Pancakes Recipes

how To Make Pancake Muffins

Are you bored of being quarantined? Of course you are! Are you eating all the food because there is nothing else to do? Of course you are! So if you want to turn into a professional cook, this is the recipe for you! It will satisfy your soul.

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Video Transcription

how to make pancake muffins YUMingredients 1 cup of flour 2 tablespoonsof sugar 1 and 1/2 baking powder take1/2 teaspoon of salt 3 teaspoon ofmelted butter 1 egg and 1/4 cup of milkyeah the tools you can write them byyourself cuz I don’t know how to readhere’s how to make it first you’ll need1 cup of flour now add 2 tablespoons ofsugar hehe that’s the best parttorna 1/2 teaspoon baking powder now 1/2teaspoon salt now mix now for the milkthank the cows boom time for the meltedbutter mix it up again now pour in andmarry carefully make sure to fill enoughonly 2/3 chocolate kisses your mum heydon’t take them throwing muffinsoh well arm down look at my magicfingers now put it in the oven and bereally careful[Music]not bake for ten minutes now take it outI can smell it from herehello so much luckier than earlier butwe are the kisses hmm watch to see wherethey are yeahtime for the big reveal don’t dog Wowwe’re look at them i’ll meanest add alittle maple syrup pour it in oh itlooks so deez nutz all the pancakesmuffins are finished help enjoy themfinally now we’ll show you where thekisses are when you cut it in half boombaby it’s all chocolaty goodness insidebefore you know it all gone thanks forwatching and make some pancake muffinstoday

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