In this video, you will see how I made delicious and fluffy pancakes that you should try out!
– 2 eggs
– 40g of sugar
– 40g of butter
– 260ml of milk
– 200g of flour
– 16g of baking powder
– a pinch of salt
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_____° . Music credits.°_____
Music provided by Frequency
Track: Triple M – Soulution
Ship Wrek & Zookeepers – Ark [NCS Release]
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Video Transcription
hello everyone welcome back to mychannel so in today’s video I’m going toshow you how I make these delicious andfluffy pancakes kids love this recipe somuch and I hope you make it for yourkids at home so now let’s get started[Music][Music]here are the few ingredients I’m goingto use for this recipe of course I havesome eggs milk all-purpose flourmethod butter baking powder sugar andsome salts so guys now I’m going to besaving my flour my baking powder andsalt I’m just doing this because I don’twant to have any lumps in my pan cakeso I’m just going to be mixing the flourbecause I want all the ingredients tomix properly in our set it aside not inmy bowl I’m going to put in my two eggsI’m going to use my mixer you can useyour hand mixer our our sugar butter ourother milk it’s time for me to pour inthe flour I’m just going to mixeverything together I’m just going toset the mixer to the high level so thatit can mix properly so guys this is thekind of consistency you want you don’twant it to be too thick not too light sonow I’m going to be greasing my pan withsome butter but you can as well use oilanyone you wish so now I’m going to beadding my butterso Wendy burrata and bubbly then you canflip it to the other side and I’m goingto do each side for one minute so as youcan see I’m just going to flip it to theother side and I’m going to leave it foranother 1 minute then our pancake isready I’m just going to do the processagainso guys try and play this with your kidsat home kids love pancakes they like toplay with it my daughter always do it athome alone so you can also trade withyour kids at home to keep them busyespecially this moment that we areindoor doing nothing so this can reallyhelp your children to keep them busy sotry it out at home so guys if you havenot yet subscribed to this channelplease subscribe to my channel share thevideo and give it a thumbs up and guysremember to hit them notification thereso that you never miss any of my videosI’m going to be spreading some Nutellaon top of my pancake because my daughterlove it with Nutella or you can also usesome jam or depends on what you like youcan even eat it like that sometimes Ieat it like that it’s good to go and I’malso going to add some raspberries togive it a fine color so guys as you cansee it’s so easy to make and please tryto make it for your kids and if you havewatched this minute thank you so muchand God bless you please don’t forget togive this video a thumbs up share likeand subscribe to my channel I’m going tosee you in my next video with anotherdelicious recipeciao[Music]