Pancakes Recipes

Cooking and Tasting Vietnamese and American Pancakes | Bánh Xèo Mỹ VS Việt Nam, CÁI NÀO NGON HƠN!!?

►►►Bánh Xèo Mỹ VS Việt Nam, CÁI NÀO NGON HƠN!!?◄◄◄
►►►Cooking and Tasting Vietnamese and American Pancakes◄◄◄

Banh Xeo or Vietnamese pancakes are on my top list of favorite Vietnamese food. I do enjoy regular pancakes or in this video American pancakes, but I’m not a big fan of sweets. In this video, I wanted to show a comparison between Vietnamese pancakes and American pancakes. We’ll go over the ingredient, how to cook the pancakes, and at the end a taste comparison.

Bánh Xèo (Vietnamese Pancakes) là một trong những món ăn Việt Nam yêu thích của tôi. Tôi cũng thích ăn Bánh Xèo Mỹ (American Pancakes), nhưng tôi lại không thích ăn ngọt lắm. Trong video này, tôi muốn cho mọi người xem sự so sánh giữ Bánh Xèo Việt Nam và Bánh Xèo Mỹ. Video gồm nguyên liệu, cách chế biến và so sánh mùi vị ở cuối video.


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chow boy sang good morning guystoday i’m going to be making bun sale[Music]and american pancakesalso my dog is going to be joining me[Music]yeah all right let’s get startedingredients for american pancakes[Music]today you guys i accidentally broke itand i haven’t fixed it yetyo all right let’s get startedbefore you get started it’s veryimportant to measure everything outi’m a very experienced chef potentiallyone of the best on youtube so i don’tneed to measure anything i just wing itbecause i already know how much it needsall right[Applause][Music][Music]when you’re doing this you want it to bea little bit more liquidyyou can use milk you can use buttermilkyou can use all types of different typesofmilk based products i’m using yogurt sowhen i’m adding the flour if i have toadd more later i can but if i add toomuchright now i gotta get more eggs and moreyogurt but i can always dilute it withwaterbut the key ingredient for this is thebaking soda or baking powder which isreally hard to findin vietnam but if you look hard enoughyou can find it it’s important to makeit niceand fluffy all right let’s mix it[Music]this is not the right consistency wewant we wanted a little bit more liquidyso i got another eggso hopefully this does the tricknow we gotta make the fire watch thislook at thatokay fire is good we don’t want this tobe too hot though it’s gonna burn thepancake but usually the first pancakeyou makewill get burned regardless so we’regoing to start cooking right now put thepan on get the oillet’s get goingthe first one we’re gonna make reallysmall because it’s gonna probably getscrewed up so just a trial onebut we’ll still eat it don’t worry guysi made a couple mistakes here one toomuch oilso i got to reduce the oiland too much egg it’s too fluffy andit’s a little too burnt butthat’s okay i’ll still set it to theside and we can eat it so give me asecond let’s make the next one[Music]that whatalmost it’s almost done you got almostdone hereokayall right this one is much better i’mgonna set this one down next to theother one and thenwe’ll cook one more maybe a little bitsmall but i have to get the batter offthe bowlbut this one looks a lot better it’sstill too fluffy because i put too muchegg i should have put water in it butuh it’s okay for today[Music]this one is a little bit better thefirst one is terrible second one’s okaythis one isit’s not as circular but it’s going tobe okayso american pancakes are done now it’stime for the bunseolet me show you the ingredients[Music][Music]but i’m hoping this is going to come outbetter than my american pancakebecause i like both i like i’m tale anduhhow are you saying thank you like buttonme i don’t know comebeat i’m gonna chop up the vegetablesfirst get these all readyand then i’ll start dealing with theother things very soon but let’s chopthe vegetables uplet’s try to make it pretty but i’mgonna use thisi don’t know the name and thing be itbut iyeah let’s chop the vegetables up[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]you guys can see all the vegetables arecut up right now this is an essentialpart so now i’m going to make thebansayo batter similar to what i madewith the the pancakethe american pancake but with bansayo ithink it’s rice flourand corn starch i could be mistaken buti don’t believeit’s flour flour so it’s gluten free ifyou have celiac disease it’s a