Pancakes Recipes


Another what I ate in a day video because I knew you loved the last one and lets be honest, were all at home eating a LOT! Hopefully these recipes are easy to follow and can give you some ideas on what to eat.

#whatieatinaday #easyrecipes #soufflepancakes








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Video Transcription

good morning guys today I’m gonna befilming ain’t never what I eat in a daybecause let’s be honest that’s whatwe’re all doing now okay okay yeah I’mgonna make pancakes on cupcakes I’mgonna make Japanese a souffle pancakeswhich I’ve met twice now so you give methat I’ve made twice and the rebirthquite successful but I’m hoping thatthis third time will be even betterbecause there’s obviously trial anderrorand now I know how to do certain thingsa bit better and also I like foodshopping yesterday so I feel like I’mtoo spoilt for choiceI don’t actually know what I’m going toeat today because there’s a lot of foodin the fridge it’s jam-packed even myfreezer is like bursting but that meansit’s a good thing because it means Idon’t have to leave my flat for probablylike 10 days or maybe a week to go getfood or anything and if I need certainthings like milk or you know smalllittle essentials and I just walk to thecorner shop with Aidan and we just getit from there and we like students youknow I hope with all local smallbusiness and get milk and bread and eggsor whatnot I’m not me doing my big shopat the supermarket and I did thatyesterday while I didn’t wasn’t here sowe’ve got food in the flat right now inthe fridge and it’s now 11:00 a.m. we’regonna start cooking myself somebreakfast I didn’t have breakfast thismorning I was washing my hair I boughtmy star we cook itkick why is she doing just likestretching on me she’s not trying to getmy attention and I got him some toastokay yesterday so I’m gonna make my heythat thing’s like this yes Hello Kittyyeah gravity maybe coffee I foundmaybe she does yes sir yeah nothing whatI eat in a day video and you guys seemto like it don’t know what I’m gonnacook it’s gonna be surprised I’m justgonna girl off as I thought also I’mtrying to do intermittent fasting I knowthat’s the usual time to start eating iscoffee and but I’m gonna ease myselfinto it I’m not gonna stop myself andthen wait until 12:00 and the reason forthat is I’ve noticed that in themornings going to wake up I think eatingso much junk I literally eat crispsleftover cake if I made a cake oranything um what else do I need biscuitschocolate all flat for my breakfast andI’m just like that cannot go on anylongerI think it’s literally just comforteating this when I wake up and have acup of tea I don’t have a properbreakfast I just pick up things and yeahit’s not great so I’m hoping that 11a.m. is my new kind of like breakfastlunch time I can eat a decent meal eatsomething more substantial and you knowjust be a bit better in my eatingDepartment I bought these flowers frommyself yesterday there were three poundsfrom Sainsbury’s such a bargain becausethey’re actually really pretty and youget two four two four six eight tenartists for three pounds that is reallyreally good I’ve decided that for mybook first I have this avocado that’sbeen in the fridge for maybe about aweek now so definitely needs to be eatenit’s kind of soft so I’m gonna eat thatI’m gonna do is toast these air wraps inmy pan I’m gonna put avocado inside init I’m gonna put some black 2 3 cheeseon top so it melts and it creates kindof like a yes Valerieam I talking to you out oh I’m sorryyeah apparently I’m talking too loud soyeah I’m just gonna melt cup togetherand create a little bit first and thenyour Valley okay thenI’ve got a ready and my nectarine ass along side so that’s what I’m gonna havefor lunch[Music][Applause][Applause][Applause]this is my lunch lunch whatever you wantto call it 11 a.m. food I bet this onething of it but it’s actually quite niceI like oh my thighs I like burnt food itlooks really tastydoes a melted cheese drama sir and thenI’ve got my nectarine yeah welcome themelted cheese crispy on onemmm definitely is so much but I meanit’s more crispy – cheese soufflepancakes I have my ingredients