Hi fam,
Pancakes is loved by many and these are the key ingredients I used in preparing this recipe.
1/2 Cup of flour
2 Table spoons of sugar
1 Whole egg
Pinch of salt
Baking Powder
Vanilla Essence
2 Table spoons of melted margarine
Coconut Oil
This is my first recipe on my cooking channel, and I really hope you do enjoy it.
All comments are humbly welcome.
INSTAGRAM- @abynahlees_cuisine
#AbynahLeesCuisine #Pancakes #Crepes
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys we must welcome to my youtubechannel McNally and you’re most welcometo my museum for my very first recipehere on this channel of making me somefreak of Molly referred to as pancakesin Ghana so let me walk you through theingredients I’ll be using a half cup offlour two tablespoons of sugar 1 wholeegg pinch of salt nutmeg baking powdermilk vanilla SN 2 tablespoons of meltedmargarine water and coconut oil so Istarted off by mixing all my dryingredients together which are floursalt sugar nutmeg and baking powder andI assure that I leave them togetherthoroughly[Music]next off was to add my wet ingredientswhich were melted my dream milk egg andvanillaafter adding all my wet ingredients Imade sure to say it thoroughlyalso I had my desired mixture[Music]at this point I realized the consistencyof my Michelle was too thick so I keptadding in a bit of water until I had thedesired consistency that I preferred[Music]priya is ready now and this is ourconsistency she look like you shouldn’tbe too thick and not too watery as well[Music]to find my creeps I’ll be using mycoconut oil you can use any oil of yourchoice or even module personally Iprefer the tea that it leaves after youare done pouring the fuse that’s why Ichoose to use a peanut oilI don’t person who puts my plan on firenote that the fashion in which you buyand not to move it should be up onmedian pieceafter pouring a little bit of coconutoil into the pan I wait for it to heatup and then pour some of the mixtureinto the pannote that I make sure that I spread itout evenly in the pan once the machetesto dry up will then proceed to use aspatula to teammatesafter 10 minutes you wait for some fewminutes for the flip end to getwell-cooked then you fold it to yourdesired shape this is how your creeps issupposed to look like after you are donefrying it repeat the same steps I usedin crying if you want some more peace[Music][Music][Music]there’s a final odds combo of my cribsplease don’t forget to subscribe to mychannel give this video a thumbs up andyou can leave your comment in thecomment section area thanks for watching