goodalternativeso now this is the banso batter ban sayoa whole lot in vietnam and i love loveban sayo but i’m not actually sure howto cook itthankfully on the back it has directionsall right so we have the first onejot him look litokayall right uhyeah ding n okay so stir flour withwaterso 1 to like 1.25okay got it i got the bowl and i got thewater to save me some cleaning you guysbecause where i livecleaning takes forever i’m just going touse the same bowl so this is one cup ofwater i need a little bit more water nota cup it’s a bowl of water but i need alittle bit more hold onall right the extra water and now i’mgoing to fill this up with abonsaio mix yeahhere’s the button sail mix here’s thewaterlet’s mix it up[Music]you guys can see right now i’ve nevercooked bun sale i’ve watched on theinternetlike how to cook a whole bunchi think i need more flour because when iput my hand in here i can feel theclumps butthere’s no more clumps now and uh yeahit needs more flouryou guys can tell me in the commentsection if it’s supposed to be reallyliquidy like this buti don’t think it should be so i’m gonnaadd more flouri’m a little confused right now becauseit’s i added a lot more flour to itand uh yeahso i’m actually gonna cook one just fora test and see how it is because thefire’s already started it’s not gonnatake much time but if i have to add moreflour to it i can add more flour solet’s do a test run first[Music]see you guys uh it’s a little bit thicki was expecting iti was actually expecting to be quitewatery but we’re on the the right tracki’m going to leave it as it is because ifeel i’m going to screw it up if i addany more to itbut i got to cook the shrimp now andwe’re going to get startedso we need the shrimp we got to cook thebean sprouts and then we’re gonna cooksome more stuffand then we’ll hopefully have a decentbonsai very soonall right back though holy[Music]soi just need a second the smoke you knowi started filming this at likealready at like 6 a.m 5 30 a.m becauseit’s been so hot in vietnam and i’m justmy shirt is completely wet from sweatbut i need that to fire cool down andthen we’re going to start cooking theactual bun saleyeah okay give me a secondall right guys now it’s the moment oftruth let’s start cooking the bansayo upi just got this you guys hopefully it’sgoing to help me out quite a biti’m gonna let it cook for a second ithink i have too much oil butuh well we have another chance to makeitohthat’s what we got so far let’s makeanother oneyes[Music]ohright here is the final product let meget a nice close-up for you guys we’regoing to be trying it very verysoon[Music]look at that oh and i forgot since i’mby myself todaysoupsix is going to be eating monsanamerican pancakes with mebut she’s quite carnivorous and shedoesn’t really like to eat anything butmeatbut we’ll see if she likes one or the[Music]otherso soupsick wants to catch lizards rightnow and she’s being a little bit uhdifficult i’m going to try with americanbun meright now soupsick[Music]long[Music]not american but me but uh americanpancakesshe ate it wow soup chicken yeah we havebanzai vietnam[Music]sickokay so it looks like monsanto vietnamand uh ban mewith soupsick50 50. we got an even score so i’m gonnalet soups it goes i know you guys liketo see soup stick in my videos but rightnow she is going crazy because there’slizards all over the placeso i’m gonna let soups to go so supersick among you come onyeah what okay and then soupsickbale all right soupsick diddy doody nono nodee dee dee dee sam roy coleman yeahyeahokay so this is all the food that wehave here you guysi’m gonna do a couple of variations onhow to try thembut first off i want to make adisclaimeramerican pancakes i know how to cooki’ve cooked a lotbut sayo i’ve never cooked in my lifei’ve eaten so much in vietnam becauseit’s very delicious foodand if you’re not vietnamese i highlyencourage you to try bunseo wherever youlive in the world and if you come tovietnamyou gotta try bunseo it’s super good anddon’t let my videodiscourage you but i don’t think it’sthat badso the thing is with american pancakesit’s usually a breakfast itemand we have something sweet with it uhthe bunseo which i’m not going to liftup because i feel like it’s going tofall apartis not really a sweet dish so there’skind of a difference alreadyit’s comparing what you say like