Watch Evangeline Marlow cook pancakes with her sous chef Scuba Steve!
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Video Transcription
[Music]oh that’s a sweet and piping-hot thelittle bracelet looks up and says I’lltake one on the top who else wants apancake fresh off the griddle terribleto rest and smiles and says I’ll takeone in the middle can you guys guesswhat we’re gonna be making just by thatpoemthat’s why Scuba Steve where do you makeyou need to make these piping hotpancakes is a big bowl I’m using a glassbowl but you can use whatever but youwant it just have to be big 1 cup ofmilk 1 cup of flour 1 tablespoon ofsugar a tablespoon of oiland it keeps me new baking powder you’reobviously gonna need a spatula ameasuring cups and measuring spoons sowhat you’re gonna do to put togetherthese paintings and your measuring cup 1cup of flour and then you’re gonna need1 cup of milk it’s already here in thebowl so you just pour the whole thing inclick on island the flower the lawyou’re gonna need one tablespoon ofsugar to let me find that tablespoontablespoon if you need money littlesugarand then you need a half teaspoon ofsalt this one so you’re gonna hate thisone it’s salt in it what is it and youneed one tablespoon of oil this is it[Music]and then you’re gonna need one teaspoonof baking powder and then you have tostir it up with the spatula the Stevehow I miss you request minuteso you got to mix it and then you canfold itI’m just keep mixing and mixing so allyou see is like kind of this doughybattery thing you have to scoop down thesides of the ingredients off of the sideand you have to mix it until there’s nolumps or like scuba themed said probablyinto like one minute there’s nothingyouif you really still like walk you canflip the pancake and catch it all thisBachelorwatch me do thatso making sure that so good that my casetesting won’t leave me alonethis is my job to meyeah burrito anyway so my pancakes arenot really good so I’ll take two pinkcake and I always like to put thislittle like Mickey Mouse thingy on thepancakes so now it’s time to taste