that themixture looks really liquid you can puta little bit more flowers or vice versaif you look dad it is really thick youcan put more water you have to whip itin I don’t know three four or fiveminutes for example I saw that my mixeris relative I going to put more work Ionly have to whip it again I have themixer and before put the mixer a littlebit of butter or and it’s cured in thiswayAmericans will be part of the mixtureand you have to wait wait and a methodto get consistency as you can see themr. hasn’t come consistently yet so awaypossibly two or one minute and after Ihave to flip itthe pancake is almost finished so withthe help of these I’ll flip it as youcan see it is good only wait again now Ican turn out touch it the pancake isalready finished and you can put Johnbutter or something that I went with itand eat and enjoy