applesand orangesyeah so apples and oranges so you caneat pancakeswith honey maple syrup sugar chocolateit doesn’t really matter just somethingsweet but i’m gonna try it as it isright now[Music]okay i’m a little embarrassed to admitthisbut it doesn’t taste like an americanpancake whatsoeverput too much oil and taste it the salt’sfinethere’s too much egg so it has an eggconsistency umso eating plain pancakes as it is notvery good so i try to mask the flavorwow that was actually not very good sothe bunseoso with the bunseo for my vietnameseaudienceit’s a little too thickbutokayit’s not that bad it still has a bansoflavorbut it could use some improvement thebatter is a little thick and you cantaste itbut if i already eat these alone rightnow i would eat the bonsai over theamerican pancake because i have to putsomething else on this to make it tastebetter butthe oil tastes almost like a pastrysoup sticks attacking a lizard okay nowlet’s try it with some condiments allright i got some condiments or extrastuff that i’m going to put onthe american pancakes and bonsai vietnami got some honey for the americanpancakes you can use maple syrupsugar chocolate berries bananasi don’t know jams you can use a lot ofstuff he’s a breakfast dishand for the bun sale i have nook momand i know in the comments section i’mgoing to be like dustin you’re notsupposed to eat banzai with nook momit needs to be the sauce i don’tremember thetingling viet for the sauce i don’t knowlike maybeit’s like sale but it’s different it hasmom have sugar maybe some vinegarsoup sicksoup ohokay soups not interested but i know inthe comments section i’m gonna get lotsof comments about this you guysi just realized this afterwards andi’m too tired to go to the store rightnow because i feel like i got lungcancer from all smoke i was breathing inso please forgive me you guysplease please forgive me i forgot thatsolet’s try the american pancakes with thehoneyall right with the honey hopefully ittastes better because it wasn’t verygood just plainit’s better because honey is good butthere’s stilltoo much oil because uhthe oil flavor and the egg it has toomuch of an egg textureso on a scale of one to ten soups itgave it a 10which is pretty good let me do it let medo another bitefor an american pancake i’d give it asix umit’s not bad i haven’t eaten anythingtoday and i feel like i’m dying of smokeinhalationbut umit’s not that great but don’t worry youguys i’m not gonna waste the foodthere’s a ton of dogs that live aroundhere and i will eat more of it i justgotta put more honey on itokay now for the bun saleso for the bansaio and nook momthat’s a lot of momohit’s actually not that bad umfor which one is better clear winnerit’s the bun salebutton sale in general has a morecomplex flavor than american pancakebut i wanted to show you guys acomparison i know i made maybe like onetwo mistakes when i cooked the bun salemaybe threebut it’s still it’s actually stillpretty goodum new huhthere’s something sharp that actuallycut my mouth umyeah bunsen is much betteri know even just with nook mom it’sstill not that badif i were to try if i were to have somemy vietnamese friends try iti don’t know it depends who would askbut uhi don’t know i think they would say it’sokay or bad the vietnamese standards forbunsen are quite highas a foreigner my standards are maybe alittle bit lowerbut one more piece noah okayoh mombut it’s really not that bad mine is toomuch nick mombut you guys overall todaydespite cooking outside which is alittle bit difficulti think the clear winner today is thebanseocome here so yeahokay so the clear winner todaybecause i forgot what i was saying soupstick umbut yeah i’m gonna eat a little bit moreand i’m gonna eat with soup stick okayi’m gonna let soupsit goright go get the lizard soupsikokayokay um i don’t i don’ti don’t know what to say anymore but ihope you guysenjoyed this video i need to take ashower i need to breathe some fresh airbecause i probably have lung cancer nowi’m going to eat more of this if youguys like this video make sure tosubscribe leave a comment share thevideodefinitely appreciate that if you guyslike soupstick too umsoupsick will hopefully be more videosof minebut for you guys have a great daytake care and don’t be it i need to washmy clothesokay bye you guys

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