no doubthere it is gonna help me so he’s justgetting his little chair yeah I need tolook at my own recipe cos 29 grams oh hiJimmysir get your spoon this way that’s likewe need some flour 29 fun yep sounds alittle bit more oh ma let me have a look29 little bit more I need to get someelectric skills hudred OhI have 29 grams of flour all-purposeflour 20 grams of sugar a tablespoon ofmilk 1/2 a teaspoon of baking powder 3egg whites and 2 egg yolks so what I’mgoing to do is the sugar goes in withthe egg whites those need to be whippedand then these needs to be combined sothe baking powder the powder flour themilk and the egg yolks need to becombinedhonestly whisking egg whites is my newguilty pleasure is so satisfying[Music]you actually just finished making myJapanese souffle pancakes I don’t knowwhy they’re kind of like display I thinkyou guys saw how thick and fat therewere in the pan but soon as you takethem out and deflate it still tastesreally goodwhy do you like fluffy in the middleegging me onI’ve got beating the reason why at theseplaces maybe our whip – my egg whitesthere’s too much air so when it cooksthat air rises but then as soon as Itake the lid off and plate it up they’rejust like if I threw it and then it goesback down so maybe you just got backfrom a walk and last night I madecoconut pudding so I’m gonna have itsnack I’m actually not gonna bid but ifdinner time soon it’s dinner time inabout an hour’s time[Music]I used an almond milk instead of normalmilk normally I use know kind of likewhole milk I was gonna and try it I’mloading up for a long time because I’mnot to earth intolerant so normal milkactually if I eat too much of it getsmr. mcquewick almond milk is just asgood mmm II didn’t actually doesn’t likethis he doesn’t like to cut enoughflavor but I do I know some more for meall to myselfyou try it it’s nice it sweetieif spectacle nut tryevery I am Kinga bit like ice cream you know why don’tyou watch him five more minutes okay I’mwatching your fern and a nutterso for dinner I’ve decided to make thissteak which I thought yesterday is thisgonna be the meat portion of the dinnerI’m gonna slice it up and then I havethis no food I need to cook because it’sgonna go out of date in a few days maybelike yeah a couple of days so I need toeat this and then I’m gonna make anoodle base but I have it with tomatoesand egg as well so this is all kind oflike a mishmash but I’m sure it’s gonnawork and I need some spring onions aswell 2x I’m just gonna scramble andprovide them with a bit off right I ridea yeah you know Fido yes you do FisherChinese yeah just bump a little thatisn’t the same pan I’m just gonna put inmy tomato and spring onion I’m onlygonna put half of the split ends inbecause I’m going to use to have to I’mgoing to just start find this until it’slike nice and soft gonna add in somewater to create a sauce I honestly justeyeball itso does no set amount that is boilingI’m gonna squirt in some ketchup like Isaid there’s no set amount and let mejust do like a big square a dash of Gand lemonsjust a tiny bit of salt so that is nottasteless in banter sugarhello me just put in like maybe like ateaspoon the Manion on let that simmerput a steak on one side and then now I’mgonna put four eggs into the tomato andthen skip a little stirkind of like mix it up and that’s allvery low heat so that’s just gonna skimup keep it simmering[Applause][Applause][Music][Applause]underneath but I have noodles in themiddle I have egg and tomato and thenhave side tofu and steak I like my steakmedium-rare but I’m four aaden’s I’vedone it extra well-doneI just kind of like cut up and then weheated this so he’s got tofu steak eggtomato and noodles as well the same butnot spring onions because if he seesspring onions on his food he’s not goingto eatso this sprinter Nunes hidden inside theegg and tomatoI haven’t had steak in so long kind ofbook on why it tastes like it’s notyucca show me support I start eatingthis I wanna say thank you for watchingthis video and hope you enjoyed it ifyou want more let me know leave me acomment and I’ll see you in my nextvideo bye guys[Music]

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