Pancakes Recipes

How to make easy banana pancakes

These pancakes are perfect for a busy morning or even if you are in quarantine at the moment if you don’t need many ingredients.

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guys welcome back to my channel so todayI am going to be making some pancakes sowhat you’re going to need is two eggs abanana a little bit of cinnamon a littlebit of sugar a bowlmedium sized Bowl you don’t need too bigof a bottlethey do going to grab your banana justgonna peel your banana then you weregoing to mash it now this is a verysmall banana I’m just gonna try and soafter you have mashed that you’re goingto crack your two eggs into the bananaI’m doing this one my thing becauseobviously the lighting is that waythat’s my bench there but we’re doing itover the sink yes[Music][Music]and I’m going to do this because I can’tbecause I’m going to add some milk aswell so yes I know I did say stuff atthe beginning this is what I’m gonnathis what I’m using but I decidedagainst that because you can make thisrecipe in a number of different ways butI’m just trying different normally isthe risk you recipe about every time Istarted making make makes about think itmakes about six six pancakes so when youjust kinda grab your mush off doesn’tmatter what the egg in it um it’s just alittle difficult to mash becauseobviously now you’ve got egg in there aswell so you can’t really see what thebanana is or anything[Music][Music]I’m going to actually maybe about ateaspoon so let me just mix this so itis still a bit lumpy like that that’sjust the banana blend it although youcan so you can get you get a preferredprocessso you can get something like this whichis the little food processorobviously you can process it just tomake it a bit you know we go into a messin this case is eggshells and bananaskins so we’re going to grab everythingthat we used and we’re just gonna cleanup as we go so so been obviously andthen I’ve cats by the way they’re beingreally cute there’s one there one andthere don’t think you can save him buthe’s in there we’re going to spread itout pan again and I just did a quickspray in a mixture this is so that keepsit not stick I guess andyeah pretty much here on the roof butI’m gonna go quickly wash my handsbecause I touched the trash and thenwe’re going to start cooking alright soI’m back from washing my handssorry about the lighting I can’t helpthat I need a better angle butfortunately it’s a better angle oflighting so I have just added a littlemore oil to my pan and I’ve added themixture like a little pilot sighs soyou’re gonna wait you have to turn youroven on medium heat and you’re going towait for the oil to start sizzling assoon as it sizzles you can add yourmixture nice little dollop and then itturns like this I can really smell thebanana it smells quite good and I’m justgoing to do a nice half off like I’mgonna hop do pop cinnamon half sugarmaking nice little[Music]as I said I don’t like brown sugar Idon’t know if you can see that very wellbut that’s it there when your pancakescome off the frypan you can just add addthat on like a little sprinkle lie yesso this one’s done right now I can’tpick it up yeah okay so then we’re goingto just add a little picture theyselected the tiniest pinch and we’regoing to just sprinkle it on and it’shotthe sugar will just mount that had thecinnamon sugar on it stuff for now butas you can see that’s cooking that Ican’t point that that is and we’re justgonna cook our pancakes they probablytake they don’t take very long to cookmaybe you like altogether like 20minutes depends how much better you makelike I use two bananas so I’ll make alittle things but you’re just gonnaslowly add sugar as you go add themixture and we’re just gonna keep goinga pancake on Camp then you’re just gonnaeat there your spatulait’s gonna like I’m gonna add a littlebit of cinnamon sugar on on the uncookedside so it bites into it so we’re gonnawait but this is the spoon I used to mixthe cinnamon sugar is the same Iused[Music][Music][Music]so cooking a lot bigger than the othersbut that’s right it’s like a shield sortof thing for the others I am going tonow that that’s done you leave this onthe you gonna put the frypan on adifferent element and then I am going tojust going to get like this much bettera whole heap I’m just gonna likeI just gonna plop it on top like thatyummy I’m gonna get my soon and sugar solet me just take that I have also hadthis which goes really nice with itblueberry maple syrup because I but I amgoing to then honey I’m just going toit’s gonna just gonna make a littlecrossso don’t forget to like subscribecomment just like even share and stufflike that but thank you for watching andI hope to see you next time I

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