Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys it’s late in today we are firstyoutube video so like today I’m going tobe teaching y’all help to meheart-shaped pancakes because my sistermade pancakes yesterday but they werebad because like they didn’t really fitmy personality and I really likeheart-shaped pancakes and this is frommy family and my dad will be helping melike I’m too young to I’m too shortbecause like I’m Rosa and and my friendsgoing to be calling me later I’m makingme breakfast from yesterday but heartshape so she made pancakes eggs andsausages I gotta cut the sausages intoheart shape and we’re going to becutting we’re going to be making the eggbatter and to like a online form I’mlike farm yet like that and just I’mgonna be really tasty stuff let’s get tothe videoone egg like onions in the other recipefor this one so like I don’t knowpancakes differentlya little bit of the spiritdon’t make sureand somethis is a family dinner breakfastyeah my time is funded it me breakfastmadlyoh so if you need to other German cameback I didn’t do anythingOhyou do not need thatbut the area going to be making somewhipped cream so like do you need to geta water bottle lucky I have waterbottlesthe bagsnow it’s dirtdaddy that woman milkI don’t let me mention I just how much Ibeing tiny so I should look like thislike the normal batter I might need alittle bit morebecause we do not need these tiny tocookiesmy friend is about to call me becauselike not the same friend I was talkingthough that I’m neither one of them thisis turning into Tiki better if you canadd on more on no water don’t think I’mdisgusting but they use waterI like cinnamonsomething like thatI’m a guest in a waterthis mixture is basically I do water andwe taste the shape a little bit betterguys[Music]okay so we recommend I move this intothe washing machine or the stovenow you’re going to be one everyou can use thisoh my god this came out how I actuallywanted it[Music]okayokayyeah I was like I’m just gonna my godthis[Music][Music]okay I would try itit’sI saw I have to pitch out we’re in thecharger exactly that I will need my partto when I’m done trying outsorry guys bye