Pancakes Recipes

팬케이크 만드는법을 영어로 배웠어요!~ Making Pancakes!

국립국제교육원 영어교육센터의 두 선생님~
이남영 연구사님과 Kylie 원어민 선생님께서 짬뽕 팬케이크를 만들어주셨는데요… 영어로 배운 팬케이크는 과연 어떨까요?
누구나 쉽게 만들 수 있는 팬케이크 따라해보세용~~!
어린이는 불조심!

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Video Transcription

hello everyone I’m Kylie I dunnoand today we’re back for a new videoabout banking yeah so this is the firstof a series of two videos so today we’remaking western pancakes Western pancakesare very sweet but in our next videowe’re going to make a Korean stylepancakes suck so make sure you tune infor our next video we’re gonna make fourdifferent kinds of pancakes today rightso we’re gonna make plain pancakes thingjust regular pancakes we’re gonna makechocolate chip pancakesfunfetti pancakes right do you know what funfettiis so fun if any is a kind of play onwords for any paper you throw inthe eternity celebration but you usesprinkles and you put them inside somefood that you cook so usually we havefunfetti cake and finally we’re going tomy favorite pancakes[Music]so we’re gonna get started makingpancakes is very easy because we alreadybought pancake mix pink Aggie cuz we’relately so the first thing that you needto put in is you need to put in threeeggs we use three pancake mixes and onepancake mix each in one egg so threeeggs okay so we put in three eggs thenext thing we need is milk now we testedthis recipe yesterday me and Shahanathat’s hana flushable Shahana it and wenoticed that the recipe there wasn’tenough milk inside so we’re going to addsome extra money[Music]oh this looks fantastic good mmmmy mother would be proud of you okay sonow that our batter is prepared whereyou start by making just regularpancakes we have our burners here andour pans we’re gonna put butter insidefor making these pancakes okay right soour butter is melting which is fantasticand we’re gonna take the scoop you canmake one or two pancakes it’s up to youhowever you want to ever mini one meOh amazingI thought amazing that’s okayokay so the next thing thinks we’regoing to make our chocolate chippancakes so we’re going to start theexact same way we make our regularpancakes we have our butter we’re goingto spread it around you already have alot of butter so too much mix you’regonna make I guess a long cake that’sright and you’re gonna let it cook andas it’s cooking here and take somechocolate chips put them on the pancakelike this now don’t do like this wherethey’re too close together because it’llbe too chocolatey do like that one oh[Music]this is like a like this is like aperfect pancake it looks beautifulare you sure yeah cuz look at it it’slike a circle like the perfect amount ofchocolate chips alright so now that wefinish our chocolate chip pancakes we’regonna move on to funfetti so you’regonna have sprinkles like this and justlike we did with the chocolate pancakesyou’ll just put them inside so exactlythe same we got our butter we have ourbatter right and you’re just gonna takesome sprinkles hereoh yes it looks really colorful looksreally good yeah you look like beadsabout you think are you sure if you wantto go really crazy you can put somechocolate chips in this one a hybrid youdon’t want to cook too much on the sidewith the chocolate because then it’sgoing to make your pan kind of grosswhich you can see over here so you cansee that the chocolate is kind ofmelting so we’ll have to clean that upbefore we get to the blueberries inKoreaI’m very expensive so we got frozenblueberries an important thing if you’regoing to use frozen blueberries they’lltaste delicious don’t worry but you needto make sure you don’t put frozenblueberries directly into your pancakebecause all the water inside theblueberry is going to go out in yourpancakes won’t cook properly so Shyvanavery carefully made sure that these arenot frozen anymoreso that we can use them and they’regonna taste thank you Shabana so exactlythe same like we’ve done for everysingle batch of Pancakes we’re going toget the batter Shabana added a littleextra milk for these so they’re probablygonna be a little bit more in we’regonna put these in just like thesprinkles I’m gonna make just a blue butI’m curious about your ultimate pancake[Music][Music][Music][Music]we did it yeah thanks for watching ourvideo make sure you like and subscribeand in the comments below let us knowwhich k-keep is your favorite or whatkind of pain excuse mewe look for anything from you good byebye make sure to tune in for part twowhere we get to make Korean paintingskimchi done and cut them it’ll bedelicious too[Music][Music][Music]your husband’s gonna watch this and he’sgonna be like picked him[Music]

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