Pancakes Recipes

Fluffy Pancakes Cooked on a Rock 🥞 – Primitive Cooking

Cooking Fluffy Pancakes on a rock over a campfire in the woods for a primitive Pancake Day / Shrove Tuesday.


400g Self raising flour
3 tsp bakin powder
2 tbs golden caster sugar
5 large eggs
400ml Whole Milk
pinch of salt

Music: Plantation – Audionautix

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[Music][Music][Applause]no no no ah it’s a nice day so far Ithink we’ve got some rain predicted so Iput the top up anyway she’s beencollecting some rocks and can make a bitof a fireplace here do a little bit ofcooking today just how the other side ofour second storm in a week which isstorm Dennis eyes pulled down a lot ofdeadfall there’s a lot of trees over atthe moment I’m hoping that means thestuff has come down from the trees isnice and dry compared to that that’sbeen soaking on the floor in this rindso whoever finished making this fire pitI’m gonna click some deadfall get a firegoing and we’ll cook think on a rockjust a few pieces of fat would I broughtwith me because I knew how wet it wasout hereI have my jute twine birdsnest my Flintinstill some char cloth there’s somepaper birch I’ve collected a fat wordand some really fine kindling and somebigger stage stuff so not taking anychances making a fire when it’s wetconditions just get everything preppedhave some pancake flour and bakingpowder a little salt little sugar hereI’m just going to break some eggs intothatthere you go so we have five eggs and alittle vanilla extract in there and ofcourse some milk gonna see how mymakeshift whisks gonna dothis whisks from a downed tree overthere Sycamore I think so for I’ll makeuse of it as it’s green wood and stripthe bark off little more milk on this tobe somewhat of a thick mixture becausecompared to last year this year I wouldlike to do american-style pancakes justsays not to repeat myself over a pancakeday you’ll be a variety as you can seethe primitive whisk hasn’t done a badjob at all and the winds picking upagain here in the woods as it has doneso much for the last few weeksI was a bit hot in the first one so I’llsee how it goes with this one scrapesome of the coals out there I’m not sureif he’s had enough time to actually cooldown yet let’s see I think that’s gonnabe too hot again this place for that onewas in the fire let’s go we take freeI’m in the truth oh no badright how animals are bad so I’m gonnago over another one straight off the batyou can use this knife just to get myspatula under the X it’s not thefinishedwe’ve got that perfect heat now look ather risegotta say I’m a happy bunny oh yesperfect fluffy pancakes covered in syrupblueberries raspberries oh it’sbeautifulwell I think this is gonna be a verygood pancake daywell I suppose I should save onewell thank you for joining me today it’sbeen actually nice a wave of nodsexpecting probably in between two morestorms here but uh it’s nice the trek inwas pretty treacherous and muddy but nowI’m out here is good yeah I enjoyed themI didn’t really eat as many as it looksI gotta take some hope for later I hopeyour pancake day is as enjoyable as mineif you can get out there and do themoutside until next time goodbyeOh No

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