Life skill videos for kids with additional support needs, showing how to make pancakes.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
you’ll need a frying pan oil milk a bullsugar a fork flour two eggs a plate alittle spatula Nemec fill a mug abouthalfway up with sugar then put the sugarin a board fill the mug full of flourand put the flour in the bowl[Music]using your fork mix in two eggs[Music]either splash of milk this is about halfa cup mix it all to a smooth piece addabout a spoonful of oil to a pan and putit on a high heat take one ladle of yourmixture and add it to the whole pan[Music]wait for bubbles to form around the ageyou may need some help for this but whenyou see the bubbles cook your spatulaunderneath the pancake and flip it overgive this side every 30 seconds thereshould be enough for about eightpancakes[Music]