Pancakes Recipes

Cooking Up Some Pancakes! | Let’s Play SpongeBob: Krusty Cook-Off Part 2

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[Music]hello gang youtubers on once find aboutone one banker again on the spongebobchannel was part number two of ourSpongeBob Krusty cook-off playthroughvideo series so we left off halfwaythrough the tutorial personally I do notknow if it actually was halfway but wecompleted level three so here we arewith Tom right so he says what is thatwonderful smell sponge that sayspancakes want to try one um Tom doesn’tlook particularly interested pancakespancakeswhat does everyone love pancakes theydon’t even make any sense you don’t makesenseTom okay so he’s just ranting and ravingthere yeah so bargain mark meaning allyour special needs cool okay so now wehave the bargain part let’s take a lookso better appliances means faster foodand happier customers so we had thisfree out of here pancake griddle I lookat that guy with the summary he’sdelivering us our new pancake stove sortof bobble will swell okay so we don’thave him in car bought forks car aboutfour boxes yeah I can accept everythingat once or I can get them one at a timeokay more plates more food okay and thenall right so the rest we have to pay forthose there is a premium currency as youcan see on the top right I’m gonnatemplate let’s just take a look so wehave these gems I presume and basicallythere are some bundles Krusty classicKrabby combo jar Valley etc etc allranging 498 $1.99 all the way to 9999 sothere was already bundles now we alsohave the Boosters extra three customerssecond chance mr. Krabs a special extra30 seconds burn proof instant cookoh there’s also Jim the waiter andBubble bottle and finally for the gemsyou could buy those as well ranging from$0.99 all the way to $99.99 okay solet’s see interior so these are do yourandom decoration so you can put inthere isn’t eunuch Gary petting booth sothat’s interesting let’s look at decorwe had the table well okay so a tablewith the snail shell okay so we canslide thatthis level 21 looks pretty good thoughwe have the normal chairs I’m not tryingto explain that and I’m not trying todescribe that that looks like this oneis a jelly one and this one’s like thosefloaty thingies the life life thing youknow never mind okay so that’s a bargainMart right let’s click this year there’sexclamation mark achievements I’m readybite it first kitchen how great for yourrestaurant we did that so there arequite a few of these pancakes and ofcourse all the rewards are the gemsthough it’s pretty stingy in terms ofthe amount of rewards like for each ofthe ECU and get one done so I guess it’sreally yeah I mean well the developersare really trying to push players towell you know pay for a net purchases soyeah there are a lot of achievementsactually now that I scroll down andthere are more popping up okay soanyways that is achievements now let’stake a look in this one leaderboardright so Bikini Bottom goo lagoon okayso we have two main locations so BikiniBottom goo lagoon and in Bikini Bottomwe had pancakes and the Krusty Krab andSandy’s barbecueI mean goo lagoon we just have weeniehut Oh and hand locked so this is notactually in the show by the way have alot is completely new it looks like asandcastle which kind of reminds me ofthat episode of sand castles in the sand4:06 okay so let’s see okay so you canlike climb the league and get rewardsand stuff like that let’s see the restare locked though okay championship infoso this is interesting if you are wellif you are like them ranked one twothree or four so they’re more actuallyso if you are in positionnumber one to 1,000 you actually getsome rewards and you had to connect tothe internet so you had a played a gameonline but regardless is interesting soyou be the highest league of anyrestaurant to unlock the championship ofthat restaurant and you get to partparticipate you collect the amount ofsmiles given in order to earn a spot onthe leaderboard you have until theleaderboard resets to have a chance atthe top spots and you can take part inthe championship of any restaurant sohow to win you stay in a rewardingbracket until the timer ends once thetimer is up you need to wait until therewards are calculated and sent to yourinbox so it doesn’t give too many andfor too many bits of information here Imean like do we have to wait for a monthfor the leaderboard to reset orsomething I had no idea but we’re numberfour right now so that’s cool okay sothat is that we also have a met let’stake a look so this is the main mainmenu there’s exclamation marks by Bob sowe can actually change the SpongeBob’soutfit we have a square pants shoesAgassi spatula we can purchase