Hello ppl! Welcome to my channel. I hope you enjoy the content today and is to come! Please subscribe, I want to get my first 100 subs in the first month or so! Thanks so much for reading this and enjoy the rest of your day!
Instagram username- Mallory.smith_yt
Bailey”s YouTube link- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8hbHvOenwYrbcUV3GRZCYA
Bailey’s Instagram link- https://www.instagram.com/bailey.dedrick/
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys it’s not hot box and welcome tomy first video on YouTube in tears videoI will be baking pancakes before you getstarted please leave a like comment downbelow other types of videos you want meto do and finally subscribe I want tohit a hundred subscribers and if we canhit that down mean the world to me andI’ll link all my social medias down intothe description below and with that howI found out that I wanted to do thisvideo was that I was going throughYouTube duh and I I am subscribed tothis other youtuber her YouTube channelis Bailey Diedrich I’ll link her YouTubein her Instagram down the descriptionand I was just growing through like Iwould on my computer and I just sawbaking at 3m with brother and hisgirlfriend I was like ooh I do want tobake right now what can I break pancakespancakes do sound good right now so I’mjust like why not why not just bakepancakes right now like I know it’s whattime is itI know it’s 4:30 1 p.m. on a Friday belike oh haters your kind of Pancakes anytime of the day if you want so I’ll seeyou when I’m in the kitchen as you cantell I am in the kitchen so now beforestarting making the pancakes we have toget big ingredients so come along withme while I while I grab ingredientsthing that we need is a bowlI dairy-free so I use a banana paleobirch benders pancake mix and then alsoI like to add chocolate chips so I usedplease enjoy life eat freely chocolatechipsthey’re amazing measuring cups half acup sweet we got people to see me onebaking this during this part because theingredients may be in the way but youcan still hear me so yeah so the firstthing I like to do is is the pancake mixin here alright I only have the bowlslide if I still didn’t spill in acounter so it feels in there so I canput it back inI’ve already spilled a tiny thing and Ialways put extra so on so how I use thisnice thing is that I use the sharp sidethis side and I do this here’s the thingthat I use is just applying teawrex Ithink you say it so then then I waitdon’t push that so that needs it to dumpout some I think that’s exactly at halfa cup so now what I do is I put thishere I grab my spoon and stir this onlymix mix it for 6 pancakes so yeah I’mnot making the entire bag we’re donemixing the pancakestonight hey guys I am back the pancakemix is settled like I also waitedprobably wanna shut up because I’mwatching ya boy pizza on YouTube rightnowwhat did I just drop whatever so let metalk about one tablespoon of these inhere because that’s the serving sizethey’re delicious just so you know I putmy weight so I wait you know so let memove you guys over hereI should have turn this on but what’sthat we need some more YouTube got thatstirred up that feels warmso see you guys when the pan is warm youcan probably guess I got distracted withYouTube again so the plan is 21 so nowthe time of pouring and right here is anonstick pan so I don’t have to use anysprays and I use a little but it won’tcome out for some reason so now thechips all at the bottom as you can tellso and yes I like this dude I don’t careso so let me pour this hereI’ll keep it out forone of you – yeah I’ll see you when thepancakes are done the pancakes are donethey’re not the best pancakes in theworld but they’re still gonna be goodright so now let me take over sorrycousin be able to see this because I amfilling underneath a pureeI’m so scared there[Applause]my phone camera ended by mistake so thedelicious pancakes so let me give you ataste taste test be good these arebanana chocolate chip pancakes Coonanand dairy free and paleo so basicallypaleo hmm this actually turned outreally good even though they’re not mybest pancakes in the world I wanted themuntil now ten yeah yeah ten out of tenhope you enjoyed today’s video I hopethat you got some enjoyment out of thisvideo while you’re in quarantine or ifyou’re seeing this after quarantinewhile you’re at home chilling basicallyso yeah before I miss Bo please leave alike comment down below other types ofvideos you want me to do and finallysubscribe I want a hundred subscribersthat mean the world to me hearts to youif I can hit that hundred subscriberssoon and I’ll link all my social mediasdown in description below and BaileyDedrick Instagram and YouTube with thatpeace out