Pancakes Recipes

How To Make Pancake (Coffee Pancakes) at Home During Quarantine

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#Pancakes #HowToMakePancakes #CoffeePancakes #ExploreWithBolu


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Video Transcription

okay guys so this is my pancake I justmade okay so let’s try to eat ittogether amicably and that’s just somejuicehello a with me hey my friendcome on explore with Balu I love you Iwant to try something strange mr. Gandhiand so anyways oh my God look at Isisyeah it’s gonna be nice because you’veseen this coffee kind of a bread rightusing coffee bread before so I thinkit’s gonna be good then this one issugar and of course I’ll just put alittle sugarI hope this to turn off hot okayyou know you can go on making steak andput too much salt on the tendon just beso terribledon’t be surprised quite a small spoonokay it’s not even onto a teaspoon sosome of you don’t say don’t take toomuch sugar a captain does okay but youshould go it’s small actuallyand I’m gonna put salt he likes not toosweet okay just gonna pull the two saltsI think that’s okay then what next okaycognac exactly small so it’s not so muchconcentrated I’m gonna put egg are youfollowing I’m teaching you’re supposedto be for this class anyway I’m good toget spray upside previews Freeview okayjust make sure you shake it has time tomix I don’t like my packet to you toowatery like the mix jockey so I’m justgonna put it to water because the eggalready has something which yeah fact isto poach eggs will not admit one solet’s see because I want it to be likeyummy constantly you see what’s insidethis thingoh my gosh okay you see the color youguyswah-wah-wah well they might practice aboomoh my this CDs make enough to try crazythings are going downthis is so cool they are mice tokyo’sand it just kind of oh no I was talkingabout him with an outdoor market onlyit’s partytime just try with coffee andsee if you don’t have a cetera thearchitecture actually no so I’m usingthis extra smoke heremake sure you share this video please gobuy a turkey I just developed a newrecipe okay a VMs a parkingbefore let’s just pray that the fryingpans we don’t mess up your video becauseI don’t know the reaction that oil wemake this one now boots fully tofunction one of the chef’s face this ismy face okay oh yeah okay let’s continuecooking I’ve got something veryimportant which was the milk okayCeleste boots milk inside this mixturetry to be quite accustomed just and eatyou[Music]let’s continue 20 its reach what are thethings about here we have flow of coursecoffeeone egg milk sugar salt like wow isn’tthat reach it now try on fashion and letme know get leprosy I’ll definitelywatch it yeah we know so let’s go to thefire now and start frying account whichis to the athletes okay so this is mytime my fine part okay and there yeahthat money’s gonna be on low heat but Iwant that what let me try it firstcan you see I just want the water to dryfirst so we’re going to be using thisoil but I’ve already put some here okayactually see when the remainder of thelast minute fried I get it now sobasically I just so that I can be ableto actually put it gradually because I’mnot doing deep frying like I said I wantto do it like a bacon kind of thing andthis is the mixture of using this spoonto measure okayand I’ll put just a bit too okaysomething like thatjust a little and I will take each ofthese and watchwow this is like a more chuck cake youknow so let’s see we’re very careful sothat doesn’t bond yeah this one is gonnabe for thee once it starts[Music]so you can see that this problem becausethe oil products mine off so at leastput some part should I don’t stick andonce this every a little bit then Ican’t talk I’m just waiting to see itlike I was waiting to have Oh wonderfulwhy I love that brownish color so whatdo you guys think of my invention or isit no visionyes yeah it’s actually it’s on Luisa beScalia I canna like to take some time tocook so it’s not like water inside letme raise my rates me written here it’sme this kind of food can you see can youput somewhere so just do that for us[Music]you see so you allowed the team to makesure it doesn’t burn off but give itsome time to actually ticking so thatwhen you’re planning it you can at leastturn it off early Steve I didn’t get itvery well by Chocula but if you wastetime it’s gonna form you see it’salready getting very bad[Music]you know what I’m doingwhat I’m irony doing is this food okayAnkita Steve enemiesand that’s how we do for the rests okayguys so this is my pancake I just madeokay so let’s try to eat it togetheramicably and that’s just some juicehello it with me just want to see aroundright okay you can you can you getalright yeah it’s my small cubicle Ismoked kuba cool hahahaokay let’s enjoy a little bit okay guysso let’s let’s have a wonderful delicacyso yeah this is it this is leads so letme just this T so you guys can and I’lltell you I kissed okay[Music]it’s nice actually you know the test isso you know kind of yummy you knowbecause of the and it’s quite a try putit nowsomething’s balance basically okay yeahit helps to balance the sugar milk andknow that because it’s coffee they alsoof course they salt and stuff like thatso it’s really really good go and try tokeep hundred percent and I don’t see howto step it down with you said wonderfuland catalyzing Jewsperfect so thank you very muchokay then the new recipe today how tomake chocolate no not really how to makecoffeepancakes – wanna try it out that movethe video and we’ll watch and see howyour own comes out I hope mine is goodyou want to send to you you want youwant for all my dear subscribers Rheacome on Cole it’s alright cut you guysI’ll see you in my next video I love youso muchmuch love and God bless you staypositive okay don’t wanna kiss just toentertain you okay just to entertain youguys so stay positive and enjoy yourselfmuch love and God bless you for all mybrothers and sisters that are watchingokay and in the Ramadan season I praythat God Almighty to help you all andyou have a nice time much love and Godbless youbye bye[Music]

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