holditems as well a mirror and like stinksore and too fresh okay so I’mapparently the Internet’s not connectingright now the devices for some reasonOh an interesting thing you can actuallychange remaining look at that do youchange your name that’s great okay sorestaurant progress that’s where youfind it let’sNews I can show it to you right nowbecause apparently it’s not connected tothe Internetlife received requests received andInbox so apparently you can send life orat least health health points in thesense like you can you can make moremistakes in each a level okay let’s takelike this free gems you can watch avideo for for one gem I guess since wedon’t have internet I’m just gonnacontinue with the gameplay so let’s seewe are now at 7 minutes kind of showedyou all well the main menu except thestuff that requires internet so I’m justgonna go play this game and I’ll see youhome what kind of support I can get allright so here[Music]so yeah once you get into it it’s kindof New Yorker to be honest it’s justlike yeah doing the same thing over andover so let’s see what kind of highscore we can get in this level actuallythis is our last customer so that is theend of the level level 4 ok so now weare we are number 3 great okay so we’renumber 3 now let’s continue I’m justgoing to oh we’re in the store again okso we have two blender or the coffeemakers are eight a coffee maker we havea pancake batter pick jellyfish jellycoffee glass blue jellyfish jelly that’sinteresting and of course someblueberries and strawberries is thatwhat it is I’m gonna buy this layerbecause I don’t have enough coins rightnow okay so we’re gonna play the mixlevel level 5 and let’s see ok you knowwhat as we actually have the bluejellyfish jelly there right now sothat’s pretty cool good that but yepthat is there now so we’re gonna do thatso apparently it blew jellyfish pancakesare the height now and there you go soyeah that is that was a pretty fast runbut of course this is only level 5 andit shouldn’t take that long I’m gonnajust play this game until we reach likenumber one which I actually think we arenumber one now yeah okay so you got areward that’s greatfive gems that’s great although it’d begreat if I can get any more help dollarsfor that coffee maker let’s see we haveany of them enough money for the coffeemakerokay so here’s more story right sosponge up says off two worth alreadySquealer will determine never endnope have a pancake I need to get thesebuffoons away from my house okay so whatbite Squidward’s plan and tail there’s alittle bit more like any hundred andfourteen 145 more coinsyeah okay I’m gonna have to come backlater then play just one more levelbecause it’s already like 11 minutes andwe see what kind of score we get we’regonna purchase that coffeemaker and thenwe’re gonna end up this video so yeah ifyou have played this game personallycomment box below I actually want tohear your thoughts about this customersact like a fast service fast food at alllet’s see how many likes we can get yeahso I’m really interested to see whatyour opinions are about of this game sofar I think it’s kinda decent it’s notanything particularly special so yeah Iwould have preferred something more likediner – to be honest but you know diner- is probably like the to the thingoften mm it’s already 2020 and that gameprobably isn’t well fit for well 2020but regardless right so we have thisgame to play and it’s spongebob so we’regonna feature it on the channel anywaywe’re almost done actually that’s greatwe also have a leftover pancake so let’shave ourselves a leftover pancake wehave that extra pancake listen or not wecan’t eat that so somehow I managed toget all the way down to number nine wehave my phone connected to the internetso or either that or I’m now proud ofthe uprising chefs League so okay so wecompleted the start early and now we’rea part of the uprising chefs League andthere is the experienced chefs Leagueand the championship so four tiers ofcompetition in a sense but yeah so thatis spawned out Krusty cook up that aspart number two I’m going to purchasethe coffeemaker right now it takes abouttwenty minutes but you don’t want it tospeed it up for fun right for thepurposes of this video and wenew coffeemaker yeah that’s great so itdoesn’t really do much unless parentgamedon’t miss out don’t miss out on bargainMart deliveries would you like to benotified when a new delivery arrives Iwill set this later but anyways for nowthank you guys so much for watching makesure to subscribe like favorite commentCenter key right here on automats under101 and i’ll see you guys in a nextsponge a video here on a channel bye[Music]

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