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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Laughter][Music]hey guys it’s love and Lila and todaywe’re making blueberry pinkiesso what you’re gonna need is packet ofcinnamonone and a half cups of water someblueberries that’s optional you want tomake let me do the baby and then youneed two cups just add your cinnamon nowwe’re gonna add a cup of water[Music][Music][Applause]okay so now we’re gonna set up thecamera somewhere I’ll see if I skip Sinaokay yeah okay so first we added oliveoil and let it heat up on the pan and weput it on a medium medium fire and nowwe’re gonna add our pancake mix to Japanyou can add olive oil it’s optional ifyou want your pancakesokay so we finished and we should a clipof mush putting share of line and wemelt it we not melted we warmed up thesyrup so now I’m going to try it nodon’t rip to LIKE and subscribe to ourChannel and this recipe will be in thelink down belowyep[Music]